Pin Twins ‘Tablet’ Abs: Five Dumbbell Workout Routine

Pin Twins ‘Tablet’ Abs: Five Dumbbell Workout Routine


Five dumbbell exercises to strengthen your abdomen and achieve a flat stomach. Personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda, Pin Twins, explain this fitness routine step by step

Pin Twins ‘Tablet’ Abs: Five Dumbbell Workout RoutinePM2:06

Reduce the gut, strengthen the core and achieve a flat stomach. These are the objectives pursued by the Pin Twins (Esther and Gema Pineda) with their routine of five exercises that you can perform in 15-20 minutes. To practice this table of easy but intense steps you only need to use one dumbbell. If you want to get results as soon as possible, the personal trainers suggest practicing the exercises three times a week.

Flat stomach routine

20 (each exercise)
TV Shows

In this week’s routine, which was recorded at The Corporate Gym facilities, they propose doing 20 repetitions of each of the five exercises, three series and taking a 30-second break between each series.

1. Isometric lateral turns

We start from the position of sitting on the floor, with the legs slightly bent and the heels resting on the floor so that we keep the abdomen in tension. We look straight ahead, hold a dumbbell with both hands and perform lateral torso twists, bringing the dumbbell to both sides of the body and trying to maintain tension in the abdomen and straight back. We repeat the exercise 20 times on one side and 20 on the other.

2. One-arm raises and extension

We start from the position of lying on the floor with the legs slightly bent and the soles of the feet supported. From that position we take the dumbbell with one hand and raise the arm and torso upwards. Once at the top, we will change the hand dumbbell, we will lower the winch to the ground and repeat the movement, holding the dumbbell with the other hand. We will repeat the exercise 20 times with one hand and 20 with the other.

3. Draw a dumbbell “8”

We sit on the floor, we take a dumbbell with our hand and we draw an “eight” with it, passing the dumbbell from one hand to the other under the legs, which we will flex and stretch depending on the movement. We repeat the exercise 20 times to one side and 20 times to the other.

4. Touch the balls of your feet with your hands

We lie down on the floor and raise our legs at a 90 degree angle. From that position we hold the dumbbell with one hand and raise the torso trying to touch the tip of the foot opposite to the hand with which we hold it with the dumbbell. We repeat the exercise 20 times with one hand (and opposite leg) and another 20 with the other.

5. Dumbbell pyramid

We start from the pyramid position, with the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet resting on the floor. We hold a dumbbell with one hand and with it we try to bring the dumbbell towards the opposite foot, when we return to the position we undo the pyramid to make a push-up and repeat the movement. We will do 20 repetitions with one hand and 20 with the other.

In addition to the routines proposed each week on ABC Bienestar, the Pin Twins, who have over 90.000 followers on Instagram, plan online workouts aimed at weight loss and muscle toning.

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