Pilates helps you lose weight

Pilates helps you lose weight

Pilates is a special kind of fitness. It is also called “slow aerobics” or “lazy aerobics”. What is the uniqueness of Pilates? And how does Pilates help you lose weight?

Pilates is one of the most effective weight loss fitness techniques. How does it help women to keep themselves in shape and what exercises are needed for the results to be truly stunning?

Pilates for weight loss

Pilates is a special type of fitness, in which movements are smooth, slow, with a special breathing system and concentration of attention to the body. Pilates helps to lose weight gradually, so you should not count on quick results.

In the context of weight loss, Pilates plays one of the important roles, since only 10 minutes of pilates per day contributes to weight loss. Although everything is not so simple, and to achieve a result, even the most diligent Pilates exercises will not be enough. It is necessary to change the diet, refuse foods that can damage the figure and include foods that are healthier and healthier.

The Pilates technique is quite simple, but, despite this, the process of losing weight while doing this kind of fitness is actively developing. The fact is that Pilates exercises are aimed at developing areas such as the abs, hips and chest, these are the parts of the body that are problem areas for many women. Often, the hallmarks of Pilates can be seen in popular exercise sets for weight loss.

But Pilates helps to lose weight not only with a special type of exercise, their smoothness and slowness play an important role in these exercises. Only amateurs claim that “slow” exercises such as yoga and Pilates do not help you lose weight. It’s true that you lose much less weight in one session than with aerobics or any other sport. Pilates is not aimed at losing weight quickly; everything in him, as well as in his movements, should be gradual. Lose weight slowly and healthily.

Pilates: what exercises do you need to do to lose weight?

As already mentioned, exercises in Pilates focus on problem areas, but it does not bypass other parts of the body either, because in the Pilates system there are more than 500 different exercises for all muscle groups. Only a trainer can tell you the set of exercises that is right for you, he will take into account your physical capabilities, problem areas and contraindications (if any).

Here are a number of Pilates weight loss exercises:

  • Exercise 1: Stand up straight with your arms at your sides; start leaning forward, while trying to touch the floor, but without bending your knees; then, in this position, take 2-3 steps forward with your hands and stay in this position for 15 seconds, then lower your buttocks to the floor, raise your head and bend your back, also stay in this position for 15 seconds; then we repeat everything in reverse order and do this exercise 20-25 times;

  • exercise 2: lie on your side, tighten your abs, start twisting your upper leg in a circle, while the knee remains straight, then change legs and do this exercise for a minute with each leg;

  • exercise 3: lie on the floor, arms parallel to the floor, tighten your abs and, leaning only on your buttocks, raise your legs and upper body, do this exercise 10-15 times;

  • Exercise 4: Get on all fours, keep your head straight, raise your left arm and then your left leg, fix this position, return to the starting position and change your arm and leg;

  • Exercise 5: Lie with your stomach on the floor, tighten your abs, head forward; Raise your legs and arms and waving movements parallel to the floor, do this exercise for 45 seconds and repeat 2-3 times.

Pilates is just one of the types of gymnastics that helps you lose weight. If you want to get rid of excess weight in problem areas, do not forget about the whole body as a whole. Exercise for all muscle groups, with more emphasis on your abs, glutes, and legs.

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