Plantar fasciitis – what is it, what causes it and how to treat it?

Plantar fasciitis is quite a common orthopedic disease, manifested primarily by pain in the heel area. Although bothersome, it is fairly easy to heal, provided that there is an adequate response and adherence to therapeutic recommendations.

What is plantar fasciitis?

The plantar fascia is an elongated structure of tightly dense connective tissue that extends between the calcaneal tumor and the toes. Its task is to keep the longitudinal arch of the foot in the right shape, as well as to absorb the pressures experienced by the foot while walking and running.

On a daily basis, we do not realize how heavy the foot loads are when moving. It is estimated that 110% of body weight acts on the heel when walking. Running can put pressure on a level of up to 200% of your body weight.

All this makes the feet susceptible to injuries caused by overload. The site of attachment of the plantar fascia to the heel tumor turns out to be particularly critical. Microdamages of collagen fibers often occur, which can cause their necrosis. Although the name of plantar fasciitis suggests that the disease is related to the development of inflammation, it is actually rather a degenerative process in the plantar fascia tissue.

The causes of plantar fasciitis

The main cause of plantar fasciitis is overloading the heel area. They can be caused by the following factors:

  1. intense running – this condition often affects runners and other athletes,
  2. long-term standing, e.g. as a result of work,
  3. obesity,
  4. wearing improper footwear for a long time, such as high-heeled shoes or sneakers with a completely flat sole.

It is also worth knowing that various defects in the foot structure can increase the tension that arises and thus cause plantar fasciitis. This most often happens with:

  1. longitudinal flat feet,
  2. the so-called hollow foot,
  3. abnormalities in the position of the hindfoot.

People over 45 are more likely to suffer from plantar fasciitis, because then the collagen fibers lose their elasticity and it is easier to damage them.

To reduce the pain associated with fasciitis, we recommend the Remove Ring Heel Spurs, available from Medonet Market.

Plantar fasciitis – symptoms

The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is pain in the heel area. It appears when you get up in the morning or when you take your first steps after sitting for a long time, it can be “broken up”, but it reappears at the end of the day or after intense exercise. Swelling with plantar fasciitis may occur especially in the more advanced stages of the disease.

In inflammation of the plantar fascia, it is worth reaching for the OS1st FS6 compression bandage for the heel spur and ankle joint, which you can buy in black, flesh-colored or white. The band reduces inflammation and swelling, supports microcirculation and can be used during the day and at night.

Plantar fascia diagnosis

If we observe the above-mentioned symptoms and they do not disappear spontaneously after a few days, it is a signal that an orthopedic visit is necessary. He can diagnose plantar fasciitis after identifying the specific site of soreness, but additional X-rays or ultrasound are often ordered to determine the extent of tissue damage and the appropriate treatment.

Treatment of plantar fasciitis

In the first place, preferably after the first symptoms appear, relieve the painful foot, take care of ergonomic footwear and stop training. This may prevent the damage from worsening, which then may require longer rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation exercises are an important part of the treatment of plantar fasciitis. They involve stretching the aponeurosis and adjacent muscles. You can also massage the affected areas, e.g. with a tennis ball. Cold ice packs or cooling gel can relieve pain. Special, computer-selected orthopedic insoles can help in rehabilitation. The heel spur is very common as a result of plantar fasciitis, so in the case of inflammation and prophylactically, we recommend orthopedic insoles for FootWave spurs or Gel heels for pain in the heel and FootWave SOFTY spurs.

Physiotherapists also frequently use taping for plantar fasciitis. It is a method based on the use of special plasters that reduce the tension in the affected areas.

Ultrasound treatment is another effective method. On average, three sessions are enough to cure the ailment.

Supportive in the treatment of plantar fasciitis, you can use compression socks for the ankle joint and heel spurs OS1st FS4 available in black or gray at Medonet Market.

More serious cases require pharmacological treatment. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used, and if the pain is severe, the doctor may inject a blockade for plantar fasciitis. In extreme situations, the only way out is surgical intervention, although it carries the risk of various side effects and a relatively small chance of full recovery.

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