Pin Twins The six Pin Twins rubber exercises for glutes of steel

Pin Twins The six Pin Twins rubber exercises for glutes of steel

Esther and Gemma Pineda, Pin Twins, propose a routine of six exercises with rubber bands that can be done in 14 minutes and that help to harden and tone the buttocks and legs

Pin Twins The six Pin Twins rubber exercises for glutes of steelPM2:22

The Pin Twins turn up their exercise intensity this week. After proposing several routines that could be performed without material and with objectives such as achieving a flat stomach, eliminating cartridge belts, having toned arms, or achieving a wasp waist, now they propose taking a step further in sports activity and using resistance or elastic rubber to intensify sports activity. Of course, the personal trainers Esther and Gemma Pineda explain that the difficulty does not increase, but the intensity, since the exercises are easy to perform.


Total time
14 minutes
Time per exercise
45 seconds
15 seconds

In the routine of six exercises with rubber bands that they propose this week and that they created using the facilities of Reto48 Moraleja, the personal trainers Esther and Gemma Pineda, Gemelas Pin, set as their objective tone the buttock and legs. Will we get glutes of steel? The working time of each exercise is 45 seconds. Once done, repeat the exercise twice and rest for 15 seconds. And so on until completing the complete routine of six exercises, which can be performed in about 14 minutes, approximately. Practice the routine with the video, but first read this brief explanation of each exercise to know where to place the resistance rubber and to avoid the most frequent mistakes when practicing each exercise.

Exercise 1: Side Shift

Place the rubber band above the knee in the middle of the thigh, take small steps from one side to the other without bringing the knees together. Remember to move while maintaining tension with the rubber.

Exercise 2: Hip Raise

Place the rubber band mid-thigh, above the knees. To practice this hip lift exercise with rubber bands you must keep the knees aparts. Remember to raise your hips well, up to knee height. Remember to slightly lower your chin down.

Exercise 3: Donkey Kick

Sit in quadruped, place the elastic band above the knees, mid-thigh. Throw a kick up, placing the knee at a 90 degree angle. Remember to keep your shoulder blades together and your back straight, without arching.

Exercise 4: Squats

Place the rubber band above the knee, mid-thigh. When making the squats Remember to place your knees at the same width as your shoulders. Remember that the knee should stay behind the height of the foot and shoulders, behind the knees.

Exercise 5: Lateral Leg Raises

When practicing lateral leg raises, remember avoid excessive lateral tilt. Maintain an upright position when doing the lifts and point your feet forward. You know, the rubber is placed above the knee. Practice first with one leg and then the other.

Exercise 6: Alternate Step Back

To practice the exercise correctly remember that you must keep glute down. The legs will be slightly bent and you will have to alternate, first one foot back and then the other. Remember to place the rubber band as in the previous exercises, above the knee, in the middle of the thigh.


  • Strengthens the lower body
  • Tones the legs and buttocks
  • Strengthens the “core”


  • Correctly position the resistance rubber

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