Pilates for the face

How to use a set of simple exercises to remove the second chin and restore clarity to the contours of the face, says cosmetologist Chantal Lehmann.

What do we do if the body has lost its tone, the buttocks have sagged and the stomach has become flabby? We go to the gym or start to pump the press and squat at home. Likewise with the face. If the skin has lost its former elasticity, the corners of the lips have drooped, the oval of the face has “floated”, then it is time to fight the so-called “gravitational ptosis”, the weakening of the muscles of the face.

Gravitational ptosis can be caused by genetic predisposition, aging of the facial muscles, or sudden weight loss. Lack of sleep, smoking, stress can increase the manifestation of ptosis. However, regular exercise will help strengthen the facial muscles, which means tightening the skin, smoothing out wrinkles and, therefore, looking younger by a couple of years.

Like Pilates for the body, the technique for the face does not tolerate fuss. Exercises must be done carefully, clearly, slowly and consciously. Regularity is also extremely important. You need to train at least 4 times a week.

The facial exercise system strengthens muscles that are not involved in everyday life.

By analogy with classic Pilates, the system of exercises for the face strengthens muscles that are not involved in everyday life. Many fear that gymnastics will take a long time. In fact, the implementation of six exercises takes about 5 minutes. The maximum is 10 if you do everything especially diligently. You can do Facial Pilates in the morning or evening to complete your daily skincare routine.

The first step is to take the correct posture: straighten your back, lower your shoulders, raise your head, relax your facial muscles. Take five deep breaths and start.

Exercise 1

Smooth out wrinkles at the corners of the eyes

Close your eyes, relax your eyelids, hold your breath and squint your eyes to the bridge of your nose for 5 seconds. Then slowly open your eyes and look straight ahead. The exercise can be repeated 5 to 10 times.

Exercise 2

Remove double chin

Pronounce the sound “ks” for a long time, stretching your lips as much as possible. You will feel that all the muscles and ligaments of the neck are tensed. Lock the position for 5 seconds. Repeat five times. After each repetition, relax your mouth, exhaling long and making a long “o” sound.

Exercise 3

Strengthen the chin

Carefully and slowly rotate your head clockwise (3-5 times) and counterclockwise. You can open or close your eyes, whichever is more comfortable for you. Try to tilt your neck back, forward and sideways as much as possible. Watch your breath and your condition. If you feel dizzy, skip this exercise. Try to do it next time.

Exercise 4

Increase skin elasticity

Close your lips and puff out your cheeks. With your index fingers, lightly press on them, while not opening your mouth and not letting out air. Hold this position for 5 seconds. Then exhale. Repeat 5-10 times.

Alternatively, imagine you have a table tennis ball in your mouth. “Roll” it from behind one cheek through the upper lip to the other cheek and then back. Repeat 5-7 times.

Exercise 5

Outline the oval of the face

Put your palms on your cheekbones, spread your elbows to the side. Under the base of the palm, you should feel the chewing muscles. Relax the lower jaw and rotate it clockwise and counterclockwise for 2-3 minutes.

Exercise 6

Smooth out nasolabial folds

Open your mouth wide. Repeat vowel sounds clearly and loudly: “a”, “o”, “u”, “s”.

About expert

Chantal Lehmann – French cosmetologist, author of the technique of modeling face and body massage, owns a personal clinic in Paris.

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