Pimafucin – action, indications. How to use the preparation for vaginal mycosis?

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Struggling with vaginal infections? One of the medications prescribed by the gynecologist is Pimafucin. It is a drug containing natamacin, which makes it easier to eliminate some molds and fungi of the genus Candida. Check how this preparation works and what are the indications for its use and contraindications. Find out how to use the drug and what are the symptoms of vaginal mycosis.

Pimafucin – what kind of drug is it?

Pimafucin is a medicine that contains natamacin (an antifungal and protozoal agent) that helps fight some molds and fungi of the genus Candida. The drug belongs to the group of topical polynelic antibiotics. Its active ingredient binds to sterols that are part of the yeast cell membrane, causing irreversible disturbances.

Natamacin contained in Pimafucim is a tetraene antibiotic. Due to binding with sterols of the fungal cell membrane, it causes the reduction of its cells. It is helpful in destroying Candida fungi and incl. Fusarium, Penicillium and some mold. In addition, it is effective in destroying protozoa. Compared to many antibiotics, natamcin can be used to treat many conditions.

Indications and contraindications to the use of Pimfacium

Pimafcium is a drug to combat vaginal fungal infections. However, this does not mean that every woman can use the preparation. A contraindication to taking the preparation is hypersensitivity to even one of its ingredients. In addition, it should not be used by women during menstruation. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should always consult a doctor before taking the drug.

Pimafucin – side effects

Pimafucin, like all drugs, can cause side effects. However, they do not occur in everyone who uses the preparation. The effect of taking the drug may be a hypersensitivity reaction to cetyl alcohol, the excipients of the preparation. There may also be a slight burning sensation in the genital area after inserting the globule.

How to use Pimafucin?

Pimafucin should be used according to the doctor’s instructions. The cream is intended for topical application to the skin or mucous membranes. When the site is affected, a small amount of Pimafucin should be applied 1 to 4 times a day. It is recommended to use 1 globule daily for 10-25 days.

The use of vaginal globules can be problematic because they must be inserted deeply. Therefore, it is best to put them in a lying position. It is important to take care not only of intimate hygiene, but also of hand hygiene – before applying the Pimafucin globule, it is worth washing your hands and intimate areas. This will prevent contamination.

The vaginal preparation must be skillfully removed from the packaging. This means that in the case of capsules, they should be squeezed out, and the globules should be removed by tearing the cover made of plastic or aluminum. The upper tip of a preparation like Pimafucin often has an incised upper tip. It is worth doing for the sake of intimate health. You can also ask the pharmacy or doctor’s office for details on how to apply the drug to the vagina.

Pimufacin is best applied after urinating and washing the hands and the vulva area. You should be careful with the nails, which, if they are too long, may make the application of the drug difficult or cause a minor wound. The drug can also be inserted in a reclining position or in the same position as when inserting a tampon, e.g. while sitting on the toilet. It’s best to wash your hands again afterwards.

Can Pimafucin and other vaginal medications be used at the same time?

It is best to use only one preparation for self-treatment. The combination of gynecological probiotics and certain substances needed to treat intimate infections is particularly disadvantageous. Nevertheless, it is recommended that you rely on your doctor to prescribe more than one vaginal preparation, review the decision and follow it when there is no doubt.

Pimafucin – a preparation for the treatment of thrush

Candidiasis is an infection caused by Candida fungi, present both in the environment and on the skin and digestive tract. Mushrooms do not multiply when the immune system is functioning properly. However, all his ailments, including caused by some antibiotics, increase the risk of candidiasis (a disease caused by Candida fungi).

A person with a weakened immune system may develop yeast infection, e.g. as a result of extensive surgery, severe burns, an oncological patient, a premature baby and a low weight newborn. Patients and people with immunodeficiency suffering from diseases are also at risk.

The use of Pimafucin is sometimes one of the methods of treating candidiasis, but the disease has many forms and the doctor should decide whether to use this particular drug. The treatment of the disease depends on its location and lesions. Other antifungal drugs also include ketoconazole, itraconazole, and terbinafine. Which one to choose depends on the variety of yeast infection.

What are the causes, symptoms and treatment of vaginal mycosis?

The cause of the disease is the disturbance of the natural bacterial flora in which microorganisms are found. The organ is protected against infections by lactobacilli due to the fact that they make the environment acidic. Infection occurs when there are few or no lactobacilli. This leads to the rapid growth of Candida albicans, causing vaginal mycosis.

One of the first symptoms of the condition is the presence of a slightly sweet-smelling and lumpy vaginal discharge. The vagina becomes dry, there is a burning sensation, itching and reddening of the labia. In some women, the burning sensation is felt either during intercourse or when urinating – this is a signal to immediately see a doctor who may prescribe Pimafucin, but the diagnosis will only be made before a preliminary examination.

The cause of vaginal mycosis does not have to be incorrect hygiene of the intimate zone. The disease can be caused by weakness of the body, decreased immunity, pregnancy, hormonal disorders or sexual intercourse with an infected person. Moreover, the use of oral contraceptives and stress may be the cause of the condition. People with a deficiency of B vitamins are more susceptible to falling ill.

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