Pimples on the face – why do they appear? How To Get Rid Of Pimples?

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Pimples on the face can have different origins. They appear all over the face, and can vary in size and frequency. Facial pustules do not only occur in adolescents, as their causes can vary, so they appear in all ages. What are the reasons for their occurrence? What is the treatment like?

Pimples on the face – causes

There are many factors that trigger the appearance of pimples on the face. They can appear on the cheeks, forehead, chin, and with more extensive lesions, they can also be found on the neck. Pimples on the face can be an allergic reaction, hormonal disorders, but also chronic diseases.

Pimples on the face, which are referred to as juvenile acne, are the result of too much sebum production, but, contrary to the name, acne can also appear in elderly people, especially those with oily skin and not paying too much attention to facial skin care. Another factor that causes pimples to appear on the face is the excessive production of sebum, which promotes the growth of bacterial colonies. Pimples on the face with acne are most often located on the face in the so-called T-line, i.e. the forehead, nose and chin. However, in more severe forms of acne, pimples can also appear on the neck, shoulder line, back, and also on the chest.

Pimples on the face are not always the result of acne lesions. In a situation where they appear suddenly, they include areas other than the face area, and in addition, eczema is accompanied by itching and redness, it may indicate the development of another disease. What are the causes of skin changes on the face?

  1. pimples on the face of the same color as the skin of the face may indicate a vitamin deficiency, for example vitamin A, as well as B vitamins and iron.
  2. blemishes can be due to dietary mistakes, for example too much chocolate.
  3. facial pimples are the result of hormonal changes, and androgens contribute to an increased amount of sebum, which of course results in the appearance of pimples.
  4. pustules on the back, chest may be a symptom of protein blemish. It is a condition that affects not only young children but also the elderly.
  5. pimples on the face are the result of chronic diseases, for example, they appear in the presence of disturbed liver function.
  6. an allergy, mainly a food allergy, may be a factor causing pimples on the face

Pimples on the face – treatment

If the pimples on the face do not disappear after a long time, it is necessary to see a specialist doctor for a check-up. A complete diagnosis may reveal that the eczema is the result of a serious disease in one of the internal organs. For smaller lesions, the dermatologist may order local treatment, while for larger lesions, antibiotics are included in the treatment.

With frequent recurring pimples, it is very important to properly care for the skin of the face. It is recommended to use natural cosmetics, odorless and without chemical dyes, systematics is important for care. Medical preparations recommended for washing the skin of the face should contain vitamin A. The treatment should last up to several weeks.

Pimples on the face can be effectively eliminated with preparations, ointments containing acetylsalicylic acid, which should reduce inflammation. Creams must contain zinc and sulfur as both are antibacterial. Skin care should be combined with a properly balanced diet devoid of simple sugars and spicy spices. You can also try the blemish spot gel, which has a strong normalizing effect. Reach for the tea recommended for acne EKO.

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