Pink Himalayan salt

Various types of salt have entered the market relatively recently. The consumer has learned about iodized, black, sea and pink Himalayan salt from beautiful advertisements and pictures from food bloggers. It may seem that the abundance of shapes and colors is just a marketing ploy, and the composition and useful properties of the product are no different from ordinary table salt. But is it really so? Let us dwell on the origin, properties and scope of use of pink Himalayan salt.

General characteristic of the ingredient

The name of the product directly indicates its origin and place of extraction. Deposits of pink salt are located in the Punjab region (Pakistan). Most of the salt comes from the Hevre salt mine. It is located in the foothills of the Salt Ridge, which is located on the Indo-Gangetic Plain. The Himalayas rise 310 kilometers from the Gordo mine.

Scientists claim that pink salt deposits arose as a result of the drying up of ancient seas. The formed mineral is considered absolutely pure, and from 80 to 90 useful microelements are concentrated in its composition. The only caveat is that the content of sodium chloride in the pink mineral is inferior to ordinary table salt.

The ingredient is not subjected to additional processing and gets to the consumer in its original form. The absence of cleansing steps retains a wide range of beneficial properties and integrity of the composition. Moreover, in the food product there are no harmful impurities, enhancers or preservatives that are characteristic of the gastronomic industry.

Himalayan salt releases beneficial ions that destroy massive and insignificant salt deposits, relieve blood vessels from growths, and the body from toxins / toxins. The ingredient restarts metabolic processes, harmonizes the water-salt balance and promotes high-quality circulation of fluids in the tissues. The component is used in the treatment of acne, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and skin pathologies.

Useful properties of the component

Maintain oral hygiene

Composition mouthwash can be very doubtful. Active ingredients can not only protect or whiten, but also destroy tooth enamel. Drugstores can be replaced with herbal medicines only in 2 cases: as recommended by the doctor and in the absence of any problems with the health of the oral cavity.

To make a saline solution, mix a pinch of pink powder with the filtered liquid. Wait until the salt has completely dissolved and rinse. The solution will eliminate the unpleasant smell, cope with bleeding gums, kill bacteria and protect the enamel from damage / rot.

If discomfort or pain occurs, stop using the solution and consult your dentist.

Dehydration Protection

Regular salt contributes to the accumulation of salt deposits in the body. In the process of removing sodium chloride, a person spends about 23 grams of cellular water per 1 grams of salt. Excessive use of sodium chloride provokes disruption of water balance, dehydration of cells, the formation of cellulite, stones in the gall / bladder, problems with the bone system. The composition of the pink Himalayan salt includes all the necessary electrolytes that retain moisture in the cells and promote safe splitting, without consequences for the body.

Treatment and prevention of diseases

Himalayan crystals strengthen the immune system, help the body to quickly and effectively cope with infectious / bacteriological diseases. The effect is also manifested when it is periodically used as a salt mixture, and when a pinch of salt is added daily to the dish. Pathologies such as sinusitis, cough and other problems of the nasopharynx can be solved with the help of salt inhalations. Warm pink crystal baths relieve muscle tension, relieve joint pain and have a healing effect.

Prevention and protection against allergies

The trigger for the manifestation of an allergic reaction may be pollen and other allergens that enter through the nasopharynx. The best way to remove harmful outdoor components is to wash the sinuses. Ordinary water for the procedure is not suitable, and medicinal mixtures are not always at hand. A safe and effective nasal cleansing ingredient is pink salt.

For washing it is best to use special devices. They look like a miniature kettle and are sold in every pharmacy. Often complete with a tool for washing sell bags with several types of salt. From them you can choose a mixture to your liking and arrange wellness manipulations.

The procedure is completely safe and almost does not bring discomfort or pain. What else is useful washing:

  • salt disinfects the nasopharynx;
  • flushes out harmful mucus;
  • improves breathing;
  • brings relief after a long feeling of blocked nose.

It is recommended to buy salt for manipulation in the pharmacy. The component passes several levels of pharmaceutical cleaning and is completely safe for internal and external use.

Features of use and industrial production

The pink mineral is used not only in the gastronomic industry, but also in medicine, cosmetology, decor. It is decorated with dishes, natural interiors, enrich cosmetics and add to medicines for the nasopharynx. Also, pink crystals are used for salt baths.

Serving dishes and cooking devices are made of massive crystal plates. Also, pink plates are used to store fresh / frozen meat and fish. Animals bran is placed on the plate, left for several hours or days, and then slowly heated to a temperature of 200 ° C. The heated piece of mineral serves as a real cooking surface. There is a uniform distribution of temperatures, so ready meals are completely safe and suitable for consumption.

Use of the component in cosmetology

Salt extracts are used in many cosmetic lines. But the most popular and effective remedy of salt is a scrub. Pink Himalayan mineral is perfect for scrubbing the scalp, face and body. If you can not find a quality scrub in local stores, then prepare a coarse mixture of their own.

To scrub your face and body, mix salt with vegetable oil. Immediately apply the mixture to the desired part of the body and gently massage along the massage lines. Before applying the scrub, it is necessary to wet the skin so that the abrasive particles do not cause irritation. Scrubbing should not affect sensitive areas of the body – the skin around the eyes and lips.

To cleanse the scalp of dead cells, you can use pure salt. The main rule of scrubbing is tenderness and thoroughness. Intensive rubbing of particles will damage the skin, provoke a rash, redness and even bruising. Agree, not such a result should be expected from beauty procedures. Once the gentle massage is done, rinse off the abrasive particles with warm water.

After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Do I need to give up salt

Rejection of salt is one of the first stages of losing weight and switching to a healthy lifestyle. The harm of rationed salt intake is the most useless and inveterate myth of nutrition.

Potassium is the main ion of cells, sodium is the main ion of blood. These elements are responsible for the salt balance and enter the human body only with certain foods.

If the concentration of sodium and potassium is in harmony, then:

  • fluid is evenly distributed throughout the body;
  • transport functions are improved;
  • harmonized nervous activity;
  • supported by the muscular system and bone system.

Trace elements are necessary for the body in a certain amount. The ratio of sodium to potassium should be from 1: 2 to 1: 4. What justifies such a balance? In prehistoric times, our ancestors served as hunters and collectors of plant foods. Sodium extremely rarely appeared in the diet of the man of that time, so the body learned to synthesize it on its own. Potassium, on the contrary, acted in full with food, so there was no need to preserve it. The diet and pace of human life has changed significantly. We have unlimited access to food, and any mismatch of micro and macro elements can be balanced with medications.

A healthy adult needs 1 a teaspoon of salt per day. With excessive physical exertion or severe fluid loss, the dosage is increased to 2-3 teaspoons.

Do not forget that salt enters the body from vegetables, fish, meat, and not just from a teaspoon, which you divide into several meals. Excess sodium leads to edema and diseases of the kidneys, heart.

To neutralize the effects of sodium in the diet should be a high concentration of potassium. List of neutralizing products:

  • filtered water (1 liter / 1 grams of sodium);
  • dried apricots, raisins;
  • bran;
  • seeds;
  • potatoes;
  • cashews, almonds, peanuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts;
  • prune;
  • beans, buckwheat;
  • parsley, Brussels sprouts, white mushrooms.

What to do if you want salty

According to a study by Calcium and Salt Intake (Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia, PA, United States), the desire to eat salty foods was triggered by a lack of minerals in the body. Lack of vital nutrients affects not only health, but also food habits.

How do nutritionists explain this? The composition of the salt includes more 60 minerals. The body feels the lack of a certain nutrient and finds the easiest way to fill the shortage.

Salt cravings can also be triggered by dehydration. Salt helps the cells retain internal moisture and provides them with additional nourishment. The body resorts to the most reasonable method – to accumulate as much fluid as possible in order to protect itself from a possible deficiency.

How to suppress the desire of salty foods:

  • adjust the diet to get the necessary list of nutrients;
  • include fresh vegetables, fruits, legumes;
  • use algae as an alternative to salted industrial products;
  • replace the usual Himalayan pink salt;
  • drink the required amount of water, based on height, weight, age and needs.

How to choose an ingredient

Buy pink Himalayan salt from supermarkets and chains that value their own reputation. Large stores will refuse to cooperate with an uncertified supplier, as this will affect both profits and the honest name of the chain. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the place of extraction. If the location of the mine / city / country is not true – refuse to buy. The size and structure of the crystals do not matter. The product can be sold both in crushed and larger form. Choose the structure and size that suits your specific gastronomic needs. It is recommended to buy salt in its pure form, without additional spices or additives. You can saturate the taste with black, red pepper or garlic powder yourself at home – so you will be sure of the quality of all seasoning ingredients.

The taste of the product should be gentle and neutral. Excessive salinity indicates artificial saturation with sodium.

Do a little quality test at home. Pour a pinch of salt into a clear glass of clean, filtered water. Real salt should dissolve without leaving a single trace in the liquid. If the water turns pink, then you have a fake. This means that when dissolved, a pink dye separated from the crystals, which stains the liquid and indicates a fake. Also, a cloudy pink tint may indicate poor-quality salt purification. It could contain slag waste from salt mining, which is forbidden to be eaten.

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