Pisces: characteristics of the zodiac sign and celebrity

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“Fish” period from February 20 to March 20

This zodiac sign is the twelfth constellation of the zodiacal circle. It is ruled by the planet Neptune, named after the ancient ruler of the seas. The last sign of the horoscope symbolizes both the end and eternity. He combined the qualities of all previous zodiacal symbols and at the same time is quite peculiar.

Pisces: the nature of the zodiac sign

Oh, those Pisces! How many people have drowned trying to unravel the secrets of their deep souls! Where to get to Cancer with its mystical mistress Moon and the predator-Scorpio with its poisonous magnetism! All representatives of the water element are mysterious and unpredictable, but Pisces … this is something!

Pisces: characteristics of the zodiac sign and celebrity

A distinctive feature is a completely idealistic worldview. In the first place they have not money, but their dreams. This is not to say that they have no material interest.

If they have an opportunity to earn decent finances, they will use it. They do not view money as evil, but wealth is not an end in itself for them.

Fish go with the flow. They can wait for their tide for a long time and dream of fabulous shores. The typical Pisces does not resist fate. If the current carries her up – to success and prosperity, she will gladly accept this gift of fate.

But if it has been carried down, poverty and stagnation cannot be avoided. In a word, they have some extremes – either to become everything or nothing …

In search of harmony

This is mainly a female creative sign. People born under it are soft and sentimental. They are not egocentric, bragging or sadistic. They painfully seek harmony within themselves, but rarely compensate for their suffering on others.

This is a double and very contradictory sign. On the one hand, Pisces is sensual and romantic, and on the other, complex and introverted. But they love to reflect and share their dreams with dear and close people.

They will not open their souls to the first person they meet. Be sincere with them, but do not try to be rude or make sharp jokes about them. This is a vulnerable creature, she can take offense, splash her tail and be carried away back into the ocean.

No matter how rich and successful Pisces may be, their real treasure is their soul – a world of fabulous dreams and dizzying fantasy. The ward of Neptune experiences very strong and pure emotions.

He can enjoy every minute he lives and notice the beauty in everything that surrounds him. Or it can be unbearably sad and depressed. They often have suicidal thoughts.

The dark side of Neptune is manifested in deceit, cunning and even a penchant for crime. But such qualities are found in Pisces much less often than positive traits. Usually they are unforgiving and not vindictive. In their nature, two opposites are combined, like day and night, like summer and winter, like thunder and silence. How can you not get confused here?

 Pisces are famous people

  • George Washington
  • Oleg Yankovsky
  • Steve Jobs
  • Victor Hugo
  • Elizabeth Taylor
  • Georgy Zhzhenov
  • Mikhail Gorbachev
  • Antonio Vivaldi
  • Valentina Tereshkova
  • Yuri Gagarin
  • Chuck Norris
  • Alexander III
  • Lisa Minnelli
  • Albert Einstein
  • Sandro Botticelli
  • Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Luc Besson
  • Vrubel
  • Michelangelo Buonarroti
  • Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov

Pisces: characteristics of the zodiac sign in this video

psychological portrait of the sign of Pisces. “split personality”

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