
In Latin, the name of this plant means “sole of the foot.” We know this herb as plantain, which actually follows a person wherever he goes. At least, this plant “came” from Europe to the homeland of the Indians and Maori tribes behind the footsteps of a white man.

General characteristics

Think all plantains are the same? You are deeply mistaken! Biologists say there are at least 250 varieties of this plant. Most of them are “registered” in the temperate latitudes of the two hemispheres. But there are plantains that feel best in the tropics. Also, not all plants of this family have the same life expectancy. Many of them are perennials, but there are also annuals. For example, in the Western Mediterranean, South America and in the west of Asia, hare and Lusitanian plantains of the same year are “found”. But if you manage to see the plantain in the deserts of northern Africa, then there it will be a shrub with linear leaves collected in a bunch, and with capitate inflorescences. Biologists call this variety Mauritanian. In the Atlantic, South America and Europe, coasters have taken root. Some of them consider the shores of lakes, ponds and sea coasts to be their home, others feel more comfortable in regularly flooded places. Another amazing member of the family, the bougiera, is found in the Andes in southern Peru, northern Argentina and Bolivia.

Almost all varieties are wind-pollinated, although insects also play an important role in this process. Some varieties of this grass have become accustomed to bees and flies. For example, they pollinate the lanceolate plantain. Interestingly, insects sit only on inflorescences that still have pollen. By the way, some varieties of butterflies use plantains as food.

But wherever plantain grows, the ovoid leaves of this herb tend to cling to the ground. Thanks to this structure of the bush, it is protected from damage – even if someone steps on it, the plant will not break. Another feature of the grass is the ability to hold large reserves of moisture under it. And again, the grass achieves this effect due to the special structure of the bush – the soil under the leaves always remains wet. Thus, plantains survive even in the most severe drought and even where other plants die.

Useful Properties

This inconspicuous plant, which grows everywhere and always literally remains under our feet, is in fact an extremely useful medicinal herb. Plantain is rich in many substances useful to humans. It contains vitamins A, C, K, some amino acids, potassium, calcium, phytoncides. Interestingly, plantain is a rich source of tannins. The concentration of these compounds in grass is almost the same as in oak. And the seeds of the plant are full of omega acids.

How were plantain treated in ancient times

Plantain as a medicinal plant is mentioned in ancient Greek, Chinese, Roman writings. The ancient Egyptians used it to prepare balms, ointments, resins, potions, lotions. Many of these recipes have survived to this day along with ancient papyri. The beneficial properties of plantain were immortalized with their cuneiform writing on clay tablets by the Sumerians.

It would be strange if Chinese medicine ignored psyllium. Back in 2006, this plant, along with more than one and a half thousand others, was inscribed in the first Chinese herbal book. Oriental doctors often used this plant to heal many ailments. For example, the Chinese used a decoction of plantain to eliminate blood from the urine. And today, this method of treatment has found its scientific explanation: plantain is an effective herbal remedy against inflammation in the genitourinary system. Another interesting use of this medicinal herb in China is to improve male fertility and stimulate sperm production. But the Indians, who have already been mentioned, after meeting with plantain, also included it in the list of the most useful plants.

Inhabitants of the American continent treated snake bites and neuritis of the facial nerve with this herb.

The healers of ancient India used about 750 plants for treatment. One of them is plantain. As a remedy, this herb was used in the Arab countries, it was known to Hippocrates and the ancient Roman doctors Aulus Cornelius Celsus and Dioxorides. And in 1073, this plant was captured in the Izbornik of the Grand Duke Svyatoslav Yaroslavich. It is worth saying that in Rus’, plantain, as one of the most accessible plants, was used for a variety of ailments. Since the time of Peter the Great, this plant has been supplied to pharmacies.

Modern use in medicine

Plantain has been successfully used for centuries in folk and official medicine in different countries of the world. The plant extract has many beneficial properties. It has been used since ancient times as:

  • anesthetizing;
  • antiseptic;
  • hemostatic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • diuretic;
  • sedative;
  • astringent;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antitumor.

Thanks to aucubin, a detoxifying agent found in the sap of the plant, psyllium is useful for cleansing the liver. In ancient times, it was used for hemorrhoids, malaria, inflammatory diseases of the urinary organs. A decoction of the leaves is useful for diarrhea, dysentery, inflammation of the intestines, indigestion and poisoning, and inflammation in the kidneys. And alcohol infusion helps to lower blood pressure.

In addition, psyllium has tonic properties, which makes it useful for chronic fatigue. It also helps with cardio diseases such as heart failure, arrhythmia, cardioneurosis.

For the treatment of drug addiction, seeds are used, from which a mucous decoction is prepared. Also, psyllium seeds are useful for taming excessive appetite, they are used to prepare preparations for weight loss and improve intestinal motility.

Decoctions and water infusions from plantain leaves effectively treat diseases of the digestive organs. In particular, gastritis, enteritis, enterocolitis, heal ulcers in the stomach and intestines.

American researchers have long and carefully studied the healing properties of this herb. And back in 2003, they authoritatively stated: plantain will help in the treatment of cancer. Experiments conducted by researchers have shown that an extract obtained from plantain leaves inhibits the activity of cancer cells. In particular, scientists have suggested that psyllium may be effective for treating malignant tumors in the bladder, bone tissue, liver, cervix, lungs, and stomach. In addition, there are positive results in the use of roadside plant extract in relieving herpes.

In homeopathy, this plant is known as a remedy for toothache, ear infections, and even as a potion for depression. The plant extract is included in preparations for flatulence, colitis, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, and is also used for poisoning with salts of heavy metals and to improve the condition during radiation therapy.

Skin Benefits

In folk recipes, plantain is mentioned as a cure for skin rashes, acne, and lichen. By the way, for the treatment of skin diseases, plantain is the best medicine that no other medicinal plant can compare with. For healing wounds, especially festering ones, there is no better natural medicine than psyllium juice. With anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, this herb will clear the damage of germs and speed up healing.

With insect bites, it is important to remember the plantain in time. It is enough to attach a crushed leaf of grass to the bite site to pull the sting of a wasp or other insect out of the wound. Some argue that even small pieces of glass can be pulled out in this way. The same phytomedicine will help with bites of snakes and other poisonous representatives of the fauna – plantain juice will effectively draw poison out of the wound. For mosquito bites, the leaves of this herb will help get rid of swelling and itching. But the benefits for the skin don’t end there. Plantain juice will also effectively relieve pain and burning sensations received after contact with nettle, cow parsnip, poison ivy.

As a rule, swelling, redness, itching and burning disappear within 10-15 minutes after treatment with plantain compresses. But in especially severe cases, leaf gruel or juice compresses will have to be applied to the sore spot every 4 hours.

Respiratory benefits

The leaves of this herb are known as a remedy for cough, respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, tuberculosis, pleurisy, upper respiratory tract diseases. For the treatment of these diseases, as a rule, infusions or decoctions of fresh herbs are used.

Bulgarian researchers have scientifically confirmed that plantain is an effective medicine for chronic bronchitis. And German experts consider this plant one of the most useful for treating cough in young children.

Medicinal decoction is prepared from both fresh and dried herbs. Take either a tablespoon of dry raw materials or 5 fresh leaves per glass of boiling water. Bring to a boil and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. As a rule, a little honey and lemon are added to the finished tea, which enhance the healing properties of the decoction.

Several recipes from traditional healers

For digestion

With indigestion and intestinal disorders, a decoction of plantain leaves will help. For 250 ml of boiling water, you will need 3 teaspoons of chopped fresh herbs. The infusion is kept for at least 8 hours, after which it is taken three times a day before a meal in a tablespoon.

For constipation

If plantain seeds (5 teaspoons) are poured with boiling water (250 ml) and insisted for at least an hour, you will get an effective remedy for constipation. It should be taken before eating. The usual dosage for adults is 2 teaspoons.

With colds

As already mentioned, plantain tea is an effective medicine for coughs and colds. To enhance the healing capabilities of the drink, in addition to roadside grass, you can add coltsfoot leaves, raspberry leaves and berries, honey to the decoction. The same remedy is useful for lowering body temperature.

From nicotine addiction

To combat addiction, a decoction of plantain leaves is useful. It is recommended to drink this tea three times a day.


And although the plantain is called a medicinal plant, it is able to treat many diseases, but in some cases it can itself cause or exacerbate the disease. In particular, one of the contraindications to the treatment of plantain is the increased acidity of the stomach. This plant can also be potentially dangerous for people prone to excessive blood clotting and pathological blood clots.

How and when to prepare

For further use for medicinal purposes, plantain leaves are best suited, collected in early spring, until the grass has spiked inflorescences. At this time, the leaves are still full of life-giving juice, later it will go into inflorescences.

Not all varieties of plantain are suitable for herbal medicine. A large plantain has pronounced healing properties, which is easily recognizable by its large ovoid leaves.

Other uses

The flea plantain, which “occupied” the territory from the Mediterranean Sea to India, is known as a raw material for the production of silk, cotton fabric, and glossy colored paper.

Since ancient times, this plant has been used in cooking. From fresh young leaves in Rus’, salads were prepared, they were added to soups. Healthy teas were brewed from dried herbs, and the seeds were added to dishes as a spice. Today, plantain is used in some countries to make ice cream.

What to cook from plantain

Fresh green salad

The easiest way to prepare a salad is from fresh young greens. In addition to plantain, you can add sorrel, spinach, lettuce, young nettles, green onions, boiled eggs. Oil and lemon juice or mayonnaise are used as dressings.

Unusual cutlets

Grind potatoes boiled in uniforms, add egg and flour to it. Separately, mix ground beef, fried onions, chopped plantain leaves, salt, pepper and other spices. From the potato mass form a cake, in the center of which put the meat mixture. Form pies. Dip in flour or breadcrumbs and fry in oil.

Kefir cocktail

In a blender, mix kefir, chopped plantain and parsley leaves, walnuts and honey. Whisk thoroughly until smooth.

Spread for sandwiches

Wash plantain leaves, blanch, drain excess water. Then grind the leaves with nettle, sorrel, sorrel prepared in a similar way. Salt, add vinegar or lemon juice, season with mayonnaise. The finished mixture is suitable as a spread for sandwiches. If you add more mayonnaise to the greens, you can use it as a sauce for cereals, meat, fish, vegetables.

Interesting Facts

Despite the fact that the plantain grows safely almost all over the planet, only the British call this plant “their own”. Even in the 9th century, the Anglo-Saxons considered it sacred. By the way, they considered sacred only XNUMX of all known plants. The ancestors of modern Britons added psyllium seeds to their bread. And I must say, this was a very wise decision, since modern researchers say that the seeds contain many useful chemical compounds.

By the way, during the Inquisition, the church forbade people to use most medicinal plants for treatment. But not plantain. In the Christian tradition, this plant symbolized the path along which people go to God.

Plantain is known to all of us since childhood. It is these sinewy leaves that children rush to apply to places of bruises in order to relieve pain. And this knowledge has come to us through the ages. Today, scientists continue to explore the properties of this marvelous plant. And they find more and more evidence that the nondescript plantain still deserves to be called a healing plant, and many centuries ago the Anglo-Saxons called it sacred for a reason.

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