Placenta after childbirth: what is done with the placenta
Expectant mothers do not think about how important the placenta is after childbirth. Before giving birth, they are worried about choosing a doctor and a maternity hospital, collecting necessary items and staying in the hospital. Doctors do not pay due attention to informing women in labor about this important organ.
Having a baby is a unique process. The attention of the future mother is completely focused on him. She takes care of the preparation for childbirth so that the process is successful. It is not customary to think about the importance of the placenta, so this organ remains underestimated.
The placenta after childbirth is essential for the baby
Doctors present to the woman in labor a document according to which she transfers the placenta for scientific study. After passing a signature, a woman does not delve into the essence of further medical research and consequences. In a conscientious maternity institution, the organ undergoes a histological examination, after which it is disposed of in accordance with all the rules.
What can be done with the placenta after childbirth?
Unscrupulous doctors make their own laws. They find a source in the placenta to supplement their own income. It can be sold to craft:
- Cosmetic products;
- Medicines;
- Dietary supplements.
The cost of a unique organ is extremely high. However, according to the law, such activities are strictly prohibited. This is due to the damage that needs to be done to the baby to keep the placenta fresh.
After birth, the baby retains double breathing. Only a small part of the oxygen enters through the lungs. The main volume is fed through the umbilical cord. To keep the placenta fresh and marketable, the umbilical cord must be cut off immediately. This causes the baby to have a choking attack.
To make up for the lack of oxygen, the child has no choice but to breathe through the lungs. However, they are not yet ready to fully function. To activate them, the baby takes sharp deep breaths. This helps him avoid suffocation, but it causes acute pain.
The umbilical cord must not be cut immediately after delivery. It serves as a source of oxygen for the baby.
If the umbilical cord is cut immediately, the baby will lose access to placental blood. So he loses his natural immunity, which should protect him after birth. This forces parents to resort to expensive vaccinations, vitamins and medications. To avoid such a fate, you need to discuss the childbirth process with your doctor in detail.
Disruption of the normal delivery process can harm the baby. It is advisable to take the placenta from the hospital and dispose of it yourself.