When buying a machine for removing spools, you need to pay attention to the following parameters: – price; – dimensions; – volume of capacity; – build quality; – type of power supply; – equipment.

The machine for cleaning clothes from matted fibers can be in the form of a hemisphere or have an extended handle. Outwardly and in the way of work, it looks like an electric razor. Pulls are removed thanks to a small mesh net with sharpened edges. Under the net is a rotating sharp knife that cuts off the protruding threads of the fabric.

A mesh with small holes will not grip large spools well, it is even possible that they get stuck in the machine, which will cause it to be disassembled. Therefore, you should choose the average size of the holes.

A machine with a small size will be much more convenient to use, since it fits well in the hand. However, such a thing will be much slower to clean the product from the pellets than its counterpart with a wide blade. The choice of this or that model should be based on how often the machine is supposed to be used.

A small compartment for collecting tissue residues will interfere with operation, as due to its overfilling, you will constantly have to clean the device. If the machine will be used infrequently, then a small compartment for collecting waste will be sufficient.

The kit for the machine for removing the pellets can be supplied with a cover, a cover for a net, a cleaning brush, oil for lubricating the blades of a knife. These things are important for proper care of the appliance, but you can replace them with other available means.

There are machines in stores with knife height adjustment. This function will make it convenient to work with various types of fabric, the pellets can be cleaned even from the surface of very thin materials.

The machine for removing the pellets can be powered from an ordinary outlet or battery. In the first case, you do not have to stop work to replace it, and in the second, the device will become more mobile, you can take it with you to the dacha, to work, or on a trip. Not so long ago, options with batteries that can be charged from the mains appeared on sale.

The assembly of the device must be of high quality. If jags and irregularities are visible on the machine, then it is better to choose products from another manufacturer, since due to such roughness, various damages on its surface can occur during the cleaning process of the fabric from the pellets. It is desirable that the manufacturer is sufficiently well-known and provides a warranty for the product.

A good car cannot be cheap. A device made from poor quality materials will quickly deteriorate.

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