Pine pollen is a gift from nature

Pine pollen is a gift from nature

Pine pollen concentrates a lot of nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, natural enzymes and amino acids that help to improve the body, increase physical strength and energy.

The composition of pine pollen is free from impurities, does not contain nitrates, pesticides, toxic substances, and is biologically stable. The constancy of the composition of pine pollen compares favorably with other types of pollen produced by bees, which facilitates its use for medicinal purposes.

Pine pollen contains more than two hundred biologically valuable substances, while their percentage is higher than that of most other products. Thus, most fruits and vegetables after dehydration retain no more than 10% of their mass, while the dry residue of pine pollen without water is 94,7%, which makes it an extremely concentrated and complex food product.

The composition of pine pollen includes nucleic acids, poly- and monosaccharides, 20 basic amino acids, including 8 essential ones that cannot be synthesized in the body on their own and must be supplied with food.

Medicinal properties of pine pollen

Pine pollen has a huge range of medicinal properties:

  • Antioxidants. The antioxidant activity of pine pollen exceeds ascorbic acid by 20 times, and tocopherol or vitamin E by 50 times. That is why pollen is successfully used both for toning and strengthening the body during the period of illness and rehabilitation after illness. This natural medicine can be used as an immunomodulatory agent and a stimulant that increases the body’s reserves in the fight against stress.

  • Blood thinning. Pine pollen has blood-thinning properties, enhances tissue respiration and increases the activity and concentration of superoxide dismutase (SOD), which successfully shows itself in neutralizing free radicals. After the use of pine pollen, the amount of lipofuscin in the liver, heart and brain decreases. Lipofusin is a substance formed in the body under the action of free radicals. As a result, cell resistance increases, their life cycle increases, the risk of atherosclerosis decreases, lipids do not settle on the walls of blood vessels.

  • Improving blood circulation. The healing effect of pollen on the walls of blood vessels improves blood circulation, lowers bad cholesterol, enhances brain nutrition, which prevents stroke and memory impairment, and prevents psychasthenia. The restorative effect of pine pollen on capillaries enhances visual acuity, which may decrease due to diabetes and other systemic diseases.

  • The anti-inflammatory effect of pine pollen prevents diseases of the liver and kidneys.

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pine pollen is used to treat diseases of the digestive tract – the stimulating effect of pine extract increases appetite and restores healthy intestinal microflora, prevents intestinal disorders, diarrhea, indigestion and constipation.

  • Anemia. Pine pollen is used to treat anemia, since this natural remedy increases the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood and enhances the processes of hematopoiesis.

  • Anti-carcinogenic properties pollen, its resistance to radioactive radiation and the ability to prevent radical oxidation processes ensure the effectiveness of this phytoconcentrate in the fight against cancer cells.

  • Benefits for men. After a course of pine pollen, the reproductive abilities of men improve, impotence and infertility are cured, as well as inflammatory processes and pathologies of the prostate gland. Pine pollen has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of women, normalizes the cycle and alleviates the negative manifestations of menopause.

  • Benefits for the lungs. Pine pollen is deservedly called a panacea for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. It effectively treats tuberculosis and chronic bronchitis, blackouts on the lungs, overcomes severe colds and coughs.

Cosmetic properties

Pine pollen is a gift from nature

Pine pollen is widely used for cosmetic purposes, both for home and industrial cosmetics. Back in 1950, the first patent for pine pollen was registered in France as a component of skin care cosmetics, and in the 1970s there were already three patents in Japan.

Home use of pine pollen for cosmetic purposes is based on the properties of lignin (one of the polymers in the composition of inflorescences) to improve the permeability of the skin to other beneficial components of cosmetics.

Vitamins A, C and E in pollen have a number of skin benefits:

  • Tocopherol expands superficial vessels, improving blood microcirculation in the skin, which gives the face a healthy color, and the skin – smoothness and well-groomed appearance;

  • Ascorbic acid is necessary for the synthesis of the collagen framework of the skin, which is necessary for its firmness, elasticity and youthfulness of the face oval; in addition, vitamin C inhibits the activity of melanocytes, eliminating excessive pigmentation. After the application of pine pollen, a lightening of senile pigmentation on the face of the elderly was found.

  • Vitamin A prevents the formation of blisters on the skin, is the prevention of purulent skin diseases, including juvenile acne.

The antiseptic properties of pine pollen inhibit the activity of pathogenic bacteria on its surface, which often cause acne.

To prevent sagging, skin aging, it is recommended to take pine bud pollen inside.

Pine pollen for various diseases

Pollen is a male pine inflorescence, containing all the necessary substances for the fertilization of female cells and the birth of a new plant. That is why pine pollen has a rich and varied composition of proteins, minerals, vitamins, nucleic acids and enzymes.

About 30 essential minerals in the composition of pollen are necessary for the normal functioning of the human body, the flow of biochemical reactions. Taking pine pollen extract or pure pollen to restore mineral balance is much more effective than pharmaceutical mineral supplements, since microelements are better absorbed as part of a natural product.

In addition to the antioxidant vitamins described above, the composition of pine pollen is rich in vitamins D3, which are necessary for the formation of bone tissue, contains B1, which prevents heart failure and diseases of the nervous system, riboflavin is important for the normal course of metabolic processes.

Amino acids are also found in pine in a form that is biologically available to the body. Unlike the proteins that make up protein foods (meat, eggs, fish), which contain amino acids in a bound form, the amino acids of pine pollen are not bound into protein structures. Therefore, when they enter the body, they are immediately absorbed, entering the places of synthesis of new proteins.

Valine, threonine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine and tryptophan are among the essential amino acids that must be constantly supplied to the body with food. From amino acids, as from bricks, the body can synthesize all the necessary structures – these are not only proteins of muscles, skin and organs, but even enzyme proteins that carry out general regulation.

Pine pollen and fatigue relief

Pine pollen is used by professional athletes as a stimulant to relieve fatigue and increase the physical reserves of human health, as it does not contain components that doping control does not pass. Pine pollen was taken by the winner of the cycling marathon from Finland at the Munich Olympics, which allowed him to increase his endurance and strength. Another well-known athlete who prefers drinks based on pine pollen to replenish energy reserves and give vigor is the crowned boxing champion Muhammad Ali.

To relieve the symptoms of stress and reduce fatigue, it is necessary to eat pine pollen daily, it effectively replenishes the lack of strength in the elderly and helps strengthen the immune system of residents of urbanized areas.

Pine pollen and slowing down aging

Pine pollen is a gift from nature

The nucleic acids in pine pollen are responsible for its anti-aging effects. After twenty years, the primary synthesis of nucleic acids in the body decreases, due to which a person begins to lose hair, the skin becomes flabby, regeneration processes are slower, which is a prerequisite for the wear of internal organs and the development of various pathologies. taking nucleic acids in the composition of pine pollen inside can slow down these processes, prolonging the youth and health of the body – this is noted by Dr. Frank, author of the book “Diet without Aging”, USA.

In addition, antioxidants and vitamins that increase the resistance of cells to free radical damage, prolong their life cycle and prevent aging. Superoxide dismutase, the level of which increases after regular use of pine pollen, reduces the amount of oxidizing lipids, prevents the deposition of lipofuscin in the liver, heart tissues, and lipids on the walls of blood vessels. This is the prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, which are so common in the elderly.

Taking pine pollen allows you to increase the number of mitochondria in cells and increase their energy supply.

Pine pollen and cosmetology

Free amino acids in the composition of pine pollen are well absorbed by the skin and enter into biochemical processes, supplying the cells with the material necessary for the synthesis of the collagen framework. In addition to antioxidant vitamins and regulators of biochemical processes in cells, pollen contains enzymes necessary to maintain healthy skin and tissue metabolism. The combination of vitamins C, E, thiamine and riboflavin activates cells and increases the activity of the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which eliminates free radicals, preventing damage and premature aging of skin cells.

In cosmetology, pine pollen is used to lighten chloasma, freckles and pigmentation, to restore local skin immunity, as well as to strengthen the keratin layer of hair, in order to make them healthier, shiny and resistant to mechanical damage.

Pine Pollen and Gastrointestinal Functions

Thiamine or vitamin B1 is part of one of the main metabolic enzymes – decarboxylase. It is found in large quantities in pine pollen, therefore, with regular intake of phytoconcentrate orally, carbohydrate metabolism improves, appetite and peristalsis increase, and intestinal condition improves with upper dyspepsia.

 Magnesium and thiamine in the composition of pollen are also necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, so their inclusion in the diet can prevent gastric and intestinal disorders that develop on the basis of nerves.

Pine Pollen and Liver Protection

The hepatoprotective properties of pollen are provided by its composition rich in enzymes, amino acids, proteins and minerals, monosaccharides and other carbohydrates. When entering the liver, monosaccharides enhance the processes of glycogen synthesis, while pine enzymes and enzymes enhance the liver’s own enzymatic activity, have a choleretic effect and improve its detoxifying function.

Thanks to its rich protein and amino acid composition, pine pollen can prevent fatty degeneration of the liver. The fact is that in the process of metabolism, 20% of the amino acids formed as a result of digestion processes move to the tissues for the direct synthesis of new proteins, and the rest are necessary for re-synthesis in the liver. With a lack of proteins, fats can accumulate in the liver, which provokes its fatty degeneration.

Taking pine pollen allows you to quickly regenerate the liver after damage by toxins, alcohol, preventing cirrhosis.

Pine pollen supports the functioning of the heart and blood vessels

Magnesium in the composition of pollen is not only a component of many enzymes and cell structures, but also participates in the transport of nutrients in the cell. Pine flavonoids contribute to the prevention of atherosclerosis, as they lower the level of bad cholesterol and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. In addition, these substances increase the blood supply to the brain and heart muscle, preventing stroke and coronary disease, and make the walls of blood vessels more elastic.

Antitumor activity of pine pollen

The anticarcinogenic properties of pine pollen are manifested in its ability to enhance the antioxidant activity of cells and tissues of the body, as well as in the suppression of aflatoxins that promote tumor growth. In addition to the targeted action on malignant neoplasms, pine seeds contribute to the restoration of the body after radio- and chemotherapy procedures.

The role of pine pollen in the treatment of prostate diseases

Pine pollen is a gift from nature

The therapeutic effect of pine pollen in prostate diseases is due to its complex action. Firstly, biologically active substances in the composition of inflorescences (enzymes, enzymes, flavonoids, vitamins) restore the function of the secretory organs of the endocrine system.

Secondly, the components of pine pollen have a general health effect on the cardiovascular system, in particular, they increase the patency of the smallest vessels, increasing the elasticity of their walls and preventing blockage by atherosclerotic plaques.

Thus, the blood circulation of the tissues of the prostate gland is restored, swelling and blockage of the urethra are reduced.

Pine pollen and diabetes

Pine pollen stimulates the immune system in general, and its healing effect is primarily reflected in the human endocrine system. Thus, trace elements of pine pollen restore the body’s mineral reserve, contributing to the proper flow of synthesis processes, regeneration of cells and tissues after damage by free radicals and toxins.

Biologically active components of pollen restore the function of pancreatic secretory cells, increasing the amount of insulin produced by them. taking pine pollen as part of a diet for diabetics improves the condition of patients and is an effective and safe method of treatment.

Pine pollen and other diseases

External use of pine is recommended for all kinds of dermatitis, rashes and purulent skin diseases. Applying dressings with pine pollen on the surface of the wound prevents tissue decay and inflammation. In addition, pine pollen is used to treat bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, anemia and colds.

How to collect pine pollen?

The flowering time of pine usually coincides with the flowering of apple trees in mid-May. Male inflorescences, as they mature, turn from greenish to yellow, and after three days they are carried by the wind. Since pine belongs to wind-pollinated plants, its pollen is very light and easily carried away by air currents, and therefore the collection period is no more than 1-3 days. In the distant parts of the forest, where there is not as much sun as at the edge, pollen can still be found within 3-5 days. In any case, in order to correctly determine the period and carry out the harvesting of pollen, experience, attention and efficiency are needed.

After collection, pollen must be dried by laying it out in a thin layer on paper in a warm, dry room. After that, it is sifted to separate small scales. Use a sieve with the smallest mesh size and a clean plastic bag. Additionally, you can sift pollen through nylon to get rid of the smallest impurities.

Pine pollen in folk medicine, recipes for use

Pine pollen is a gift from nature

prescription for asthma

The benefits of pine pollen for asthmatics are clear. This natural concentrate contains more than 27 mineral microelements and a complex of easily digestible vitamins, but in the treatment of asthma, the most important ingredient in pollen are substances that block histamine H1 receptors, which are responsible for sharp spasms of the bronchial muscles during an allergic reaction. The histamine antagonists contained in pine pollen, when taken regularly, permanently block these receptors, which can save the asthmatic from having to constantly carry an inhaler with him.

To get the desired effect and solve the problem of asthma for a long time, first you have to prepare a pollen-based healing agent according to the following recipe:

  • Take 0,5 kg of pine anthers;

  • 0,5 kg of sugar;

  • 0,5 L of water.

Cones pour boiling water with sugar so that the syrup completely covers them. It is not recommended to boil the solution – the active components of pollen are destroyed by temperature. The hot solution is covered for steaming until cool. After a few hours, the cold syrup is squeezed out through a clean cloth or sieve, after which it is necessary to infuse it for a day in a dark place. As a result, a precipitate forms, which must be disposed of by pouring the finished syrup into a separate vessel with walls impervious to sunlight (ceramic, wooden, but not plastic or metal). The sediment can also be used to enhance immunity, in the treatment of colds and other diseases.

Sweet and sour syrup with floral and pine aromas must be stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended to take the syrup in tablespoons three times a day, about half an hour before each meal. After three weeks of treatment with the drug, it is necessary to check the effect by stopping its use for the next week. You do not need to leave the inhaler if the effect was observed during the reception. You can forget about it only if the control week passed without attacks. After it, the reception of the syrup resumes.

Subsequently, after several courses of asthma control with the help of pine pollen, it is also possible to partially refuse to take syrup based on it. You can gradually get rid of the need for daily medication in 2-3 years, reducing the dose or weakening the regimen. After three months of use, the amount of syrup consumed can be reduced to 1 teaspoon per day.

The anthers remaining after making the syrup can be used to brew pine tea.

Recipe for bronchitis

Bronchitis is one of the most common respiratory diseases that doctors have to deal with. A doctor can prescribe a lot of different pharmaceuticals to get rid of the symptoms of the disease, but few people know how useful pine pollen is in this regard.

To cure bronchitis with pine pollen, you will need to prepare a healing solution based on honey. honey itself is used as an aid in the treatment of colds, inflammation of the respiratory tract, and with pollen it becomes a real medicine. For this:

Recipe. In a liter of honey, you need to mix a tablespoon with a hill of pollen. You can stir with candied honey in a water bath, trying to heat the mixture no higher than forty degrees Celsius. The resulting honey solution should be taken three times a day, preferably 2 teaspoons at a time. Try to use the remedy half an hour before meals. If you forgot or it doesn’t work out, you can take it an hour after eating. When mixing a honey solution of pine pollen with decoctions of medicinal plants, the properties of the resulting drugs are not lost, but complement the effect.

If the patient is allergic to honey or its components, use the pollen milk infusion, which is easy to prepare:

  • When the milk boils, turn off the gas (or electricity – depending on what you heat) and carefully pour 20 grams of pine pollen into it and stir it in the same way as it is done with semolina (gradually so that lumps do not form). To improve the taste, you can add 25-40 grams of sugar and a little salt;

  • Wrap the container in which the infusion is prepared in a cloth so that it cools longer;

  • After cooling to room temperature, pour the milk solution into a reliable opaque container made of enameled metal, ceramic or wood;

  • Store the infusion in the refrigerator.

Just like honey, you need to take it daily, 50 ml, half an hour before the three main meals.

It turns out that the substances contained in the pollen are strong immunostimulants. The abundance of vitamin C helps to increase resistance to cold viruses, and the safety of ascorbic acid in cones is much better than in other foods that are cooked. Due to the rich vitamin composition, the drug is able to saturate the body with the necessary resources to provide protection against bacteria and viruses at the cellular and molecular levels.

Recipe for getting rid of depression and neuroses

Pine pollen is a gift from nature

Being a powerful biostimulant, pine pollen can be of great benefit in resolving problems that bring stress and constant fatigue. Depression does not only mean nervous exhaustion. It is caused, first of all, by disturbances in the functioning of the receptors of one of the pleasure hormones – dopamine. Pine pollen manifests itself as a natural stimulant, revealing the reserves of the human body. It relieves neurons of excessive stress, relieves the pathways of junk nerve impulses, contributing to the regeneration of nerve tissues. The calming effect is achieved by cleansing the blood and improving the elasticity of blood vessels – the intensification of blood circulation in the brain helps to focus on the main problems and solve them without unnecessary worries.

Pine pollen is known as an antidepressant with a stimulating effect to many nations. It is easily accepted by the body without causing harm, but at the same time it demonstrates the same effectiveness as modern antidepressants.

Especially useful in terms of preventing and treating depression is pine pollen tincture, which is prepared as follows:

Recipe. 50 g of pollen and 100 g of dry cones are poured with 0,5 l of vodka, or 200 ml of alcohol with 300 ml of silver or spring water. Silver water is easy to get if you use a vessel made of silver to store ordinary water or keep a product made of this metal in it all the time. Pollen and cones give off healing substances during 3 days of infusion, then the solution is filtered through filter paper (so that even the smallest scales do not get into the infusion).

How to use? A teaspoon of the resulting product should be used two to three times a day half an hour before meals, for digestibility, drinking it with water, dissolving the tincture in sweet tea or decoctions of other medicinal plants. If it is necessary to speed up the treatment process, the dose of a single application can be increased to a tablespoon, but only during the first week.

Admission course tincture on pine pollen and cones lasts three weeks, after which a week break is required, the body needs to get used to the medicine and completely metabolize all active ingredients. After a break, the course begins anew, and so on until the depressive disorder and neuroses are completely eliminated. Completion of treatment does not imply a complete rejection of the tincture – for prevention, take 2 spoonful of medicine every 1 days before the morning meal.

Where to buy pine pollen?

  • (as a tincture)

  • Yandex Market (in powder form)

  • (in the form of powder and tablets)

  • (in the form of powder and tablets)

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