
Piperine is an organic chemical compound used in the production of some dietary supplements. It is a natural alkaloid, i.e. a basic chemical compound. The alkaloids are mainly of plant origin, the same is the case with piperine – it comes from black pepper. Isolated piperine is rather creamy or transparent in color. It is sharp in taste. Piperine is often an ingredient in slimming pills or other dietary supplements that help in the diet.
Studied properties of piperine: what are we dealing with?
It is a completely natural compound, which we have already written about above. However, its naturalness does not guarantee the absence of harmfulness – on the contrary, naturally occurring chemical compounds can also be (and in many cases are) harmful to the body, especially in excess. How is it with piperine? So far, many studies have been carried out on the impact of piperine on the human body: most of them indicated the correct and actually helping in slimming effects of piperine.
Slimming and diet with piperine
- This compound can inhibit the formation of new fat cells
- It also lowers the level of fat in the bloodstream
- It increases the secretion of digestive juices and accelerates metabolism
- It improves the digestion of many foods
- It affects the absorption of ingredients contained in food, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, such as: vitamin A, vitamin B6, coenzyme Q, beta carotene or selenium and vitamin C
Other medical properties of piperine
- Currently, scientists are also testing other features of piperine, which shows some potential for treating vitiligo. However, this research is still in the testing and development phase
- Some early research also indicates that piperine may inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors and prevent disease
Piperine in depression: a solution to a bad mood!
Other studies indicate that piperine may help in the treatment of seasonal and long-term depression, and other disorders in which there is a depressed mood. This is because this substance increases the amount and neutronsmission of transmitters such as dopamine and serotonin (antidepressant effect). It is also important in the process of slimming, because often people who are slimming need additional motivation and must have the strength and willingness to continue their exercises or diet – piperine will help maintain a good mood and give energy to continue.
Piperine in the pharmacy
This ingredient can be found in many dietary supplements, which usually contain from 40% to even 90% of piperine. Interestingly, you can buy pure piperine less often, although such supplements exist on the market.