Plantar fasciitis and the heel spur

Plantar fasciitis and the heel spur

La Plantar Fasciitis is a foot injury caused by a stretching or a ruptured plantar fascia, a fibrous membrane that runs from the heel bone to the base of the toes. This membrane constitutes, in a way, the “floor” of the foot. About 1% of the population has it.

This condition manifests itself mainly by a heel pain. Those are the athletes who are most often affected by it, because they stress all the structures of their feet more frequently and intensely.

When such a problem arises, it is important to reduce physical activity and have adequate care. Otherwise, the fasciitis is likely to get worse. People who have suffered from it once retain a fragility.

Remark. This affection is also calledaponeurosis plantar. The term fascia is synonymous with fascia.


Either of the circumstances following may be the cause.

  • The practice of sports without preparation adequate muscles and tendons, or without equipment adequate. Running or jogging, jumping, team sports (volleyball, etc.), skiing, tennis, aerobic dancing, and training on a staircase simulator are some of the most common physical activities. more at risk;
  • Obesity. This is a significant risk factor for plantar fasciitis, especially because being overweight often increases tension in the muscle chain behind the legs. These tensions are reflected on the feet;
  • The port of shoes which provide poor support for the arch and the heel, resulting in a biomechanical imbalance. This is particularly the case for shoes whose soles or heels are too hard, as well as those whose buttresses which are too soft do not sufficiently stabilize the heels;
  • The hollow feet or flat feet ;
  • Prolonged walking or standing on hard surfaces.

Furthermore, we know that the aging normal plantar fascia makes it more susceptible to tears. Indeed, the fascias lose their flexibility with age.

Physiologically, plantar fasciitis is a reflection of inflammation of the plantar fascia (the suffix ite means inflammation). This fascia covers and protects the tendons as well as other deep structures of the foot. It helps to maintain the foot arch. Inflammation appears as a result ofwear of the fascia. If it is too much or badly used, micro-tears or larger lesions may appear.

The heel spur, a consequence of plantar fasciitis

Since the foot is constantly challenged by standing and walking, the pain risk of persisting if nothing is done to correct the situation.

Over time, a heel spine, also called Lenoir’s thorn, may appear (see diagram). About half of people who suffer from plantar fasciitis also have a heel spur.

Definition of heel spur

This is a small bone growth which forms where the plantar fascia meets the heel bone (the calcaneus). This growth is formed because the bone must organize itself to better resist the tendon which “pulls” more. The outgrowth allows it to support this increased tension. It is also called calcaneal exostosis.

In very rare cases, theheel spur forms a bone growth large enough that you can feel it under the skin. It can then create local pressure to the point that it has to be excised. Most often, the pain that was once associated with this growth is actually explained by the inflammation of the fascia. Most of the time, when this is healed, the Lenoir spine remains, but does not cause pain.

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