Pineapple with vodka for weight loss – recipe and tincture intake

Modern pharmacology offers many dietary supplements to those who want to lose weight, which are not always safe. Proven and effective preparations are easy to prepare at home from natural ingredients, one of which is alcohol. As it turned out, vodka on a diet can be beneficial if used to make pineapple tincture. With regular use of the drug, the weight decreases to 5-8 kg per month.

The effect of vodka on appetite

Only tincture gives a positive result, since alcohol usually stimulates the appetite. The hypothalamus is responsible for the feeling of hunger in the body. It is in this part of the brain that the food center is located, which signals the need to take the next serving of food. Impulses come in two ways – through the nerves from the stomach and directly through the blood, where a certain concentration of nutrients must be achieved.

Ethanol, getting into the blood cells, disrupts the normal functioning of neural circuits, which leads to the activation of the food center. The body signals a failure with an increased feeling of hunger. Experiments by scientists from the University of London Francis Crick showed that this state lasts from one to four hours after taking a dose of alcohol.

One hundred grams of vodka contains an average of 235 kilocalories, which is comparable to a good serving of beef steak or herring under a fur coat. At the same time, the nutritional value of a strong drink is close to zero, since there are no fats, proteins and carbohydrates in ethanol.

Therefore, alcohol by itself does not cause weight gain, as it is not absorbed by the body. The accumulation of fat reserves contributes to a plentiful snack, which certainly accompanies the feast.

How does vodka help you lose weight?

Vodka for weight loss is used as an ingredient in pineapple tincture – one of the most popular means of normalizing weight. Pineapple contains a large amount of dietary fiber, vitamins and bromelain, an enzyme that reduces appetite and actively breaks down fat. The concentration of nutrients in the tincture is much higher than in the pulp of the fruit.

Pineapple with vodka for weight loss works as follows:

  • reduces the time of digestion of food;
  • prevents the accumulation of fat;
  • enhances metabolism;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • improves the functioning of the pancreas;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Slimming vodka should not be used for chronic gastrointestinal diseases, liver disorders, diabetes mellitus and a tendency to allergic reactions. Before using unconventional means of weight loss, you should consult with your doctor.

Recipe for pineapple tincture for weight loss


  • vodka – 0,5 liters;
  • pineapple – 1 piece (medium).

Vodka must be chosen high-quality, on alcohols “Lux” or “Alpha”, which contain a minimum amount of toxic substances.

The pineapple must be fresh, without signs of decay, with an intact peel. If there is any doubt about the ripeness of the pineapple, you can leave it for a few days at room temperature. A fruit that is completely ready for use is characterized by a bright yellow color of the peel and a hollow sound when tapped.

Technology of preparation

1. Remove the leaves from the pineapple, clean the fruit from dirt, rinse with running water.

2. Cut the pulp together with the peel into pieces and pass through a meat grinder or food processor with a grinder.

3. Transfer the resulting mass to a glass dish.

4. Pour the contents with vodka and mix.

5. Close the container with a lid, place in a cool dark place for a week.

6. Strain and pour into a clean jar or bottle.

7. Store in the refrigerator.

Pineapple with vodka for weight loss – recipe and tincture intake

How to drink pineapple tincture for weight loss

For the remedy to work effectively, it must be taken regularly, one tablespoon half an hour before meals for a month.

In the case of more fractional nutrition, the frequency is increased to five times a day, but the dose is reduced to one teaspoon.

The opinion of nutritionists and reviews of the tincture

Nutrition experts confirm that the tincture activates the production of the hormone serotonin, which promotes satiety. As a result, the amount of food eaten decreases.

It is widely believed that a pineapple vodka diet prevents the absorption of new fats, forcing the body to destroy old reserves. Do not exceed the recommended doses – in large quantities, pineapple adversely affects the gastric mucosa and tooth enamel.

Reviews say that weight loss is up to 3 kg per week, and in a month it is possible to lose up to 8 kg. Efficiency increases dramatically if you simultaneously refrain from eating high-calorie foods and devote time to going to the gym.

Losing weight note that they have avoided seasonal colds, since, among other things, the tincture contains vitamins and trace elements that strengthen the immune system. The only inconvenience that the pineapple diet delivers is the restriction on driving a car.

1 Comment

  1. Acest preparat se poate lua chiar daca ai intenția sa ramai însărcinată?

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