Pilates for your health and beauty

Pilates for your health and beauty

It will help you lose weight and achieve spiritual peace, teach you how to move beautifully and feel your body, relieve stress and energize … In a word, it will solve all problems at once! WDay.ru explains what the Pilates exercise system is and why it has become so popular.

Yoga plus stretching

The exercise system called “Pilates” was developed over a hundred years ago by the American Joseph Pilates. He was a very sickly fragile child, but from the age of 10 he began to perform simple gymnastic exercises and by the age of 15 he had pumped up such muscles that every adult could hardly boast. Pilates later developed his own exercise program, which became very popular. Theater and film stars came to his classes, dancers, for example, Martha Graham and George Balanchine – outstanding ballet stars – were fond of Pilates training.

Pilates contains elements of yoga, stretching (stretching) and callanetics (static gymnastics). The main idea of ​​Pilates is to improve overall muscle tone, develop coordination, flexibility, elasticity of the ligaments and body balance.

Pilates can be practiced by a person of absolutely any age and any level of physical fitness.

Ideal for beginners

Pilates has gained immense popularity and worldwide fame in our time. Now every self-respecting fitness center is ready to offer a similar training program with an instructor for everyone.

So, how does this simple but effective form of fitness compare favorably with other aerobics? Firstly, you can train not only in a fitness club, but also at home, on your own. Secondly, a person of absolutely any age and any level of physical fitness can practice Pilates. All exercises are done slowly, statically, each movement smoothly turns into another. The stress on muscles and joints is minimized. Thirdly, thanks to Pilates, the so-called “Muscle frame strength”, strengthening the center of the body – from the chest to the pelvis (and by the way, this is where all the most important organs are located!), the muscles of the back are strengthened, which significantly reduces the risk of spinal diseases and lower back pain.

Special large gymnastic balls called “fitballs” help develop balance.

Fitballs, rings and discs

Pilates has a group of exercises that must be done with special equipment. For example, large gymnastic balls, fitballs, contribute to the development of balance, isotonic rings and discs improve the shape of the buttocks, thighs and breasts, and massage Mat helps relieve muscle tension after exercise. But beginners should start training without equipment and preferably in the presence of a trainer who will show the movements, talk about breathing techniques and monitor the correct execution. First you need to learn the basic exercises and only then proceed to the initial level.

By the way, recently it has become very popular aquapilates, which further reduces the burden on the body. All exercises must be done in water. It tones the body without increasing muscle mass. Aquapilates helps to stretch the spine and correct posture.

It is best to practice Pilates barefoot, so that the muscles of the lower leg and foot are actively involved in the work.

What is important to do

For classes, it is better to choose comfortable clothes that will not hinder your movements and will allow you to correctly and fully perform all the exercises. Do Pilates best barefoot, so that the muscles of the lower leg and foot are actively involved in the work. Like any other fitness, Pilates requires regular training (preferably 3 times a week).

Eliminate food intake one hour before the start of the workout. Be very attentive and listen to your feelings. Remember that classes should never hurt! If you feel any discomfort in your back, stop the exercise immediately. You are most likely doing something wrong. If you are not feeling very well, the activity will not bring you any benefit and it is better to postpone it to another time. If you have any chronic medical conditions, it is better consult a doctor before training.

Based on materials from Superstyle.ru.

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