Pink honey tomato: reviews, description with photo

A real gardener always strives for more and tries to grow new varieties of fruits and vegetables in the beds. Those who prefer juicy tomatoes can be advised to buy rose honey tomato seeds. It is unlikely that the first time you can guess that we are talking about tomatoes, but this is actually the case. The fruits have a very juicy and tender pulp. It is moderately resistant to disease and does not bring a large yield, but, nevertheless, it has become a favorite of many gardeners.


It is necessary to start the description with the fact that these tomatoes are not hybrids, and therefore a large number of seeds can be prepared from them for next year. The characteristic of tomatoes makes it possible to grow them both inside the greenhouse and in the garden. Pink honey tomato boasts very large fruits that reach up to 1,5 kg. Berries ripen within 110-115 days, usually by the end of summer. This variety is almost resistant to various diseases, which is quite acceptable for non-hybrid varieties. Drawing attention to the reviews of those who are already familiar with the Pink Honey variety, I would like to note the possibility of growing a plant even on saline lands. The height of the bushes often reaches 60-70 cm, and if the plant germinates in greenhouse conditions, then it can grow up to 1 meter.

Pink honey tomato: reviews, description with photo


Pink honey tomato variety is great for making tasty and healthy salads, as well as jams. Food made from these fruits not only has wonderful qualities, they are also incredibly nutritious. Gourmet reviews say that Rose Honey tomatoes are an excellent ingredient for making tomato juice, tomato puree, caviar, tomato paste, various sauces and much more.

Perhaps the only use for which Rose Honey tomatoes are not suitable is conservation. The reason for this was the thin skin. As mentioned above, these are salad tomatoes, so they are not suitable for preparing preservation. The taste of the fruit should definitely appeal to fans of other pink tomato varieties. A small disappointment may be the lack of a pronounced taste and aroma characteristic of all tomatoes, as well as sweetness, which also needs to get used to.

Pink honey tomato: reviews, description with photo

Care instructions

Reviews of experts in the field of growing tomatoes indicate that Rose Honey tomatoes should be planted in places where radishes, cabbage, carrots, legumes or garlic have previously sprouted. Specialists of the Siberian Garden agricultural firm, which also produces seeds of this variety, recommend changing the planting site of tomatoes every year. This is necessary so that they do not take the same useful substances from the soil.

Another important characteristic of plants is their need for heat. Therefore, rose honey tomato seeds can germinate only at a temperature of + 20-25 degrees. If the temperature drops below +15 degrees, flowering and fruit formation may stop.

Also, pink honey tomatoes are undesirable for strong heat. If the temperature on the thermometer rises above +35, then pollination will stop, which will lead to infertility. To accelerate the growth of seeds, it is recommended to use growth stimulants. They are also able to build disease resistance and influence good fruit set.

Pink honey tomato: reviews, description with photo

Pink honey tomatoes are too drought tolerant. But this does not mean that they do not need watering. Watering adult bushes is necessary twice a week. One plant usually takes one bucket of water. Remember that an excess of moisture in the soil will lead to the development of gray rot or black leg disease, which can completely destroy the bush. If possible, it is recommended to plant the plant in a dark place, this will contribute to better growth. Another important point in the description of this variety of West Siberian selection is that if direct sunlight falls on the tomatoes, then the bushes will be lethargic, with a small amount of leaves. Due to the fact that the plant can very quickly pick up various diseases, it definitely needs treatment.

Thanks to top dressing, you can influence the quantity and quality of ripening fruits. For the growth of the green vegetative part of the tomato, you need to use both nitrogen and organic fertilizers. But you should not allow excessive use of fertilizers, which can affect the decline in crop quality. Pink honey tomatoes need to be fertilized with phosphorus and potash fertilizers. Thanks to this, the fruits not only ripen quickly, but also become tastier.

Video “The best varieties of tomatoes”

In this video, an overview of different varieties of tomatoes. Characteristics are given and their taste qualities are considered.

Casting for the best variety of tomato (part 2)

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