Pine Cone Jam Recipes

Pine is a unique plant in which not only needles, buds, resin, but also young cones are useful. They have a rich chemical composition, many valuable medicinal properties. People have long adapted to make jam from pine cones in order to benefit from them for themselves. This is a tasty, nutritious and effective remedy that helps fight colds, beriberi, chronic fatigue and depression in winter.

Pine Cone Jam Recipes

The benefits and harms of pine cone jam

All the useful properties of pine are concentrated in the cones. They have a powerful biological effect on the body. Their impact on human health is no less than that of pine buds. Aromatic oils, resinous acids, tannins, as well as vitamins and mineral elements are of the greatest value in forest jam.

The surface of young pine cones is covered with resin, which has antibacterial, antiviral properties. In this way, the plant protects the seeds, reproduces and takes care of its offspring. These properties of resins bring significant benefits to humans.

Pine cones contain substances such as tannins, which are phenol-based compounds that are characterized by an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. They are active against many microorganisms and even Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In addition, tannins help to saturate the blood with oxygen. They block the death of brain cells after a stroke. In addition to tannins, pine cones contain many other useful substances:

  • trace elements (K, Ca, P, Mg, Cu, Fe, I, Na, Se);
  • vitamins (C, B1, A, E, H, U);
  • bioflavonoids;
  • tannins are terpenes that exhibit antiseptic and analgesic properties;
  • phytoncides that have a detrimental effect on fungal and bacterial microflora;
  • essential and fatty oils.

Each of these elements makes an invaluable contribution to human health. Only one group of B vitamins is represented by ten varieties. Thanks to this, the nervous system is strengthened, regenerative tissue processes proceed more intensively. Young pine cones are loaded with vitamin C, which strengthens our immune system. In addition, there is vitamin PP, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, as well as many other biologically active compounds:

  • vitamin C: pine cone jam is beneficial for children and adults in that it strengthens the immune system and nervous system, protects against colds, and participates in hematopoiesis;
  • vitamin B1: necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and peripheral nervous system, digestion;
  • vitamin A: strengthens eyesight, gives tone to muscle tissue, helps the body resist infectious, inflammatory diseases;
  • vitamin E: ensures the health of the genitourinary system, accelerates metabolism, has an antioxidant effect, protects the appearance from age-related changes;
  • vitamin H: ensures the normal functioning of the digestive tract, supports the functioning of the nervous and immune systems, affects appearance;
  • vitamin U: strengthens, cleanses blood vessels, has an antihistamine effect, maintains water-salt balance;
  • calcium: jam from pine cones is beneficial for men, as it strengthens the musculoskeletal system and the entire body, improves the conduction of nerve impulses, and serves as the main “brick” for bone and cartilage tissue;
  • potassium: plays an important role in the health of the cardiovascular, respiratory, immune systems;
  • phosphorus: strengthens the musculoskeletal system;
  • magnesium: affects the functionality of the cerebral cortex and central nervous system, helps the body resist infections, participates in the interaction of phosphorus and calcium.

Despite the fact that the benefits of jam from young pine cones are enormous, there are a number of cases when it can be harmful. Pine jam should be used with caution or completely abandoned during pregnancy, lactation, chronic kidney dysfunction, at an early or old age.

Pine Cone Jam Recipes

Collection and preparation of cones for jam

The benefits and harms of pine cone jam largely depend on the quality of the harvested raw materials. Cones need to be collected away from settlements where there is no public transport, gas pollution. A pine tree should be chosen healthy so that it is not damaged by pests, there are no fungal diseases. Pine trees that have reached the age of 15 begin to bear fruit. This happens at the end of flowering, which can last May-June. It all depends on atmospheric conditions. And after a couple of weeks, small green bumps appear.

A pine cone is ready for harvest when it becomes a uniform green color with a smooth and even surface, up to 4 cm in size. Dense to the touch, but it is easy to cut with a knife. On the surface there should be no defects in the form of foulbrood, fungal diseases or traces of pests.

If you cut a young pine cone in half, you can see a resinous substance inside, thanks to which the fruits have unique healing properties. That is why it is necessary to collect dense, not yet opened cones. Honey, sugar tinctures, jam are prepared from the collected raw materials. Pine cones must be processed on the first day after harvest, so as not to lose their healing qualities.

Pine Cone Jam Recipes

Pine jam recipes

The benefits and harms of pine jam will also depend on the technology of its preparation. First, sort the fruits, remove the stalks and be sure to soak for several hours in water. This is to remove small debris, ants or other insects from the surface of the pine cones. It is better to take a pan from stainless steel, not aluminum, since the resin that is released during the cooking process settles on the walls and is difficult to wash off.

Classic recipe

Recipes for jam from green pine cones bring invaluable benefits to human health. Pleasant taste and aroma make it a favorite medicine for all family members, including the smallest. It is worth considering an example of making classic jam for the winter. Rinse the pine cones, drain and pat dry with a towel. Next, you will need the following ingredients:

  • pine cones – 100-120 pieces;
  • water – 2 l;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg.

Pour pine cones with water, boil over low heat for about 50 minutes. Add sugar and boil for another 2 hours. Roll up in the usual way.

The second way to make pine jam. 1 kg of raw materials pour 2 liters of cold water, leave for a day. Then drain the infusion, add 1 kg of sugar and boil the syrup, into which, after boiling, lower the cones. The jam is cooked for 2 hours over low heat. At the same time, as it boils, remove the foam. When an amber color appears, a wonderful taste and smell, the jam is ready.

The third version of the classic jam recipe. Pine cones first wash, then chop. Fill with water so that they protrude slightly above the surface. For 1 kg of pine cones add the same amount of sugar. Cook in 3 stages like any jam from apples, strawberries. Boil for 15-20 minutes, then turn off the gas, let it brew for about 4 hours until it cools completely, and so on several times.

Jam without cooking

Cut well-washed pine cones into small pieces, roll in sugar and lay out in layers of 1,5 centimeters. Additionally, sprinkle each layer of fruit with sugar. Cover with a towel and place in direct sunlight. From time to time, at least 3 times a day, shake the container with pine cones well. After the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, the jam can be eaten.

Quick recipe

It is worth considering the recipe for jam, which resembles honey in taste and texture. Ingredients:

  • pine cones – 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1 kg;
  • water – 1 l;
  • star anise – 1 pc.;
  • cardamom – 5-10 pieces;
  • cloves – 2-3 pcs.

Prepare syrup, add pine cones and simmer for 2 hours on low heat, collecting foam. Put spices in a gauze bag, dip in jam for a quarter of an hour. Turn off the gas, strain and pour into jars.

The second option is a quick jam. Prepare pine cones, grind them in a meat grinder. You can even do this 2 times to make the mass fine-grained. It is allowed to grind on a blender. As a result of all manipulations, a brown-green mass should be obtained, because pine cones are slightly oxidized when crushed.

Then the resulting mass is mixed with honey or sugar in a ratio of 1:1. Give enough time to insist. If jam with sugar is prepared for the winter, it can be boiled a little, so it will be better stored.

With lemon

To make jam for 100 g of young pine cones, you will need 200 g of sugar and half a lemon, chopped and pitted. Combine the ingredients, add a glass of water and bring on fire to 100 degrees. On a moderate heating mode, keep for 15-20 minutes, stir, remove the foam. As soon as the jam has acquired a pinkish color, you can turn it off. Pour into dry clean jars.

The second version of pine jam. Mix 1 kg of raw materials with 3 liters of water, cook slowly for 4 hours, do not forget about the foam. Then cool the broth, strain, discard the cones. Pour 1,5 kg of sugar, cook until thickened. Add lemon juice obtained from one fruit, boil for a few more minutes. Pour hot jam into jars.

With pine nuts

You can enhance the taste and healing properties of forest jam by adding pine nuts to it. They contain healthy fats and many substances that strengthen the immune system, improve the functioning of metabolism.

Pine cones cut into 4 parts, mix with the same amount of sugar, pour water. Boil for 15 minutes and turn off the gas. Let it brew for several hours and boil the jam again for 20 minutes. After infusion until completely cooled, add pine nuts, previously fried in a hot pan and peeled. All together, boil slightly for 15-20 minutes, turn off and, after cooling, pour into prepared containers, roll up.

Pine Cone Jam Recipes

The use of jam for medicinal purposes

Pine cone jam is closed for the winter in order to strengthen immunity from infections and viruses during the cold season. It contains substances that help cure coughs, sore throats, colds, support the body during winter-spring hypovitaminosis, as well as in many other cases:

  • insomnia;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • any inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract;
  • heartache;
  • high temperature (has a diaphoretic effect);
  • post-infarction condition;
  • hypertension;
  • a weakened immune system;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness;
  • anemia;
  • malfunctions in the digestive tract;
  • giardiasis;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • weakening of the body.

Pine jam is stocked for the prevention of strokes, sclerosis, and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Its components have a beneficial effect on the state and functionality of the vessels of the brain, the viability of nerve cells. With regular intake, jam helps to increase the elasticity of the capillary walls, helps to reduce pressure.

People who have experienced a stroke may feel the benefits of pine jam for themselves. The result of treatment is somewhat reduced if the disease is severe. In any case, keep in mind that the effect will not manifest itself instantly. You need to be patient for long-term treatment.

Pine Cone Jam Recipes


Sweet jam from pine cones has not only benefits, but also contraindications. Large quantities should not be consumed by people suffering from obesity, prediabetes and diabetes. In such cases, it is better to use decoctions, tinctures of mature or green cones for treatment. Pine cones should not be taken with kidney disease and hepatitis. Do not feed jam to babies under the age of 1 year, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The components of coniferous trees often cause severe allergic reactions. People with a predisposition to such diseases should be wary of pine jam. You need to start trying sweet medicine with small amounts, gradually increasing the portion.

Terms and conditions of storage

Pine jam is allowed to be stored in a refrigerator, basement, cellar or pantry. Any dark and cold place will do. If the dishes in which the finished product is stored are glass and transparent, it is better to put in the refrigerator so that the sun’s rays do not fall. Can be stored on the balcony in a box.

Pine cones jam recipe Jam of pine cones


Pine cone jam is a natural remedy for the treatment and maintenance of many bodily functions. The composition compares favorably with synthetic drugs in that it does not harm health. The rich chemical composition determines the medicinal properties of jam from many diseases. It is important to use the product regularly and in moderation, then the body will receive only benefit, and not harm.

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