Pink freedom spirit
Rose “Freedom Spirit” enchants with its aroma and graceful foliage, but for those who decide to plant it on their site, it will not be superfluous to read the description in order to know all the intricacies of its care.
Description of rose flowers “Freedom Spirit”
The flowers of a rose can reach 8-12 cm in diameter. The color changes from pale pink at the beginning of flowering to lilac towards the end of flowering. The flower is cupped, the number of petals reaches 50. The aroma is persistent, rich, with a predominant scent of myrrh. Abundant flowering, repeated, flowers are collected in inflorescences, on one stem there can be from 5 to 12 flowers.
Shrub roses “Freedom Spirit” will perfectly serve as a hedge
It cannot be grown under the scorching sun, the buds will receive a sunburn, the petals will fall off, not yet blooming on the bud. The rainy weather will not please the rose either, the buds will not be able to fully bloom and will rot. The flowers are perfectly preserved even when cut, as does the scent.
Rose spirit freed already in the third year begins to bloom and grow profusely, the bush can reach a length of 2 m and 1 m in height. The bush is resistant to diseases, does not require covering for the winter, but in cold regions, shelter is necessary to preserve young shoots. It is best to choose a well-ventilated area with little sun exposure.
Care of young bushes should include regular fertilization and loosening of the soil. On hot days, it is recommended to water the bush with plenty of water. During the flowering period, the bush is fed with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.
For propagation of roses at home, young healthy branches that have already faded are used. The stalk is transplanted into soil enriched with fertilizers in advance, a mini-greenhouse is created and watered regularly.
To quickly get a living fence, several bushes are planted at the same time, which are pruned or removed as they grow.
Like all roses, the Freedom Spirit shrub rose needs pruning
The buds that form at the end of August must be removed to allow the bush to fully rest, and the young stems to form for flowering next year. In summer, only faded buds are cut off so that the rose can form new ones in their place. In the fall, the diseased stems are first removed, then moderate pruning of young stems is carried out. The shrub rose also needs spring pruning to remove budless branches and prune healthy young stems.
With proper care, regular pruning of the stems, the rose can quickly form a healthy bush. And fertilizers will help grow large and fragrant flowers.