Pineapple tinctures at home – 4 recipes!

Pineapple is a wonderful snack for many types of alcohol, and pineapple juice is included in a huge number of cocktails. Why not go straight and insist this noble fruit on vodka, alcohol or even moonshine in order to get an independent exotic drink? It is possible, and very much so! The tincture turns out to be very tasty, original with a moderate sourness and a rich smell, it is easy to prepare, and it is pleasant to drink!

Now pineapple tincture at home is made very often. The reason is prosaic – advertising. Some rogue threw information into the net that such a drink completely burns fat on girlish bodies, they say you eat 100 grams at dinner with borscht and mashed potatoes with a cutlet – and 3 kg a week is gone! Naturally, ladies striving for an unattainable skin and bone ideal ran running to prepare a miracle tincture and taste it in horse doses – Schaub for sure! As a result, instead of the expected harmony, we have a brutal appetite (pineapple tincture is an excellent aperitif!) and an unpredictable increase in the popularity of Stas Mikhailov’s songs.

Pineapple tinctures at home – 4 recipes!

In general, pineapple does contain a certain enzyme bromelain, but it does not contribute to fat burning, but to protein absorption. However, whether it retains its properties in alcoholic solutions is not known for certain. However, nothing bad will happen to him. And when beloved wives, girlfriends, daughters, having lost faith in the healing properties of pineapple tincture, switch to another miraculous drug, we will be left with a little of this wonderful yummy, which is still better to use for gourmet and entertainment purposes.

How to make the easiest pineapple tincture?

Elementary! The main thing is to get a ripe, juicy pineapple, with yellow, brightly smelling flesh – the aroma should be felt even through the peel. Canned pineapples, unfortunately, will not work for our purposes – only fresh. In addition to the fruit itself, we only need about 0.5-1 liters (depending on the size of the fruit) of alcohol 40-50°. They make tinctures from pineapple on alcohol, vodka and even moonshine – only well-purified, double distillation. Sugar is needed only if the pineapple was not sweet.

Pineapple tinctures at home – 4 recipes!

Cooking is even easier composition. We take a pineapple, clean it (although most of the miraculous bromelain is contained in the peel, but it does not affect the taste of the drink in the best way) and cut into 2-3 cm cubes. Put the pulp in a jar and fill it with alcohol. Set aside in a warm dark place for 2-3 weeks. Shake the drink is not necessary – so it will be less turbidity.

After the set time, drain the tincture through gauze, squeeze the pulp. To save money, pineapple can also be crushed with a blender and squeezed thoroughly again. Filter the infusion through a cotton swab. Try. Like? So the process is almost over. I do not like? Seriously? Well add some sugar. In principle, the tincture can generally be brought to the sweetness of a liquor – it is suitable for cocktails. After filtering and sweetening, the drink should be allowed to rest for another week, and it will be completely ready for use!

Rosemary pineapple liqueur

A pineapple tincture recipe loved by many Americans. The combination, frankly, is original, not for everyone. But connoisseurs say that after a long rest of the drink, such different aromas of grass and exotic fruit are woven into a simply indescribable bouquet! Be careful, rosemary is a fragrant thing, if you are not one of his devoted fans, it is better to put less than more, otherwise he will kill the whole pineapple!

Pineapple tinctures at home – 4 recipes!

  • 1 large, very ripe pineapple
  • 4 small sprigs of rosemary;
  • vodka or diluted alcohol – if necessary, about 0.7 l;
  • simple sugar syrup – to taste, about 300 ml.

Pineapple tinctures at home – 4 recipes!

Cooking this miracle of American fusion is not difficult, but it takes a long time. We clean the pineapple, free it from the core, cut it into pieces – as in the previous recipe. We place the pieces in a suitable jar – so that they occupy it almost completely. Add rosemary and fill everything to the top with vodka. Next – infusion in a dark warm place for 4 weeks. After that, drain the tincture, squeeze the pulp. Make a simple sugar syrup (if you want a stronger drink, just use sugar) and bring the drink to the desired sweetness. After that, he definitely needs to rest for at least 2-3 weeks. Filtration and all – you can drink!

Tincture “pineapple rum”

Don’t worry, you won’t need any rum, this recipe uses only alcohol, and the fruit and caramel syrup turns the drink into a sort of pineapple-infused pirate favorite.

Pineapple tinctures at home – 4 recipes!

  • 1 medium pineapple;
  • 0,5 liters of diluted alcohol 50-55%;
  • sugar – 50-70 grams.
  • water is optional.

There is absolutely nothing revolutionary about cooking. To begin with, we prepare a simple pineapple tincture with alcohol – as in the first section of the article. Next, take sugar, put it in a pan, add a little – about a tablespoon – of water. We fry until the mass acquires a uniform consistency and color of milk chocolate – it is not necessary to burn black. Again add a little water, stir, cool. Add to our pineapple tincture, mix thoroughly and let it rest for a week. Everything is ready!

Pineapple tinctures at home – 4 recipes!

Pineapple and coconut on rum

They also make such pineapple tincture at home. Exotic fruits go well with each other and with rum, as a result we will get a kind of home-grown substitute for Pina Colada – all that remains is to add lime, ice, insert a tube – and you are on the Caribbean coast! To save half of the rum can be replaced with ordinary vodka. Rum is better to take white, stronger.

Pineapple tinctures at home – 4 recipes!

  • pineapple -1 small;
  • coconut flakes – 250 grams;
  • rum – 1 liter;
  • vanilla sugar – a tiny pinch (can be excluded);
  • brown sugar – about 200 grams.

We cut the pineapple in the way we already know, mix with coconut flakes, add vanilla and pour rum. The term of infusion is 2-3 weeks. Drain-squeeze-filter. From brown sugar we make syrup with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Add it to the tincture to taste. Let’s rest for another week – and you’re done!

Pineapple tinctures at home – 4 recipes!

Any homemade pineapple tincture is simple and very tasty! It will surely delight you and your guests, it will let you imagine that you are somewhere on wonderful exotic islands, in the company of dancing native beauties, that pinkillo and ukulele sound, that a gentle breeze blows from the warm sea, and that winter is just a bad joke. which will never come true.

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