How often do we need to make a decision in life, on which our future destiny will depend. Should I accept this job offer? Should you move to a new place of residence? Should I enter into a serious relationship with this person? Of course, first of all, you need to rely on your own intuition and listen to your inner voice. But when a solution never comes, we turn to stellar advice.
Men who were born under the constellation Pisces, given great potential. They are endowed with many talents, but do almost nothing to realize them. Such a man, of course, dreams of a successful happy life, but he can turn his fantasies into reality only under the threat of an impending disaster. In order for the fish to start swimming towards their plans, often far-reaching, they need a person nearby to guide and push them.
Often, the Pisces man presents himself as a victim: either circumstances are to blame, or people let him down … It is simply difficult for him to admit his inability to live, and he is very pleased when others make serious and even vital decisions for him. In professional activity, if he finds himself and does what he loves, he often achieves good results. Although, if desired, or rather, with actions, he could advance much further and higher.
The element that governs Pisces is water, it is she who endows the representatives of this sign with indefatigable imagination and at the same time, some kind of infantilism. It is the same in relationships. Soft, understanding, with a thin vulnerable soul, he expects love, stability and satisfaction from relationships. However, he is not too faithful and devoted to his partner and is in no hurry to think deeply about the joint future, because then he will have to take on a certain responsibility.
Yes, they can create comfortable living conditions for their beloved, be romantic and generous, but when any problems suddenly arise or a decision needs to be made, it is better not to count on a water man – they are used to peacefully go with the flow. The Pisces man is a good friend. He will always listen and support.
Unfortunately, Pisces is quite fickle. And when, in the breadth of their soul, they can rush to console some acquaintance, they often use methods that their constant girlfriend will probably not like. Therefore, only a strong, patient and wise woman can be truly happy next to such a man.
The ward of Venus, the gentle and beautiful woman of Libra will never go unnoticed. Once, having seen the airy beauty, a man will no longer be able to forget her piercing gaze. She can easily captivate any member of the stronger sex, but with the same ease she will break off relations if they cease to suit her. After all, Libra is very changeable, just like autumn weather.
Yes, she is light, sociable and charming, but she also has enough strong-willed qualities. The air lady is smart, loves everyone to obey her and can easily defend her point of view. But she does this tactfully and gently, so that those around her, however, do not mind and obey. These girls have a lot of virtues, they always strive for the ideal and can even create a masterpiece out of nothing.
A woman born under the constellation Libra is used to bringing everything to the end and to perfection. But, before making any decision, she thinks and weighs everything for a long time. This slowness in her decision-making often negatively affects not only her career, but also her personal life. At work, such ladies are rarely promoted to the top of the career ladder, considering them indecisive and lack of initiative. And in personal relationships, Libra chooses the ideal partner for so long that they often remain alone.
Such a lady does not accept conflicts. She is ready to do anything to avoid a quarrel and find a compromise. And along with this, when it is necessary to make a choice or make a decision, the Libra woman tries to shift this burden of responsibility onto the shoulders of others. But it is worth noting that she will never achieve her goal by immoral methods and will not go dishonestly.
Love compatibility
Air Libra and Pisces of the elements “water” will undoubtedly draw attention to each other. But their feelings will not arise immediately, giving way first to friendly affection. Love will arise later, but deep and reliable. A gentle and light Libra woman will attract a man, and she will be attracted by the gallantry and mystery of the Pisces man. This couple can be exemplary – they both do not like conflicts and try to study each other more deeply. Lovers will prefer walks under the moonlight or a magical evening by candlelight to noisy parties. They are such romantics. There will also be common interests that will make their union even stronger.
But the apparent similarity is only a superficial view of things. Yet Libra and Pisces are creatures from different planets. It is almost impossible for them to fully understand each other, although they can love a partner without intruding deeply into the inner world of their beloved.
For Pisces, it is very important that there is a feeling of inner comfort, spiritual harmony. And Libra also needs an external manifestation of feelings. They have completely different ideas about how to express love. It is very difficult for a man to understand why post their joint photos on social networks. On this basis, he can even seriously quarrel with his girlfriend. She sincerely does not understand his indignation and is offended in response.
A water man, wanting to make the relationship smooth and conflict-free, often just hushed up problems, hoarding them in his soul. At one fine moment, he can explode out of the blue and recall a lot to the chosen one at once. The woman, on the other hand, will be simply amazed, because she could not even imagine that some trifle, in her opinion, could cause such a reaction in her beloved. She will be especially outraged that he was silent for so long, she was used to expressing everything directly and openly. Of course, Pisces understand that they would be bored in their depths without interesting sociable Libra. And a woman appreciates tenderness and care in a man of a water sign. From him, she learns that it is not necessary to be perfect for everyone.
It happens that Libra and Pisces live quite a long time, but not very happily. They might have been able to agree on something, but the unwillingness to change and natural laziness leaves them in the same place and with the same problems for a long time. After all, neither one nor the other likes to make decisions and take responsibility. And yet, the couple has a chance of success if both partners are able and willing to take matters into their own hands and learn to be honest, especially with themselves.
Marriage compatibility
If you have witnessed how a water-air couple is preparing for the upcoming wedding, you will most likely think that they are unlikely to get along together. In fact, even the very fact of marriage, where the man is Pisces and the woman is Libra, is out of the ordinary. Libra, of course, seeks to build a family nest and legitimize relationships. But the water man, with his natural unwillingness and inability to take responsibility, is fundamentally against any officialdom. He believes that marriage is just unnecessary restrictions, an encroachment on his freedom and a heavy burden. The exceptions are those moments when the Pisces man himself made a responsible decision and wants to carry this burden. Already with the organization of the holiday, disagreements begin. He agrees to a modest celebration in the circle of the closest people. She only wants a big wedding with a bunch of guests and photos – after all, this is a memory for posterity!
The family life of Libra and Pisces will start perfectly: both are gentle, romantic and sexy. In addition, neither the wife nor the husband is in the habit of putting pressure on their partner and sorting things out. They will have a great time together, they will have common interests and hobbies. True, an airy woman may not be a very good hostess, but this does not frighten Pisces, they themselves do not mind preparing a hot dinner for their beloved. By the way, they cook just great!
If Pisces can get along with other signs of the zodiac with difficulty, then relationships with Libra may well be successful. After all, this woman is smart, pleasant in communication and will not directly put pressure on a man. And all her female manipulations and tricks are completely harmless and will not hurt the vulnerable soul of her husband. Therefore, such marital relations develop quite successfully, especially at the beginning.
Various difficulties that inevitably arise in any relationship can spoil the idyll. Libra is waiting for a manifestation of character from a partner, they need a “man in the house.” And our Rybka is used to go with the flow and not really strain. Therefore, all the increasing claims from the beloved begin to burden and annoy the husband. Due to his amorphous nature, a water man is often simply unable to solve a problem or make a decision. And the Libra woman is not ready to share this state of his. For the sake of achieving prosperity and well-being of the family, the lady Libra will do a lot. But, she will also demand a lot from her husband, who, unfortunately, is far from always ready for action.
The state of affairs in the family can change for the better if the wife stops nagging her husband and supports him, and he, in turn, pulls himself together and begins to act. But if there are no attempts on the part of the beloved to change something in their life together and in relationships, then even such a doubting lady as Libra will make a decision and break this connection.
Pros and cons of the union Pisces man and Libra woman
And yet, with a considerable number of disagreements, these signs have enough chances for a successful relationship. The obvious advantages of this union are the following circumstances:
- Sincere mutual interest.
- Lack of nit-picking over trifles and scandalousness.
- Tact and wisdom of both partners.
- Good emotional and sensual compatibility.
- Spousal balance.
- Harmony and intimacy.
- Having common interests.
- Lack of jealousy.
- Fruitful cooperation and personal growth.
- Mutual respect in a couple.
- Lack of bad habits.
But how to do without disadvantages? There are also plenty of negative sides in the relationship of this tandem:
- Amorousness and propensity to change.
- The secrecy of Pisces does not like Libra.
- Hiding problems only exacerbates them.
- The lack of initiative of the husband can irritate the spouse.
- Over time, the wife may begin to look for a stronger partner.
- Over time, one of the spouses, and possibly both, begin to realize that they made a mistake.
- Unresolved issues pile up and relations deteriorate significantly.
- Unwillingness and inability of partners to change something in the family for the better.
- Sometimes they continue to live out of habit.
However, apparently, in general, the relationship of this couple can develop successfully. Serious problems in tandem, where the man is Pisces, and the woman is Libra, are rare. Usually, partners subtly feel each other, and conflicts can arise only on the most fundamental issues. One of those moments is cheating. Spouses should control their emotionality and romance if they do not want to lose their loved one. So, take care of each other, and be loved and happy!