This game uses the same principle of conflict resolution as in the previous game («Peace Carpet»). Here, children who have quarreled will also have the right to express their emotions with the help of intonations and even go a little further — call each other names. Don’t be put off by this non-pedagogical method! After all, children will not call names with ordinary offensive words that infringe on their dignity, but with the help of special vocabulary that sounds funny and incomprehensible. For this purpose, you can use any guide to caring for indoor plants. It is advisable to have two copies of them in order to give one to the quarreling children in time. Then their quarrel will turn into such a verbal duel: “You striped Haworthia!” — “Yes, you yourself are the coleus of Blume!” “Do you know who? You are a small-leaved column!» — “And you are a red-colored stonecrop!” etc.
As you can see, such phrases really outwardly resemble name-calling, but it is difficult to hurt pride with them. Accordingly, children will be able to express their grievances with the help of intonations, and in addition, cheer themselves up using funny and unknown words that can give rise to funny images in their imagination. When you notice a final change in the guys’ mood, then offer them some interesting joint business or a constructive way to solve the problem because of which they quarreled.
Note. Often disputes and quarrels of children turn into a fight, as their vocabulary for such cases ends or one child clearly has more than another. Then the latter begins to feel like he is losing the verbal fight and translates it into a «fist fight». Here, the children will be in completely equal positions, and their “bad” vocabulary will be unusually diverse, because you will back it up with a “vegetable dictionary”. So the probability of a fight is practically reduced to zero.