Two constellations belong to opposite elements: Pisces – water, Leo – fire. The unity of the representatives of these signs can create a truly magnificent union if they wisely treat the differences in their temperaments and characters. But with a lack of mutual understanding and spiritual community, such a couple is unlikely to create a strong relationship.
Pisces men are so emotional and unpredictable that sometimes they themselves cannot understand their inner world. On the one hand, they are impractical dreamers, on the other hand, they are very compassionate people, always ready to help. However, the subtle soul of the Pisces man often needs support after this – others tend to abuse their kindness and tact. But Pisces are vulnerable and touchy, storms often rage in their souls, their mood often changes. But they consider these traits to be weaknesses that a man should not show to others. The other side of their nature is spiritual sensitivity, delicacy and tact. Pisces men really need their own circle of friends (at least one close friend), with whom their relationship is trusting, warm and based on a spiritual community.
The creative nature of the dreamer-Pisces prevents him from reaching his full potential. If on his way he met a wise tactful person who inspires, stimulates and even guides him, the Pisces man can achieve very great success.
Another feature of the representatives of this sign is a highly developed intuition, often premonitions help them to foresee many events. The character of the Pisces man has the inclinations of a womanizer, but they often hide their novels from others, it is easy for them to succumb to temptations. But if a man born under the sign of Pisces is in love, he sees an ideal in his beloved woman, and at the same time he expects security and stability from relationships. Only a very wise and strong female representative will be able to live permanently next to this person.
The Leo woman is under the astrological control of the Sun, which gives her royalty and provides increased attention to others. She is characterized by confidence, authority, success, a penchant for high positions, and this is easy for her. Lionesses are proud, but it is unlikely that anyone will reproach a lady with aristocratic manners and a stately article for this. A woman of this sign captivates any man with her originality, brilliant mind and grace. Moreover, her intuition always tells her how to emphasize her own spectacular appearance.
The lioness is very sociable, loneliness is not her element. In an unfamiliar company, it is easy for her, but she is not so trusting, especially since Lionesses have a highly developed intellect. The virtues of Leo women include nobility and justice, often representatives of this sign are kind. A lioness is a representative of the fair sex with an active position in life, a leader by nature, loves to discover new talents in herself. She is full of plans and desires, which she usually fulfills. Routine is not for her, she likes variety, likes improvement and spiritual self-improvement. Such a woman likes vigorous activity, she will not sit idle. Life is generous to Lionesses, and they themselves are also generous. Male attention and compliments they get in huge quantities, but this often gives rise to such a disadvantage as narcissism and vanity. Also among the shortcomings of Lionesses, mood swings, emotional outbursts, as well as a tendency to sometimes throw dust in the eyes of others should be mentioned.
Love compatibility
In love between Pisces and Lions, each of the partners gets what he needs so much: men, who are often looking for an ideal, receive a wonderful object for worship, and women receive admiration and adoration. Therefore, a spark of love attraction often flares up between them. But these relationships are not simple. A Pisces man, especially if he connected life with creativity and spiritual development, can raise a Lioness woman to incredible heights of spirit, and she can tactfully direct his rather passive nature to reach new horizons. But this is not always the case, and often the couple simply does not understand each other. Long-term compatibility in love in a given couple can only be if both partners are united by some goal or a common idea. Otherwise, painful quarrels and a break in relations are possible. The opposites of the characters of Pisces and Leo are very attracted, but discrepancies can also cause conflicts and separation.
Interestingly, if two representatives of the signs Cancer and Leo tie the knot already in adulthood, then the union will be very strong, and love will not fade to the very end. But those couples who decide to get married, barely getting on their feet, will not be able to maintain a relationship, and most likely will get divorced.
In the sex of such a couple there is tenderness, and lyrics, and passion. But they need to be very attentive to each other. After all, Leo is a solar sign, and the luminary can burn with its rays and leave the Pisces man devastated. On the other hand, the watery depths of Pisces can dampen the bright flames of the Sun and cool the desire of a woman. For a couple’s sex life to be harmonious, it is necessary that the sunlight fills the water in the same way that the sea on a summer day is simply pierced by the sun.
Marriage compatibility
If a Pisces man and a Leo woman have created a family, then it can be built on an intuitive understanding of each other and mutual support. This can be a really strong union if a woman takes into account the temperament and character of the Pisces man. In such a pair, both physical and spiritual attraction are very strong – the two opposites Leo and Pisces complement each other very well, and they will never be bored together. Good sexual compatibility, together with relationships built on psychological partnership, make the family strong.
When children are born in such a married couple, raising them together, the Leo woman and the Pisces man can be true friends. But Lionesses who love to command may believe that a man is obliged to be a leader and earner, and Pisces-husbands, emotional and not decisive enough, sometimes do not correspond to this image. Because of this, scandals can begin in family life – constant claims and insults do not contribute to good relations and can destroy them. Problems in such a pair may arise due to the opposite qualities of the character of the demanding Lioness, who loves strong personalities, and the withdrawn emotional Pisces.
Therefore, the best option in this relationship is to accept each other as they are, the woman to take the initiative, and the man to please her with his achievements. But the Lioness should not put pressure on her husband Pisces, otherwise, after a period of uncomplaining submission, he will find a more understanding partner. A Pisces man may seem completely submissive to his wife Leo, but one day he suddenly, without warning, leaves for another, safe and emotionally harmonious relationship for him.
It all depends on the wisdom of everyone in this couple, whether a man and a woman are ready to accept their differences as virtues that complement each other, and not as a reason for quarrels and misunderstandings. The friendship of these two signs is usually limited to the words: “Hi. How are you?”. As a friend of Pisces, the active and bright Lioness, who is always full of admirers, cannot be interested.
It is worth noting that if a husband and wife can share household chores, deciding in advance who is responsible for what, this will greatly help to maintain the union for many years. Pisces man loves to raise children and maintain comfort in the family. Having arranged a nest, he seeks to obtain the approval of his chosen one. In the event that Leo favorably accepts the efforts of the Pisces man, then he will begin to build a life even more actively and, as a result, both will be satisfied with the distribution of their roles in the house. If the Lioness builds a career herself, but at the same time helps her partner, this will give a wonderful result: both will be able to reach the top of the career ladder.
Pros and cons of the union Pisces man and Leo woman
The advantages of such a pair include the harmony of opposites in the characters of a man and a woman, complementing each other. This can create a truly magnificent union. But the same opposite can be the reason for the minuses in the Pisces-Leo pair.
The pros of a couple:
- A good mutual complement of different temperaments.
- Common values and aspirations.
- An attraction between opposites that creates tension in a relationship.
- Pisces and Leo’s interest in each other can last for a long time.
- It is unlikely that the relationship will be boring and predictable.
- Excellent sexual compatibility in a couple.
- After a long time, feelings can flare up again.
- Both love to travel.
- Both Pisces men and Leo women have a good sense of humor.
Unfortunately, we counted more shortcomings in this union than advantages. However, we’ll fix it. After all, many Pisces-Leo couples live happily, having found common interests and compromises.
- The Lioness woman, with her exactingness, can put pressure on the representative of the stronger sex, which, of course, he does not like.
- A lioness may not like the isolation of Pisces men.
- Different energy potentials of a man and a woman in a pair.
- With a lack of understanding and wisdom of partners, the difference in temperaments can cause conflicts.
- There is a danger of constant quarrels and scandals over any trifles.
- The temper of a Leo woman can create problems in a relationship.
- The danger of a marriage of convenience on the part of the Lioness, if the Pisces man is sufficiently secured.
- Quarrels over finances if there is not enough money in the family. The lioness tends to blame her partner for this.
- Relationships can suffer due to mutual nit-picking and resentment.
- The danger of cheating in a couple, especially if the Lioness decides to find a stronger partner.
This is a non-standard couple, so the development of relations in it can go in two ways. Either with spiritual commonality and understanding of differences in characters, a couple can create a harmonious union for many years, or constant mutual nit-picking and reproaches will begin – and then the romance will end with a break in relations.
According to astrologers, in any case, the meeting of the two elements – Fire and Water – cannot go unnoticed. Relationships, even if seemingly fleetingly flashed in the life of each of these people, will still leave an indelible mark on their hearts.