PiS deputy: vaccinated and unvaccinated die. We explain why
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Law and Justice MP Teresa Hałas questioned the effectiveness of vaccines against COVID-19, saying that the coronavirus “are dying and unvaccinated and vaccinated”. The fact is that the vaccinated people are also fatal. However, they constitute a much smaller percentage than the unvaccinated, and the cause of death does not have to be poor vaccine efficacy.

  1. Vaccines against COVID-19 do not give 100 percent. effectiveness, but in about 90 percent. protect against severe course and death
  2. Deaths among the vaccinated do occur, but, contrary to what MP Hałas believes, this does not have to be evidence of vaccine ineffectiveness
  3. There are several reasons – mainly comorbidities, old age and the weakening effectiveness of vaccines after a few months
  4. And how vaccines work in a well-vaccinated population is shown by the example of Portugal
  5. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

“They die vaccinated and unvaccinated”

On Wednesday, the little known PiS MP Teresa Hałas made sure to appear in the minds of a wider audience. He represents a group of deputies from the ruling party skeptical of radical actions related to pandemic restrictions. She announced that she would be against the law related to the verification of vaccinations against COVID-19 by employers, and shared her thoughts on vaccines.

Saying that the vaccine is such a revelation that it protects us does not convince me because they die and are vaccinated and unvaccinated – she said in the material published on Twitter by Gazeta Wyborcza. – We all know when it comes to informational data on deaths, Poland calculates them in a different way than Germany or other countries – she added, saying that the data “are different from different hospitals”.

The deputy’s words were commented on by, inter alia, prof. Krzysztof Simon, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Hepatology at the Medical University of Wroclaw. – This is complete nonsense what this lady says. This is a hostile activity – he said on TVN24.

We will not be so blunt in words. Let’s just check what the numbers look like.

Deaths in Poland – how many deaths among the vaccinated?

From time to time (on Fridays), the Ministry of Health publishes data showing the percentage of deaths caused by vaccinated people. There were no such data last Friday, but the information published on December 31 shows that – from the moment of starting the vaccination with the second dose – among 61 thousand deaths due to COVID-19, vaccinated persons accounted for 10,69%.

A week earlier, this percentage was lower, amounting to 9,41%.

In December, a report of the National Institute of Public Health PZH-PIB was published on general mortality and mortality due to COVID-19 in Poland in the population of unvaccinated and vaccinated people. The studies analyzed the cases of over 34 million people over the age of 11 years – 18,75 million of them were unvaccinated and 15,3 million were vaccinated against COVID-19. The period covered by the research was January 1 – October 10, 2021.

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Studies have shown that the overall mortality rate among unvaccinated people was 5,4 times higher than those who were vaccinated.. This ratio was higher in all age groups – 7,5 times higher in unvaccinated people aged 71–80 years and 5 times higher in unvaccinated people over 80 years of age.

These differences were even greater when studying the COVID-19 mortality rate among the unvaccinated compared to the vaccinated. For the first group, the coefficient was almost 60 times higher. Higher death rates from COVID-19 in the unvaccinated compared to the vaccinated were observed in all age groups. Among unvaccinated persons aged 61–70 years it was 138 times higher, while among unvaccinated persons aged 71–80 years it was 126 times higher.

Deaths due to COVID-19. What are the experts saying?

Data from the Ministry of Health and NIPH-PZH say about deaths due to COVID-19 from January to December last year. They may not reflect the actual situation. We are between the fourth wave, caused by the Delta variant, and the fifth wave, caused by Omikron. Today, the vaccine coverage is much higher than in the first half of 2021, yet hospitalizations and deaths are alarmingly high.

The vaccinated persons are also among the victims. How do the experts explain it?

People who are not vaccinated die. In the case of the vaccinated, these are people who have comorbidities – such as cancers. In our hospital, two people who died for reasons other than COVID-19 had cancer. Coronavirus hastened the end of life – said Piotr Kienig, president of the County Hospital in Ryki some time ago.

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– Among patients hospitalized due to COVID-19, unvaccinated people constitute approx. 90%. Most of the unvaccinated people also die. If it is a vaccinated person, then with severe comorbidities – explained Jarosław Fedorowski, president of the Polish Federation of Hospitals, specialist in internal medicine and cardiology.

– 75 percent of those who died were unvaccinated. This is true in other countries. People who have lost their immune system after two doses mainly die. It is important not only to get vaccinated, but also not to postpone the third dose – said Dr. Paweł Grzesiowski on TVN24 at the end of December. – Those who died, despite being vaccinated, may have had a lower response to vaccination. These are mostly people from the most vulnerable group, aged 75+ – added the expert.

Similarly, the case of deaths was also explained by the aforementioned prof. Simon. – Only at my ward we see 3 to 5 patients every day. Out of 47 recent deaths, only one was vaccinated, and it was a patient over 80 years of age. Is this some evidence? These are objective facts. Usually vaccinated who die from COVID are patients with multiple diseases – in an interview with ABC Health.

As you can see, doctors list the three most important causes of death among vaccinated people: comorbidities, older age, and worsening immunity over time after two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Deaths among vaccinated. How is it in other countries?

The United States is the country most recently hit by the fifth wave of the pandemic, driven by the Omikron variant. The daily number of infections there currently exceeds 800.

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However, the proportion of deaths is low. Yes, it is thanks to the vaccines. The average deaths in the last few days is over 1700.

How does it look between vaccinated and unvaccinated? The answer may be a chart on New York, showing deaths among vaccinated and unvaccinated per 100. people.

Source: New York City Department of Health.

Vaccines really work

Let us return to the words of the PiS MP who said that the vaccine is not a revelation. Recall that the vaccine is primarily intended to protect against severe disease and death. Whether the preparations are actually effective in this respect is shown in the charts of new infections and deaths in countries where the percentage of the fully vaccinated population is very high.

An example is Portugal. There, after the second dose of the vaccine, there are about 90 percent. citizens. The same vaccines are used as in Poland, i.e. the preparations of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneki and J&J.

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In December, the fifth wave began in Portugal, with the number of new cases of COVID-19 rising sharply. On January 12, the infection rate exceeded 40, which is almost three times more than during the peak of the incidence of the third wave, which took place a year ago.

The average daily number of deaths in the last week is 22. A year ago this number reached even 300.

What are the charts of infections and deaths in Portugal in the last several months, Eric Topol, an American scientist and cardiologist, showed on Twitter.

It is worth taking a look at the final fragment of both charts. And judge for yourself what to think about the “sensationalism” of vaccines.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Also read:

  1. This is where the fifth wave will start? Doctor: hit the east wall
  2. Delmicron – the number of infections with the combination of Delta and Omicron is increasing
  3. Infection records could lead to the end of a pandemic. How it’s possible?
  4. Doctors for COVID-19 patients: don’t wait until you start dying
  5. Who is the most resistant to the Omikron variant?

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