Pinching petunias: step by step photo

Multi-colored voluminous petunia bushes have already won the hearts of many experienced and novice flower growers and gardeners. Their flowering period is mid-spring until the first frost. They decorate summer cottages, flower beds, balconies, verandas, restaurants and cafes. This flowering plant is not whimsical. However, one of the most important agrotechnical issues deserves attention, since the development and abundance of flowering petunia depends on it. In this article, you will learn how to pinch a petunia.

Pinching petunias: step by step photo

We will talk about why you need to pinch a petunia. And also you will learn how this process is carried out and what important points must be observed in order for the pinching of a petunia to be successful. Additionally, the question of how to propagate petunia by cuttings will be considered. In addition, a thematic video will be provided to your attention.

What are the benefits of pinching

Petunia flowering begins 3 months after germination. Plant growth is directed upwards – towards warmth and light.

Warning! If the petunia is not tweezed, then its stems will grow until they collapse from overload.

In view of this, tweezing or shortening of the top of the main stem is used.

Pinching petunias: step by step photo

By cutting off the central stem, a new growth point begins to form, so the petunia grows to the sides. This contributes to an increase in the number of branches, and, accordingly, buds. Pinching a petunia contributes to the development of a more lush and beautiful bush. In addition, this event improves the quality of flowering.

Important! After pruning, the petunia spends all its energy on the growth of green mass, so the development of buds stops for several days.

However, new larger buds later form on the side shoots.

Pinching petunias: step by step photo

To make a petunia bush voluminous and beautiful, it must be pinched several times. And you need to do this already at the stage of seedlings. The first pinching can be started after the appearance of the first five true leaves.

It is better to do this after landing in open ground. However, if the plant has been indoors for a long time, due to the prolonged spring cold, then tweezing should be carried out after the appearance of five mature leaves. Otherwise, the petunia will grow, and you will not be able to form compact bushes.

Pinching and pinching. What is the difference

Pinching is the removal of a growth point, which is carried out at the stage of growing seedlings. So, already at an early stage of development, a compact bush is obtained with side shoots, on which beautiful flower buds are formed.

Pinching petunias: step by step photo

Tweezing is carried out with a sharp garden knife or nail scissors. Such an event must be carried out very carefully. Beginners in this business usually implement the formation of an adult plant by pinching.

Comment! Hybrids and elite varieties of petunias usually do not require pinching. Such an event is necessary, rather, for amateur varieties. However, if the temperature regime is violated and there is a lack of light, any variety of petunias will stretch upwards. In this case, it is necessary to carry out tweezing both on a cheap and on an elite variety.

Pinching petunias: step by step photo

Pinching, unlike tweezing, is carried out on an adult plant. This technique allows you to propagate the variety using cuttings.

A month after the first pinching, the side shoots are shortened, which contributes to their branching. All subsequent pruning is for decorative purposes and is optional.

Conditions for pinching

In order for the formation process to go smoothly, it is important to observe some formalities. So, you should prepare all the inventory in advance.

Pinching petunias: step by step photo

To carry out this manipulation, the gardener will need:

  • Manicure scissors for tweezing.
  • Garden knife or pruner for pinching.
  • Strengthened seedlings with five large leaves.
  • Container for collecting cuttings.

It can be concluded that pinching is as important a process as sowing seeds and picking seedlings. Therefore, do not take lightly this stage of petunia care.

Some rules

You have already learned a lot about how to properly pinch a petunia, however, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some more rules that will help you succeed in growing this beautiful flowering plant.

Pinching petunias: step by step photo

  1. Overgrown seedlings are not suitable for tweezing. Therefore, carefully monitor the seedlings.
  2. The pinching process does not take long. The top must be cut so that at least five leaves remain below.
  3. If the petunia is transplanted into open ground, then it is pinched about three days after transplantation. So, the petunia will have time to take root and pinching will not lead to its death.
  4. A sterile tool should be used to cut the shoots.
  5. The cut should be done in such a way as to minimize damage to the sprout.
  6. To make the buds larger, petunias need to additionally feed the plant with special fertilizers.

Associated reproduction of petunias

Carefully cut tops of petunia shoots can be used as cuttings for plant propagation. To do this, the cuttings are placed in water and when roots appear on them, this indicates that it is time to plant them in the ground. In this case, the lower part of the stem should be cleaned of leaves, leaving a few at the top. Planting cuttings is carried out quite tightly. In order for the sprouts to take root, they need to be watered and sprayed, as well as fed with fertilizers. Some gardeners use growth stimulants.

Pinching petunias: step by step photo

After the cuttings get stronger and grow, they also need to be tweezed. Elite and expensive varieties are more capricious, they can suffer from temperature changes and moisture, as well as from the effects of wind and rain.


If you follow these rules for caring for a petunia, you can grow beautiful bushes of this flowering plant that will be no worse than the photos shown in this article. In addition, we suggest you watch a thematic video that will complement your knowledge base:

How and when to pinch petunias?

How to pinch PETUNIA | Basic Rules

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