Pink grape varieties: description, photo, early variety

Pink grape varieties: description, photo, early variety

In the summer cottage, you can grow not only apples and pears, but also grapes. Pay attention to the pink grape varieties: they have advantages over white and dark varieties and have a wonderful mild flavor.

Description of the varieties of pink grapes

Common to all pink grapes is a moderate sweetness and varied shape. They are not sugary-sweet, but also not sour, they have different degrees of color, from pale pink to bright purple and even red, as well as different ripening times.

Pink grape varieties delight with a sweet taste and large berries.

Outside Russia, French, Italian, Central Asian pink varieties are especially respected: merlot, cabernet, siburen, syrah, taifi. But Russian, or rather, Soviet viticulture has something to be proud of. In Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, original crops are grown that are not inferior to foreign ones.

The following must be included in the description of domestic pink grape varieties.

  • Gurzuf pink is an early variety with lilac berries, almost black in color. Hardy, sweet, with a pronounced nutmeg flavor, very fertile. Good for both winemaking and food.
  • “Original” – a variety – the record holder for fertility. Gardeners from the second year of cultivation can remove about 90 kg of berries from the bush. Differs in a special conical shape of oblong fruits, insensitive to pests, poorly tolerates transportation.
  • Variety “Anyuta” gives a huge bunch of up to 2 kg in weight. The fleshy, nutmeg-honey-colored berries taste like an egg.

These varieties are considered to be medium late in ripening time. They take root well in their summer cottage, do not require careful maintenance.

Early pink grape varieties

A short ripening period is an undoubted advantage of grapes planted in a summer cottage. Summer in the central and northern part of Russia is short, and a quick ripening, of course, is welcomed by gardeners.

Here is a list of the most popular early varieties.

  • “Pink Haze” is a table variety, a close relative of raisins. The berries look like balls of a pale pink color. Differs in frost resistance, large, up to 1,5 kg bunches, high yield. Unsuitable for making wine.
  • Pink peach has huge clusters. This is a dessert variety with a characteristic aftertaste: large 14-gram berries leave a strawberry flavor on the tongue. It takes root well in the northern regions, quickly begins to bear fruit.
  • “Transfiguration” is a hybrid variety. Its bunches reach 1,5 kg, and the sweet 18-gram berries are tasty and juicy. Differs in frost resistance and unpretentiousness, like many hybrids.
  • Variety “Angelica”, or “Ksenia”, has pleasant-tasting berries, firmly tolerates frost, pleases with large bunches up to 2 kg in weight.

If you look at the photo for the description of early pink grape varieties, it becomes clear that the external difference between early, medium and mid-late varieties is negligible.

Pink grapes delight the tongue with a pleasant sweetness, and the eyes – with large berries of a regular and original shape. The grape bushes planted in the garden will decorate it, and the fruits will give a gastronomic pleasure.

Also interesting: white grape varieties

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