Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

Pike perch is a genus of ray-finned fish and belongs to the perch family. This is a predatory fish, growing to a respectable size and gaining a corresponding weight. As a rule, zander is of interest in the form of sport and amateur fishing, and is also of interest for commercial fishing. Currently, the existence of several species of this fish is known, the species of which differ little from each other. The main differences are related to the habitat, food objects and the nature of behavior.

Pike perch: description

Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

According to experts, pike perch formed during the Pliocene, on the territory of modern Siberia. In addition, based on studies that have been confirmed as a result of the remains found. It has been established that during the long evolutionary development this fish has not undergone any significant changes. Pike perch can be found in almost all reservoirs of our vast planet, regardless of whether they have fresh or salt water.

A distinctive feature of zander is the presence of fangs-like teeth on their jaws, thanks to which the zander securely captures its prey. As a rule, fangs are more noticeable in males than in females, which is also the main sign of their sexual difference. In addition to fangs, this predator’s mouth contains many small, but extremely sharp teeth, which is typical for many predatory fish.

Types of pike perch with photos and names

The appearance of pike perch depends on the characteristics of the species, therefore, they distinguish:

lightfin zander

Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

Differs quite impressive data. It is able to grow in length by more than 1 meter and weigh up to 12 kilograms. The body shape is slightly elongated, fusiform, while the body is covered with ctenoid scales. With age, the body of the walleye shrinks from the sides. Fang-shaped teeth can be seen on the jaws. The body is also characterized by the presence of two dorsal fins, the caudal fin is distinguished by the presence of a characteristic notch. Depending on the habitat, the color of zander can vary from olive brown to golden brown or closer to yellow hues. The color of the belly is white or yellow, and the edge of the caudal fin is indicated by a white border.

pike perch

Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

It is also characterized as a large fish that grows more than a meter in length and gains weight up to 10 kilograms, or even more. According to experts, such data are not the limit for this type of zander. In adult males, fangs are relatively large in comparison with females.

Canadian pike perch

Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

It does not differ in such impressive dimensions, and its length can be no more than 80 cm with a weight of about 4 kg. This type of zander has a regular, spindle-shaped body, covered with tight-fitting scales. The body also has two dorsal fins, a caudal fin with a classical notch, ventral fins and pectoral fins. The body color is dark, almost black. On the first dorsal fin there are black dots, with a characteristic oblique direction. On the chest, next to the pectoral fin, there is a dark spot, but there is no such spot on the caudal fin.

Volga pike perch

Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

It differs in modest size, as it grows up to a maximum of 45 cm and at the same time gains weight no more than 3 kg. The appearance of the Volga pike perch is the same as that of other species, but it does not have canine teeth. Leads a sedentary lifestyle. This type of pike perch is found in the basins of the Caspian, Black and Azov seas, while entering the waters of these seas.

sea ​​zander

Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

This is a small fish that grows up to 0,6 meters in length and gains weight up to 2 kg, no more. It has a characteristic elongated body, laterally compressed. The sea zander does not have such a large mouth, but fang-like teeth are located on both jaws, upper and lower. The dorsal fins of marine varieties of zander are separated by a very small gap.

Pike perch living in the Black Sea and its basin are distinguished by the fact that their dorsal fins practically touch each other. At the same time, it can be seen that the lateral line is long and reaches the caudal fin. In addition, this species has very small eyes, compared to common pike perch. The body color is characterized by light gray shades. It should also be noted the transverse stripes on the sides of the fish, the number of which reaches a value of 12 or 13 pieces. There are clearly visible dark spots on the caudal fin, including the second dorsal fin.

Interesting information! The eyes of zander are different in that this fish can see in almost complete darkness. In addition to the light-sensitive cells that make up the retina, in their eyes there is a special layer behind the retina – the tapetum. Tapetum are flat types of cells, the basis of which are microscopic reflective crystals.

The film “Sudaki” from the cycle World of Spearfishing Part 1

Lifestyle, behavior

Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

Pike perch is a predatory fish, so this factor is decisive in the nature of the behavior of this fish. Adults mainly feed on small fish, although smaller brethren also eat a variety of invertebrates. Representatives of the perch family are distinguished by the fact that they are quite sensitive to the purity of water and the concentration of oxygen in it. Therefore, they will not live in reservoirs, the water of which is polluted with various suspensions, which is typical for swampy areas.

Starting from spring and all summer, pike-perch keeps at depths from 2 to 5 meters. As a rule, the main activity of zander falls on the dark time of the day, although it can be caught during the day. Due to the special structure of the eyes, pike perch hunt without problems in complete darkness. After sunset, pike perch can be found in shallow water, as well as close to the surface of the water. This period is characterized by the fact that the fish arranges “bitch fights”, which are accompanied by characteristic loud splashes of water.

In the daytime, pike perch is in shelter, located at a depth, choosing for this purpose areas with a hard sandy or pebble bottom. At the same time, he likes to have larger underwater objects nearby, in the form of snags, blockages of trees or large boulders. These underwater objects are used by the predator to hunt for their potential prey. Pike perch is considered to be fairly resistant fish against various diseases.

Interesting fact! If pike perch is present in the reservoir, then this is evidence that the water in the reservoir is of sufficient quality, since it will not live in conditions of the slightest pollution.

There are slight differences in the behavior of zander, depending on habitat conditions. For example, pike perch is a freshwater fish that lives in a variety of water bodies, especially rivers, although this species is found in some lakes and reservoirs. It differs in that it leads a sedentary lifestyle, but for spawning it goes to natural spawning grounds located at a considerable distance from its usual habitats. Having spawned, pike perch always comes back.


Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

The average lifespan of this fish is 15 years, although some individuals live up to 18 years.


Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

Lightfin pike perch is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of North America, from Quebec and ending with the territory of the Northwestern provinces of Canada. In addition, they inhabit almost all natural reservoirs located throughout America. The common pike-perch prefers the fresh waters of Eastern Europe and Asia. As a rule, it is found in water bodies representing the basins of the Black, Baltic and Azov Seas, as well as the Caspian and Aral Seas, including Lakes Balkhash and Issyk-Kul. In addition, pike perch can be found in other water bodies, as well as in desalinated areas.

Canadian pike perch is a typical representative of water bodies representing North America. These species are found in the St. Lawrence lake-river system, as well as in the natural waters of the Appalachian mountain range, including the waters of western Alberta.

Sea pike perch, judging by the name, prefers to live in seas such as the Black and Caspian. Representatives living in the Caspian avoid desalinated areas, preferring salt water. In the Black Sea, pike perch is most often found within the Dnieper-Bug estuary and the mouths of rivers flowing into the Black Sea.

The film “Sudaki” from the cycle World of Spearfishing Part 2

Predator diet

Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

Pike perch is a predatory fish, while the diet of adults is a small fish. Pike fry, already with a body length of not more than 1 cm, switch to an external type of nutrition. At the initial stages of development, the fry feed on zooplankton. After an increase in body length of more than 1 cm, the larvae switch to feeding on various insects, such as chironomids, amphipods and mayflies. At the next stage of development, the fish switches to feeding on small fish.

Interesting to know! Pike perches are such reckless predators that in pursuit of their prey they often find themselves on the shore, where they die.

Pike perch, despite its impressive size, feeds mainly on small fish with a narrow body. Therefore, his diet includes such fish as gobies, bleak, sprat, gudgeon and others. This is due to the fact that zander has a narrow throat, and it will not be able to swallow larger fish. Canadian and Volga pike perch are also representatives of typical predators and prefer to eat small fish, the size of which does not exceed 5-10 cm.

Breeding process

Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

The process of puberty depends on the living conditions. Thus, the light-finned pike perch inhabiting reservoirs with cold water reaches sexual maturity only at 8-12 years of age, while representatives living in warmer regions are ready to spawn at the age of 2-4 years.

These species lay their eggs immediately after the ice melts, and in the northern regions pike perch spawn in July.

The development of eggs is carried out in special conditions, when the water temperature does not exceed +10 degrees. Representatives of the southern regions do not spawn every year, but every other year. Spawning occurs in the dark in several stages, with an interval of up to 5 minutes, while the eggs are laid in several places, in small portions. In terms of fecundity, pike perches are leading in comparison with other types of freshwater fish.

Pike perch caviar is relatively small in size. The average diameter of the eggs is about 1,5 – 2 mm. After spawning, the eggs are firmly held on the bottom, which enables the males to carry out proper fertilization. After about 5 hours, the eggs lose their former stickiness. Pike perches do not protect their future offspring, so their survival rate is at a very low level – only 1 percent, along with offspring that survived to 1 year.

Interesting to know! Common pike perch spawns, like most fish, with the advent of spring, when the water warms up to a mark of 10 to 12 degrees Celsius. In the Sea of ​​u0,5bu5bAzov, this period begins in April or early May. Spawning occurs in shallow water, where there are many flooded bushes and other vegetation, as well as bottom objects. These can be places with a depth of XNUMX to XNUMX meters. Common pike-perch caviar is very small in size and has a yellowish tint. The fry, born from caviar, feed on small invertebrates at the initial stage of their development.

Having reached a size of about 9 cm, young individuals completely switch to feeding on fry of fish of other species, and by this period there are quite a lot of them in reservoirs. With such an active diet, pike perches grow quite quickly and gain weight up to 1 kilogram in the second year of life. Already in the third or fourth year of life, they will be ready to continue their race. In winter, when significant cold sets in, pike perches go to wintering pits, where they and other fish species wait for the arrival of spring.

Natural enemies

Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

Pike perches have very few natural enemies, and they do not experience significant pressure, especially poaching, in comparison with other types of fish. In natural waters, pike perches keep small groups, which often saves them from attacks by other predatory fish.

Vision status

The only representative of the zander species is under serious pressure – this is the sea zander, therefore it is listed in the Red Book on the territory of Ukraine. The remaining species have a status that does not have a threat of extinction.

Fishing value

Pike perches are distinguished by the fact that they have valuable meat, therefore they are among the popular commercial fish. In addition, pike perch is an object of both sports and amateur fishing. This is due to the fact that pike perch meat is a healthy dietary product, since it has a very low percentage of fat. In our time, some countries, quite naturally, have introduced restrictions on the catch of many ray-finned fish species, including zander.

In conclusion

Pike perch: fishing, description of fish, habitats, species that eat

What angler doesn’t dream of catching zander? Recently, oddly enough, but the number of such applicants is growing rapidly. This fact can be considered as a very serious problem. And although the problem does not lie in the plane of the number of applicants, close attention should be paid to it, since the whole thing is in the constant improvement of fishing gear. What are the baits designed for catching predatory fish, including pike perch. Today, fishing is a very expensive pleasure. If you buy fish in a store, it will be much cheaper than going fishing.

Today, we can safely say that modern fishing is the lot of the rich, as they can afford to purchase expensive, durable and lightweight gear, including a boat and a car. These people know how to count money. Therefore, they go fishing not in order to relax, but in order to recoup their costs. They are able to catch as many fish as they take away, and not carry away, like some anglers, for whom fishing is a hobby or a way to take a break from everyday hustle and bustle.

This kind of thinking leads to the fact that fish stocks are dwindling every day. Those fishermen who like to sit with a fishing rod near the reservoir will soon be unable to catch anything, given that poachers also do not sleep at any time of the year.

Be that as it may, fish must be present in the human diet, as its meat contains many useful components that ensure the normal functioning of its organs. The use of fish dishes allows you to systematically replenish the body with useful substances, such as vitamins and trace elements. Many human diseases are associated with a lack of certain nutrients.

Fishing for zander from Mikhalych. Ultralight. micro jig

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