Places where it is easiest to catch the Cronavirus
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Over 2 million infections in Poland and over 126 million worldwide – this is the latest balance of the COVID-19 epidemic that began over a year ago in China. How to limit the further transmission of the virus? Experts suggest where it is easiest to get infected. Check which places are better to avoid.

  1. A high probability of contracting the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus occurs while attending a church service, meeting with family and friends, or eating in the company’s canteen
  2. Scientists ranked the activities that they believed most affected the transmission of SARS-CoV-2. They also included a visit to the hairdresser and a plane trip as the most risky
  3. Do you want to live longer? Make a simple test and find out how!
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Coronavirus infection risk: places of worship

Regardless of whether you go to a mosque, temple, sanctuary or church, usually during a service you respond to the priest, sing, shake hands of other believers, receive communion at the hands of the priest. Singing loudly in service increases the risk of transmission.

People, mostly from the risk group, gather in a closed room. Religious services are linked to a number of coronavirus outbreaks. “Larger assemblies offer more opportunities for people-to-people contact and therefore pose a greater risk of coronavirus transmission,” explains the CDC in its statement.

From March 27 to April 9, there can be 1 person per 20 sq m in religious buildings. In addition, each participant of the mass should have his mouth and nose covered and keep a social distance from other people – at least 1,5 m.

See also: Coronavirus: We were afraid of gyms and cinemas, and the real problem was weddings and masses

Coronavirus infection risk: canteens and break rooms

Not all working people can work remotely. Experts warn those who are still doing their work in offices or factories to be careful with break rooms and canteens. Eating in a crowd of other people increases the risk of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus transmission – it is difficult to keep your distance, and we do not use masks when eating.

Coronavirus infection risk: family events and reunions

We all try our best to limit our meetings with family and friends, but sometimes the temptation to see each other live is stronger than safety considerations. The CDC warns, however, that small family gatherings can also contribute to the spread of the coronavirus. Dr. Anthony Fauci is of a similar opinion: One person shows up asymptomatically at a meeting, and then suddenly four or five people from that meeting become infected.

New data from the French Pasteur Institute show that the spread of the coronavirus mainly occurs within the family and among friends. According to the researchers, family gatherings and dinners carry the highest risk of ‘catching’ COVID-19.

Avoid meetings, especially with people at risk. Do not leave your home and socialize with others if you have symptoms of an infection (not only COVID-19, but also flu or a cold) or you suspect that you may be infected, for example from contact with a “positive” person.

The risk of coronavirus infection: elevators

A small, poorly ventilated space in which several people are present at the same time is a recipe for the rapid spread of infection. According to experts, the most dangerous part of the elevator are the buttons, touched by thousands of people every day. «If you touch them, remember to wash or disinfect your hands afterwards. Don’t touch your eyes, mouth and nose until you have done so »explains the CDC. If possible, choose stairs.

Other places where you are at risk of coronavirus infection

The Texas Medical Association’s COVID-19 Task Force asked doctors to rank sites and activities based on how risky they are in terms of spreading the virus. Doctors used a scale of 1 to 10 to assess risk, with 1 being the lowest level of risk and 10 being the highest. No activity was rated 10, but a few were rated 8 or 9. These included church attendance (with over 500 worshipers). In addition, the following were considered the most dangerous in the context of the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus:

  1. going out to the bar – 9
  2. events at the sports stadium – 9
  3. participation in a large concert – 9
  4. going to the cinema – 8
  5. fun in an amusement park / amusement park – 8
  6. gym exercises – 8
  7. dining at the buffet – 8.

We are currently unable to walk to these places as they are closed.

A “7” rating was awarded to activities such as visiting a hairdressing salon, eating in a restaurant, attending a wedding or funeral, traveling by plane, playing basketball and football, hugging or shaking hands when greeting.

Simple steps can help reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission – keep a distance, wear protective masks, frequently wash or disinfect your hands, and minimize interactions with other people, especially strangers. Let’s take care of ourselves and others.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Safety on the slope during an epidemic. What do you have to remember about?
  2. How to safely shop in galleries? They’ll be open again
  3. Coronavirus risk: three people, three scenarios. The BBC’s guide appeals to the imagination

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