Pink whale tomato

Gardeners in Our Country grow a huge number of different varieties of tomatoes, but pink ones are especially fond of, which include the Pink Whale tomato. Varieties of such tomatoes are now at the peak of their popularity, not only because of their incomparable taste, but also because of their richest chemical composition, which includes the most important vitamins and minerals, as well as a lot of organic acids, a lot of fiber, carotenoids and pectin. In addition, Pink Whale tomatoes have very tender, sweet flesh and thin skin. What this variety looks like can be seen in the photo below:

Pink whale tomato

Benefits of pink tomatoes over red ones

  • the amount of sugar;
  • vitamins B1, B6, C, PP;
  • natural antioxidants – selenium and lycopene.

This is an incomplete list of substances that pink tomatoes contain much more than red ones. The high content of selenium in pink whale tomatoes increases immunity and improves cerebral circulation, puts a barrier to various infections and diseases of the cardiovascular system, and blocks the occurrence of asthenia and depression. According to doctors, the regular presence of pink tomatoes in food will help reduce the risk of oncology, prevent heart attack and ischemia, and cope with inflammation of the prostate. To do this, eat 0,5 kg of fresh tomatoes per day or drink a glass of homemade tomato juice. According to its characteristics, the Pink Whale tomato has a low acidity, so people with stomach problems will not be harmed by eating tomatoes of this variety.

Variety description

The pink whale tomato variety is quite early, it reaches technical maturity in 115 days from the moment of germination. The bush is tall (about 1,5 m), can grow both in a greenhouse and in an open garden, if the region of growth is close to the south. Planting density – 3 plants per square meter. Large, heart-shaped fruits with sweet and fleshy pulp reach a weight of up to 0,6 kg, and there are very few seeds in the pulp. There are from four to nine tomatoes on one brush, therefore, so that the branch does not break under the weight of the fruit, it should be tied up or supported. The yield is high (up to 15 kg of beautiful tomatoes can be removed from one square meter), it tolerates adverse weather conditions well. To get a good harvest, it is necessary to carry out pinching, leaving a maximum of two main stems for growth.

Pink whale tomato

Caring for pink tomatoes

According to experienced vegetable growers, pink tomato varieties are a little more troublesome to grow than red ones, they need more attention. They do not tolerate drought well and, unlike red tomatoes, are more likely to suffer from late blight. To protect them from diseases, before planting seedlings in the ground, you need to treat it with the following composition: dilute 100 tablespoons of dry mustard in 4 grams of warm water, add sodium carbonate – 2 teaspoons, ammonia – 1 teaspoon, copper sulfate – 100 grams (pre-dilute it in 1 liter of water). Bring the volume to the size of a ten-liter bucket, mix well and work the soil (this is enough for ten square meters).

Tomatoes will respond to this care with a large harvest.

Pink tomatoes


Alena Igorevna, 43 years old, Kazan
I am very pleased with Pink Whale tomatoes, despite the troublesome cultivation. In principle, they did not require special care, the main thing is to water and tie up in time. But the tomatoes are really tasty!
Andrey Ottoev, 55 years old, Kuibyshev
Last year I saw a neighbor what kind of tomatoes he took out of the greenhouse, and gasped! I asked for one tomato for seeds, I grew it, I am very glad that everything worked out. I have never eaten such delicious tomatoes!

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