You need to eat 80% right, and 20% allow yourself what you like. This will keep you young and cheerful for years to come, says Dr. Howard Murad, author of the Health Pitcher nutrition plan.
The famous Dr. Howard Murad is a consultant to many Hollywood stars. His nutrition plan called “Health Pitcher” is aimed not only and not so much at losing weight, but at preserving youth. What is at the core of youth? Water and cell hydration.
Water for youth
Today, there are more than 300 theories of aging, but they all agree on one thing – cells need moisture. In youth, the level of moisture in the cell is normal, but with age it decreases. Hydrated cells resist bacteria and viruses better, so as we age, when cells lose moisture, we get sick more and more. At the same time, Dr. Murad does not call for drinking more water. Its main motto is Eat Your Water, that is, “Eat water”.
How to eat water?
The basis of the diet, according to Dr. Murad, should be fresh vegetables and fruits. He explains it this way: “Eating foods rich in structured water, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, will not only help increase hydration levels, but also increase your body’s levels of antioxidants, fiber, and nutrients. If you are consuming foods that hydrate your body, you won’t need to count your glasses.”
The youthfulness of the skin and the whole organism as a whole depends on our emotional state.
In addition, the daily menu must include whole grains that help strengthen collagen fibers, fish rich in fatty acids, protein foods (cottage cheese, cheese) and the so-called “embryonic food” (eggs and beans rich in amino acids).
Simple joys
According to Howard Murad’s theory, a person’s diet should consist of 80% of the healthy foods listed above, and 20% – from pleasant pleasures (cakes, chocolate, etc.). After all, the feeling of pleasure is the key to youth and vigor. And the stress – one of the main causes of aging. “What happens when you are under stress? Wet palms, excessive sweating, high blood pressure. All this leads to a decrease in moisture levels. And besides, eating is boring and monotonous is impossible for a long time. Eventually you will break loose and start eating everything. – insists Dr. Murad.
By the way, alcohol is also included in the pleasant 20 percent of the diet. If a glass of wine helps you relax, don’t deny yourself. But, as with chocolate or ice cream, you need to know when to stop.
About sport
On the one hand, by exercising, we lose moisture. But then we build up muscles, and they are 70% water. Dr. Murad does not advise anyone to exhaust themselves with physical exertion. You can just do for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week what brings pleasure – dancing, Pilates, yoga, or, in the end, just shopping.
About cosmetics
Sadly, external care products moisturize the skin by only 20% in the epidermal layer. The remaining 80% of moisture comes from food, drink and dietary supplements. However, cosmetics are still important. If the skin is well hydrated, its protective functions are enhanced. It is better to give preference to creams with components that attract and retain moisture inside the cells. These are lecithin, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts (cucumber, aloe), oils (shea and borage seeds).
Rules of life
The youthfulness of the skin and the whole organism as a whole depends on our emotional state. Here Dr. Murad suggests following the principle Be Imperfect, Live Longer (“Be imperfect, live longer”). Trying to be perfect, we put ourselves in the framework, limit our capabilities, because we are afraid to make a mistake.
You need to be yourself in your youth – a creative and courageous person, a confident person. In addition, Dr. Murad has a theory that each of us felt happier at the age of 2-3 years. “We did not envy others, did not judge people, were not afraid of failure, radiated love, smiled at everything, – says Dr. Murad. – So – you need to remember this state, return to childhood and just be yourself.
About expert
Dr. Howard Murad, MD – dermatologist, creator of his own brand of cosmetics Dr. Murad, author of health and beauty books.