Pills and drugs for depression

To get out of depression, 5 groups of drugs are used, namely: antipsychotics, antidepressants, tranquilizers, nootropics and sedatives. More on each of these categories below.


Pills and drugs for depression

Used in the context of psychoses, neuroses, insomnia and depression. Preparations of this group make it possible to cope with anxiety and anxiety, a sense of obsession and agitation.

Antipsychotics include: Aminazine, Zyprexa, Mazheptil, Leponex:

  • “Aminazine” – administered intravenously or intramuscularly. The advantage of the drug is that it can be used even with acute arousal, but it has certain contraindications and side effects. So, “Aminazine” is unacceptable to use in diseases of the liver and kidneys, severe hypotension, diseases of the stomach. Side effects of this antipsychotic are also diverse: the urge to nausea and vomiting, parkinsonism, allergic reactions on the skin.

  • “Zyprexa” —  which is available in the form of tablets. Can be used by pregnant women and even during the lactation period. Contraindication – an increased degree of sensitivity to the components of the drug. Causes minor side effects such as drowsiness. May interact with other drugs – levodopa, dopamine agonists.

  • “Mazeptil” – available both as tablets and as solutions for intramuscular injections. Speaking of contraindications, it should be noted toxic-type agranulocytosis, angle-closure glaucoma, prostate adenoma and any stage of parkinsonism. In small doses, use during pregnancy is allowed. The remedy has a large number of contraindications: from apathy to an increase in body index and jaundice.

  • “Leponex” – Available in the form of a solution for injection and tablets. When interacting with clasopine, constant dose adjustment is necessary. Suitable for people over 65 years of age. You should carefully monitor the reactions of the body to the remedy, since there is a high probability of developing psychoses and other complications.


They help not only calm, but also activate the nervous system. It is advisable to use only with strong unrest, because there is a high probability of addiction.

Antidepressants include:

  • “Lerivon” – is available in the form of tablets and is characterized by a rapid effect due to absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Not recommended for use in manic syndrome and even more severe disorders. It is strictly contraindicated in pregnancy and breastfeeding. Incompatible with inhibitors of the MAO group, and also has a large number of side effects;

  • Fluoxetine – a powdered remedy, begins to act after 2-3 weeks, gradually relieving depression. It has a number of serious contraindications (glaucoma, hypersensitivity, and others), as well as restrictions in terms of use (liver cirrhosis, heart attack). It is characterized by many side effects and is incompatible with MAO inhibitors;

  • “Prozac” – available in capsules and soluble tablets. Contraindicated in hypersensitivity, not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. Side effects appear mainly at the very beginning of using the remedy – anxiety, small skin rashes, as well as headache and nausea. Changes the ratio of lithium in the blood. A sufficiently frequent dose adjustment is necessary (preferably once every 1.5-2 months).


Pills and drugs for depression

Drugs related to tranquilizers are highly addictive, therefore strict medical supervision is indicated.

This category includes Phenibut, Phenazepam, Elenium, Temazepam:

  • «Fenibut“- is issued in the form of tablets. It has a number of contraindications: pregnancy, renal failure, individual intolerance to the components of Phenibut. Enhances the effects of many drugs: from anxiolytic to anticonvulsant. With prolonged use, it is necessary to monitor the status and composition of the blood, as well as indicators of liver function.

  • “Phenazepam” is available in the form of tablets and is associated with a large number of contraindications. In this connection, it should be taken with extreme caution, starting with the smallest doses. The maximum dose within 24 hours is 10 mg, otherwise an overdose occurs: depression of consciousness, a decrease in blood pressure and even coma. Not recommended for use by people under the age of 18.

  • Elenium – is a dragee. Contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components, pregnancy, glaucoma. During the first doses, side effects are likely, which decrease as the body gets used to it. In case of problems with the kidneys and liver, Elenium is used with extreme caution, as well as at the age of 65 years. When signs of addiction become noticeable, you should stop taking the drug. This should be done gradually.

  • Temazepam It is a powdery product that is poorly soluble in water. This is the most powerful of the tranquilizers, which is unacceptable for pregnant women. Has a number of other contraindications, including age under 18 years. Side effects are possible, both from the nervous system and from the digestive tract. The dosage is always set individually and requires frequent adjustment.


The most harmless group of drugs that can be used in depression. These include tools such as:

  • “Glycine” – tablets that easily fall into the vast majority of biological fluids. They can not only be drunk, but also brought to a powdered state. Contraindicated in hypersensitivity, adverse reactions are also likely. Weaken the severity of some antidepressants. Available without a prescription, but use outside of medical supervision is highly undesirable.

  • “Quattrex” – capsules, which are indicated for acute renal failure, hypersensitivity and children under 11 years of age. It should be used with caution in the context of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, constant monitoring of the composition of the blood and liver enzymes is necessary. The tool is able to influence the reaction rate, and therefore the use in driving and working with mechanisms is prohibited.


Pills and drugs for depression

The last group is mild drugs that are indicated for use in depression and weakening of the central nervous system. They include drugs such as Valemidin, Novo-Passit. The first of these are drops made on the basis of alcohol. They help restore sleep, cope with depression and cardiovascular neurosis. There are many contraindications: from under 18 years of age to problems with the central nervous system and liver function.

Sedatives include:

  • “Valemidine” most often used as an additional remedy, as it enhances the effects of antidepressants and nootropics. Allergic reactions are possible, and with prolonged use, dryness of the oral mucosa is noted. The course of treatment should be from 10 to 15 days. The repetition of the cycle is possible not earlier than in 30-40 days and only on the recommendation of a doctor.

  • “Novo-Passit” Available in the form of solutions and tablets. It has a number of contraindications: myasthenia gravis, age up to 12 years, hypersensitivity. In addition, caution should be used for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver, depression, which is accompanied by alcoholism, brain injuries. The drug is well tolerated, but in rare cases, allergies, fatigue, and a decrease in concentration are possible.

The drug enhances the effect of other antidepressants, and therefore it is necessary to consult a specialist and periodically adjust doses. Already within the first 7 days, the condition should noticeably improve. If this does not happen, it is recommended to either increase the dosage or abandon Novo-Passit. All this should be done only with the consent of the attending physician.

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