Water and earth signs have always been considered conflicting factions, and we will try to find out if there is a future for such couples. Will the inner world and emotions of Water cope with the stubbornness and unshakable will of the Earth? Oddly enough, this happens. Vulnerable and sympathetic, fragile and aloof dreamer with individualistic views on life, a hungry artist with eternally sad eyes – here he is, a portrait of a canonical man under the zodiac sign Pisces. To some, this image will seem almost the embodiment of a romantic fairy tale, and to someone – a waking nightmare that would be better avoided. Nevertheless, the Stars are ready to answer the questions of those who suffer about who people of such a warehouse are really suitable for.
Oddly enough, Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple Corporation, was born under this sign, but reality hardly converges with the above picture. Everything in this world is individual, even horoscopes, but in general terms, representatives of the same zodiac signs are really similar. One way or another, the Pisces man is not the standard of macho or Casanova. Brutality in it is less than zero, but dreamy refinement is more than enough. No one knows what this guy has in mind, which gives him a separate, aristocratic charm.
There are devils in the still waters – this is about Pisces men. They can find the only right solution in a difficult situation, prepare the most complex project ahead of schedule, suggest or generate, and then bring some great idea to life. The Pisces man type is a melancholy genius. Smart, wise, focused and strong, like Pallas Athena – this is how the Taurus woman is seen at first glance. It combines unshakable firmness of spirit, coupled with tenderness, sensuality, understanding and kindness. She would have coped with any of life’s roles, be it a housewife or a business lady.
As a rule, although not always, Taurus women can boast of a luxurious or even portly figure with such forms that one can only silently envy white envy. They quickly win over, having innate charisma and a kind look. With them you want to enter into a trusting relationship after a few minutes of acquaintance. Their voices are soft and viscous, like molasses. They are smooth and graceful, like big birds. Every alluring gesture of the Taurus woman is already a reason to rush after her even to the ends of the world. They are quite tactful and compliant, but it is almost impossible to bend such women for themselves. That is why they avoid disputes, fearing that the disputer would then have to leave the home of the Taurus woman, shedding tears. They can defend themselves in every possible way if they are slandered.
Love compatibility
Pisces man and Taurus woman are really compatible! This is the same couple where the woman is extremely caring, and the man is romantic and sentimental. The Taurus woman strives with all her might to patronize people from her inner circle, and with a Pisces man it is impossible otherwise. Dreams somewhere, falls with his foot into a ditch, passes a stop or as many as ten – and you, worry, do not sleep, then look for him all over the city.
Despite the fact that Pisces is still a man in this stellar dyad, he is prone to that type of strong empathy when he feels the desires and discontents of the people around him as sharply as his own. In turn, the Taurus woman is deprived of this quality, which is why she is so drawn to refined natures who tend to romanticize harsh reality.
Nevertheless, in this pair, it will be the man who will be the main one, only he will gradually lead the woman, like a gray cardinal in the service of a short-sighted ruler. Pisces man knows almost any leverage on other people’s emotions that you can use for your own good. He will delicately smooth out even a scandal in its infancy and bring the desires of both to a common denominator. Paired with a Taurus woman, he will be surrounded by an aura of eternal care and attention. They will always have something to eat, where to sleep and what money to go somewhere where both will like to spend time. The scrupulousness of Taurus has no equal in this, although she will not be boring, counting every penny or sawing her man for waste. It happens as if by itself, instinctively. It would be difficult to call this couple traditionally patriarchal, at least in appearance it will look quite the opposite. But no, the Pisces man is by no means a henpecked woman, and the Taurus woman is not a dictator in a skirt. It’s just a kind of harmony and unity. They love it so much. They both understand this and probably won’t play dirty tricks on each other.
Marriage compatibility
This couple will certainly get married as soon as they get to know each other intimately enough to tie the knot. Both zodiac representatives are very thorough in choosing a partner to create a permanent couple, but you can bet that the Pisces man and the Taurus woman are unlikely to scatter after some time. Their relationship is for a long time, if not forever. Both of them are extremely maximalists and do not tolerate frivolous connections. Especially if this connection is already backed up by a signature in the registry office. The Taurus woman shows special seriousness and zeal in relationships. It does not accept either local or global changes for the worse. And, if a Pisces man suddenly wants to file for divorce, he is unlikely to succeed. An earthly friend will never let her go or let go, even if she understands in the depths of her soul that this is a necessary measure for both in a couple. She will strive in every possible way to correct the situation, appease her husband for the time being, bake pies and, in 90 percent of 100, glue a marriage that has cracked at the seams.
As a result, the Pisces man will turn out to be either a loving, all-forgiving husband, or an energy vampire who will drink all the life juices from the chosen one. In everyday life, they are truly unbearable, but they are able to correct themselves for the sake of their beloved woman. Especially if this woman is a Taurus. This woman is just a flint and almost no one can break her. Pisces man – even more so. Therefore, their marriage lasts so long and love is strong, entwined with thick links of the patience of the Taurus woman.
I would like to talk about the possibility of friendship between these two and collegial relations. Oddly enough, they can be friends, and the similarity of temperaments will be the basis of this lasting friendship. Reinforced by the similarity of interests, they will be friends at all “do not spill water.” The Pisces man is by nature an inspirer, and the earthy Taurus woman just needs his bright, original ideas that they can bring to life together, which will only bring them closer. As for professional relationships, everything is not easy here. They definitely won’t be equal colleagues in the service, and if they are, then they are heavily in conflict. They have such a different approach to work that it can be safely called parallel. Parallel lines, as you know, never intersect. However, if they themselves have developed a trusting relationship, the Pisces man is not in gloomy stress, and the Taurus woman is full of energy – their tandem will work. There would be a desire and everything will turn out even without the intervention of the Stars.
Pros and cons of the union of Pisces man – Taurus woman
We will start, as usual, with the shortcomings that even the most seemingly ideal couple have.
- Separate these two can be exactly what served as the bonds for creating a family or a couple – a common stubbornness and all-consuming maximalism. If both decide to disperse in the corners seriously, even the Taurus woman, who has lost her truly diabolical patience to the grain, will not correct the situation.
- The Pisces man lacks earthiness, the ability to stand firmly on his feet. Taurus women, on the contrary, want to break away from this earth at least for a minute and feel the same inner lightness from worries that a passion experiences every day. Of course, on this basis and precisely out of envy of each other, conflicts can arise, albeit small and infrequent.
- The directness of the Taurus woman can also provoke conflict, because she is known to speak “not in the eyebrow, but in the eye.” At the same time, the Pisces man is by no means quarrelsome, but his hurt self-esteem can stretch for a week of despondency.
- Due to the fact that women, including Taurus, often lack a man’s hand, the Pisces man often gets into trouble, being a completely unmasculine hero from a chivalric novel. This also hurts his vanity if his beloved starts to beat him seriously.
- But the Taurus woman is beaten by the pride that the Pisces man, one way or another, attracts women’s views. Jealousy sometimes drives her crazy.
Now let’s talk about their merits, which, to one degree or another, are able to overlap, cross out the above-described shortcomings of the pair.
- The Taurus woman in this relationship will be pleasantly surprised, if not even shocked. After all, the Pisces man will reveal to her such sacraments of intimate pleasures that the knees of a mundane lady’s heart will tremble. For pleasure, of course. Men under the sign of Pisces are ideal, gentle lovers.
- At home, the quarrelsomeness of this couple is not terrible. They are the kind who can be silent together and enjoy it. And they love to talk heart to heart, especially on long winter evenings.
- Pisces are very accommodating and generous. Even if a Taurus woman, who is also difficult to attribute to the number of aggressors, gets a harness under her tail, this conflict will subside at the very beginning. They will simply have nothing to share, nothing to argue about. And the Pisces man will respond to any attempt to break firewood with a calm nod and kind, loving hugs.
- It is likely that this couple will have a lot of children. Both the Pisces man and the Taurus woman do not have a soul in children, so the question “what about the second one?”, As a rule, is not even asked. They already know which kindergarten to prepare themselves for, but they are only happy about it, and sincerely and for a long time. They will not rest until they raise each of their children, and then they will demand grandchildren.
So, this couple is quite compatible in terms of love, because the Pisces man will adapt to the temperament of Taurus. In addition, everything is fine with them in the intimate side of the relationship. Even if disagreements arise, Lady Taurus will never break off relations, and Pisces will not dare to hint at a breakup. In the end, they will still find a compromise and will be able to live together, as if nothing had happened.