Pisces man – Virgo woman: horoscope compatibility

Signs such as Pisces and Virgo are absolutely opposite in all points of the horoscope: the location in the zodiac circle, the elements and temperaments of the signs. And the fact that they build relationships quite often only proves the popular theory that opposites attract. Let’s see how compatible Pisces men and Virgo women are, and what difficulties they may have in love and marriage.

Many astrologers believe that the compatibility of Pisces and Virgo is very controversial and at the same time curious. This opinion was formed for many reasons, and on the basis of many years of observation of the representatives of these zodiac signs.

Pisces are extremely emotional, unstable, vulnerable and impressionable. Men of this sign, oddly enough it sounds, are disposed to mood swings and like to take everything to heart. Pisces are very sensitive towards any person, and also easily understand the mood of the interlocutor in the present tense. Representatives of this sign tend to harbor grievances for a long time, and besides this, to be distant from the people around them, closing themselves off from them. However, despite these circumstances, Pisces are considered loyal and devoted friends.

Interestingly, Pisces has a very well developed intuition. Often, any predictions made by people born under the constellation Pisces come true, which greatly surprises everyone around. Representatives of this sign can easily and without any consequences get out of any life vicissitudes. They feel calm and confident in many stressful and dangerous situations in which other people find themselves out of fear and horror.

Often, women born under the sign of Virgo have a very attractive appearance and musical ear. Many ladies have excellent taste in clothes, and are also very selective about their own social circle. Virgos tend to make thoughtful decisions. Representatives of this sign are very conservative in their views. Many Virgos perceive only real things that they can touch or see. Virgos do not like to fantasize, they like only concrete facts, they spend their time only on the right things, stubbornly moving towards the goal. Representatives of this sign prefer to make to-do lists for tomorrow, plan work or the future, and really do not like it when something breaks.

Love compatibility

In love, Pisces men and Virgo girls are doing very well. The union can really be considered strong, because they perfectly complement each other. These people are truly in love with each other and can accept their partner for who he is. None of them have a desire to change the chosen one, correct him for themselves, eliminate any qualities. This is because everyone understands that they fell in love with a strong personality that they accept and do not try to change anything. The union of Pisces man and Virgo girl will be very strong due to the fact that they have many common interests and desires. They will talk for hours on end on various topics, discuss news and anything. At the same time, they will never get bored in each other’s company, and they will always be interested.

When representatives of these signs notice that they have many common features and highlight the best of them, the union will become stronger and happier. Pisces will feel confident when Virgo is around. Virgos will teach Pisces to analyze life aspects and the world around them and will land their “water” partner a little.

They love joint travel, trips, going to the movies and restaurants. They love to learn something new together. Virgo becomes more liberated and can tell the guy about her problems and fears without hesitation. He will always support her and tell you what to do and how to fix the problem. Harmony and comfort reign in a couple, romance does not leave lovers. Most likely, the male will take the leading role in the pair. Despite the fact that she sees uncertainty and gentleness in him, the man will be a purposeful person who slightly affects emotions. But, despite this, a man will still see a strong, devoted and independent personality in a girl. A man will admire the initiative and motivation, which will come for the most part from the Virgo girl.

Marriage compatibility

A difficult but strong union will develop between the Virgo girl and the Pisces man. However, quarrels and misunderstandings can often arise in marriage, which will be resolved quickly enough. Basically, all quarrels can arise due to the fact that Virgo girls are quite critical, but Pisces guys, in turn, are vulnerable and cannot perceive words as ordinary comments. For them, this will sound like a claim, as a result of which there will be misunderstandings in the relationship. Of course, the girls say this not from evil, but only with good intentions, but not all Pisces guys can perceive it this way.

The Virgo girl will understand in time that it is worth holding back and not crossing the line, and then the relationship will quickly improve. Otherwise, the man will try his best to avoid conflict when leaving the house. A man of this sign needs comfort in the house, and if he does not feel comfortable, he tries to hide far away. In addition, Virgo in marriage is very responsible and economical. She will not allow the guy to spend big money on going to a restaurant or traveling. Virgo can easily take over the right to manage the family budget and a large number of affairs in marriage, leaving her husband the opportunity not to take part in family affairs and issues. The representative of this sign is constantly in household chores or cleans up wherever possible, even in her own head.

If a Virgo girl feels that the relationship has no future, she will never initiate a divorce. She will sting and criticize her husband for every misconduct. Making it clear that there is no development and future in relationships.

There is not much to say about the intimate relationship between these partners. Their sex is pretty boring. The fact is that Virgo looks at the action in bed from the point of view of rationality. If partners do not have intellectual compatibility, then the rest will not be, since a woman simply will not waste her precious time on this. In addition, in Virgo there is a whole hotbed of various prejudices and superstitions, and if the people said that this cannot be done, it is a bad omen, the Virgin will never step over the “folk truth”.

Researchers recommend that couples communicate with each other more often, discuss problems and pressing issues. Shared goals will always help strengthen relationships in a marriage. In addition, it is recommended to do things that both bring pleasure, as well as respect the inviolability of personal space. This will help create a strong family that will not collapse for a very long time. These signs can also be friends, but the Moon will influence this: it will either create attraction between people, or completely push them away from each other.

Pros and cons of the union Pisces man and Virgo woman

The union of the opposites of Pisces and Virgos leads this couple only to mutual growth and development. Representatives of these signs live well, marry and get along under the same roof together. All thanks to their mutual love and understanding. However, in the union of Pisces and Virgos, there are often times when they simply cannot understand how to act. It happens that these nuances lead to happiness and the strengthening of the union, and sometimes they can destroy it forever.

The most significant advantages of this pair include:

  • Mutual love and interest. They are really interested together, they will always find a topic for conversation, and they will never be bored together.
  • Each of the partners has their own special qualities and skills that they learn from each other.
  • Good work together. They set common goals and achieve them by improving their skills and doing a lot of work together;
  • The girl contributes to the fact that the man grows up. She affects a windy, indefinite man with her strong character. And he, in turn, begins to change and improve himself.
  • Most often, no one in this pair has bad habits, or very quickly gets rid of them in order to be together.
  • Both partners who love each other will become as honest and open as possible in relation to their lover, which will make the union even stronger.

The cons of the union Pisces – Virgo include quite a few factors that greatly affect the cloudlessness of relations:

  • Pettiness and strong nit-picking on the part of the girl. Virgo can strongly find fault with her lover and sting. Perhaps it will not be from evil, but the guy will take everything to heart and quarrels cannot be avoided.
  • Each partner has his own attitude to order. Girls in the union are more organized, collected and disciplined than guys. Which, by the way, can cause frequent quarrels.
  • In this union, hostility towards each other can occur among partners if they begin to swear very often and cannot find compromises.
  • Both partners are very touchy zodiac signs. Both a man and a woman can be very offended even because of a mere trifle.
  • Many Virgo girls and even Pisces guys are quite stubborn people as well as realists. This may adversely affect their union.
  • Most Virgo girls are very jealous. At the same time, their jealousy can reach incredible heights, when a man simply cannot feel comfortable and good. Scandals and disagreements may arise against the background of a “not directed gaze”.
  • After the start of family life, a girl may begin to be demanding, and too much. Most often, she tries to achieve a partner that he cannot fulfill and thereby destroying good relations in the house.

Such couples should be easier on small matters and order. In order to maintain a relationship, household issues should be discussed in advance so that there are no nit-picking and criticism in subsequent family life. The best option to get closer and not conflict is to relax more and spend time together. It doesn’t take long for this couple to fall in love with each other. They will create an incredible, strong couple in which they will complement each other and accept a partner with any shortcomings. The girl will influence the indefinite guy with her strong character, and he will act on the girl with his softness and sensuality.

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