Pitchfork for digging the earth: varieties, advantages of the tool

Perhaps a digging pitchfork is not the very first element of garden equipment that comes to mind, but, nevertheless, it is an extremely useful thing in the household. Forks are indispensable when loading hay, spreading manure, shifting compost, loosening the earth and many other gardening jobs.

Tool advantages

The question of what is more convenient for digging the earth – a shovel or a digging fork, does not have a definite answer, because each gardener must try both with his own hands and make a choice on his own. However, there are several reasons to choose the second option. A garden fork is lighter than a shovel, at least because of the construction. And, therefore, when working with them, summer residents manage to do more and get less tired.

Earth almost does not stick to the teeth, unlike a shovel. In addition, the process of digging up root crops is accelerated – the earth wakes up between the teeth, and potatoes or beets can be immediately dumped into a wheelbarrow, and not picked out of the ground with your own hands. The blade of a shovel, cutting the earth, cuts everything that is in it – the same potato. When digging with a pitchfork, there will be less damaged root crops, and earthworms do not suffer.

What are the

A pitchfork is a rather diverse tool in its design. In total there are several types of pitchfork:

  • garden;
  • potato;
  • fork-shovel;
  • pointed;
  • manure;
  • harvesting;
  • for hay;
  • flower;
  • telescopic forks.

Pitchfork for digging the earth: varieties, advantages of the tool

The most versatile are the classic four-pronged so-called garden forks, with slightly curved teeth and a center of gravity shifted downwards. Due to this offset, the forks are comfortable to hold when carrying heavy loads. The stalk of a standard pitchfork is about one and a half meters long. They can do almost all garden work for the pitchfork, and therefore it is this variety that is the basis for subsequent modifications.

Forks for digging with wide flat teeth are also used for digging beds and collecting other root crops. The number of teeth in such a pitchfork can reach up to eight. Sometimes an additional handle is attached to them at the level of the groove for the handle, which makes it easier to work with the lever. Fork-shovel is a relatively new type of agricultural equipment. They have an additional fixed frame with teeth. When digging, the earth rises with one row of teeth and passes through the second, which allows you to loosen the clods with a tool, and not with your own hands.

Pitchfork for digging the earth: varieties, advantages of the tool

Pointed forks have sharp thin teeth. They can be selected for loosening light soils when applying organic fertilizers. Manure forks have a deeper bucket compared to others, which ensures that a larger amount of manure or humus is carried at a time. Harvesting forks are characterized by the presence of small metal balls at the ends of the tines. This design allows you to collect root crops from the ground without damaging them.

Separately, mention should be made of a pitchfork for harvesting hay. First of all, they are characterized by completely different teeth. They are long (up to 70 cm) and sharp, which allows you to capture more hay or straw at a time. In addition, hay pitchforks usually have a very long shank. The total length of the tool can be up to two and a half meters.

Pitchfork for digging the earth: varieties, advantages of the tool

Border or flower forks are used to work in a flower garden or flower bed. They can also be selected for loosening the soil between plantings.

 Telescopic forks allow you to adjust the length of the handle. This is also an imported novelty in our market, but the manufacturer promises a high-quality nozzle made of the best grades of steel and regulation of the handle in the range of about 20 cm.

Video “How a fork-shovel works”

This video shows how a shovel fork or ripper fork works. This type of pitchfork has an excellent effect on the soil.

Pitchfork for digging the earth: varieties, advantages of the tool

How to make your own

Making a pitchfork with your own hands is quite difficult. It is better to at least buy a metal part, and then plant it on the handle. Nevertheless, enthusiasts of making everything and everything with their own hands can find recommendations on the Internet on how to make a pitchfork. However, you will have to take into account that this is an extremely time-consuming process, and you will need a grinder, a metal drill and a welding machine. For the first option, you need to choose a high-quality steel bar with a diameter of 10 mm. It is cut into pieces 25-30 cm long future teeth.

The minimum number is 4, but a tool with seven or eight teeth is more convenient for digging. The teeth need to be slightly bent and sharpened with your own hands from one end. The crossbar to which the teeth are attached is made from a cut of a steel pipe. In the pipe, you need to drill holes according to the number of teeth, insert the teeth, weld to the crossbar. On the side of the crossbar opposite from the teeth, you need to weld a groove for inserting the handle. The shank is made of wood and turned at one end for easier connection with the groove. After the handle is inserted into the groove, it is fixed with screws.

Such pitchforks are suitable for digging the earth and harvesting potatoes.

Pitchfork for digging the earth: varieties, advantages of the tool

It is also easy to make a fork-shovel out of them with your own hands. To do this, you need to assemble another fork, with the number of teeth one less than the main forks and a square frame. To the groove for the handle at the main fork, you need to add a holder, to which the square frame of the second fork is movably attached. Due to the movable fastening, the possibility of digging is achieved. But, please note again, these are not forks for harvesting.

A simpler version of the pitchfork with your own hands can be made from wire. Steel wire with a diameter of 6-8 mm cut into pieces of thirty centimeters. Grind each piece from one end to sharpness. Weld with non-sharp ends on a steel bar, on the opposite side of the teeth, weld a groove under the handle. It can be made from a piece of old pipe.

Shank (thin bar of oak or other durable wood) to grind and sand, varnish. Insert into the groove and secure with a screw or nail. We have another garden fork ready, but because of the thin teeth they are not suitable for digging, but they can collect hay, dry tops, compost.

Pitchfork for digging the earth: varieties, advantages of the tool

Principle of use

Proper use of a fork greatly facilitates all garden work. First of all, we are talking about teeth, their strength should correspond to the task. Forks with fine teeth should not be used for digging, since at best only a slight aeration of the soil can be achieved, but there is a high risk of breaking or bending the tool. To a lesser extent, the correctness of use concerns the handle, but here, too, a shorter handle is needed for loosening, and a longer handle for carrying weights. In addition, the universal rule for agricultural implements: the length of the handle should be up to the worker’s shoulder. In this case, telescopic forks can be a salvation, which are perfect for those summer residents whose whole family loves to work in the garden with their own hands.

Video “Description of the pitchfork for digging the soil”

In this video, you can hear the description of the pitchfork for digging the soil (manual cultivator) and see the principle of their work.

Hand cultivator

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