Pilates Workouts

Pilates exercises seem to be ineffective due to their smoothness and fluidity. But these are erroneous conclusions, since Pilates tones all the muscles of the human body.

Difficulty level: For beginners

The term “Pilates” (pilates) appeared in our speech relatively recently. But the origins of this gymnastics go deep into the centuries. This healing technique was based on the teachings of yoga, wushu and regular physical education. It is aimed at working with deep muscles, which are not paid attention during fitness classes.

Pilates workouts take place in slow motion and with smooth movements. They are combined with breathing exercises and meditative techniques.

It is impossible to get injured while doing Pilates. After all, all movements are performed slowly and without additional loads (dumbbells and other sports equipment). Also Read: Twine Stretch Workouts

For training to be successful, you need to follow six rules

  1. Concentrate on the muscle group that is involved in the exercise.
  2. Center the body. The center of gravity is at the level of the abdomen, so the exercises should be performed with a straight back and a retracted abdomen.
  3. Control your posture, the correct execution of movements and even your own thoughts.
  4. Follow your breath. Breathing, like gymnastics itself, should be slow and deep.
  5. Do the exercises only the specified number of times. It makes no sense to complicate training, as this will not work.
  6. Perform movements very smoothly, without overstressing.

Only under the condition of regular classes and strict adherence to the above rules will you achieve the result: strengthen muscles and improve health. Also Read: Stretch Workouts

Pilates will help you feel your body in a new way

  • increase the flexibility of the body;
  • pump up muscles;
  • accelerate blood circulation;
  • learn to breathe correctly;
  • normalize sleep and get out of a stressful state.

You will begin to feel your body in a completely different way and will be able to control your thoughts better. Training should begin with the search for an experienced instructor who will make the best program. Doing Pilates on your own is not recommended. You will not be able to avoid mistakes, you will violate the rules of this gymnastics and will not achieve the expected result.

Training is carried out not only on mats, but also on simulators. But in the gym, this is not a problem. Here you only need the mat itself and sportswear. See also: flex workout

Reasons to start Pilates

Pilates is effective only with regular training. It allows you to make the body flexible, but without the relief of superficial muscles. This type of gymnastics also improves coordination, accuracy and clarity of movement.

There are 5 effects for which you should immediately start training:

  1. Increased joint mobility and tummy tuck. All exercises in Pilates are done with the abdomen drawn in.
  2. Improved posture and the disappearance of back pain. This is beneficial for the deep muscles.
  3. Improvement of internal organs and acceleration of metabolic processes. With a fast metabolism, calories are not stored in fatty tissues.
  4. Increase lung capacity and improve heart function. Relief from nervous tension and stress.

Basic Pilates Exercises

Movements in Pilates are aimed at strengthening one of three zones: the back and abdomen; buttocks and thighs; shoulder girdle. Let’s look at two exercises from each category.

Back and abdomen workout

  • Exercise 1: «100» – Lie on your back, raise your legs, bending them at an angle of 90 degrees. Raise your head off the mat and extend your arms parallel to the body, keeping them in the air. Make light swings with both hands up and down without touching the floor. It is necessary to perform 100 such movements.
  • Exercise 2: “Twisting” – Lie down in the same way as in the first exercise, but without raising your head. Begin to smoothly pump the press, clasping your hands at the back of your head.

Strengthening the muscles of the buttocks and legs

Exercise 1: “Bridge”– Lying down, bend your knees and rest both feet on the floor. Leave your arms extended along the body. Raise your buttocks up to the maximum point and return to the starting position.

Exercise 2: “Bridge with leg raises”  – In this exercise, the starting position will be the pose of the bridge at the maximum rise. Take this position and lift your legs up alternately, bending them at the knees at a right angle.

Strengthening the shoulder area

  • Exercise 1: «Plank»– Lying on your stomach, rest your bent arms on the floor so that your palms and forearms are on the mat. Rest your feet on the floor with only your fingertips. Hold the body stretched in one line on weight in this position for as long as you can.
  • Exercise 2: Reverse Plank – Here you need to take a position face up, resting on the floor with the palms of both straightened arms and heels. The body should also be flat, like a bar. This exercise can be complicated by alternating leg raises bent at the knees.

Recommendations and contraindications for Pilates

Pilates is necessary for those people who want to look beautiful and feel good at any age. Also, gymnastics will be useful for a sedentary lifestyle, osteochondrosis and posture disorders. See also: Workouts for a beautiful back

But these workouts are contraindicated in severe pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, joint diseases in the acute phase, severe obesity, infectious diseases, after operations or injuries. A special approach to training is required for pregnant women. They can do Pilates, but only very selectively and under the supervision of a trainer.

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