The pike is a perennial plant that is also called meadow grass. This herb can be a weed, but with the right approach, it will brighten your garden and complement your floral arrangements.
This herb is a cereal. Its height reaches 1 m. The peculiarity of the plant is that it can form dense mounds of turf up to 50 cm high. Because of this, it is called a sod meadow. The leaves of the plant are flat, often curled up. The edges of the leaves are rough. On the spikelets there are 2-3 spaced flowers.
Pike – a plant for landscaping a personal plot
In nature, there are about 100 varieties of meadows, but three varieties are suitable for growing in the garden:
- Bronzeschleier is distinguished by its high growth, sometimes it grows up to 1,5 m. Also, this variety retains an attractive appearance throughout the year.
- Goldtau is also quite tall. Its peculiarity is in golden panicles.
- Tardiflora is a medium height variety. Panicles appear rather late on it.
Also in the garden, you can use hybrid species of all the varieties described.
This plant is used for decorative purposes. It is planted on lawns and alpine hills. It is also considered fodder and is used in folk medicine.
You can grow a meadow from seeds or plant parts. The second way is preferable. Grow pieces should be about 15 cm in diameter. The best time to plant is spring and autumn. Choose sunny areas for planting. Pike grass can grow in the shade, but in this case, most likely, spikelets will not appear. The soil at the planting site can be any. The meadow looks best in a composition with irises, daylilies, buzulniks and other similar plants.
Do not plant the plant if the average daily temperature outside is above 20 ° C!
For planting, dig a hole, place a part of the plant there along with an earthen clod, dig in and water abundantly. Continue watering abundantly for 2 weeks after planting.
Further water the plant only if the summer is very dry. To avoid self-seeding throughout the site, remove the peduncles in time. Trim the bump periodically to keep it looking neat. If the hummock has started to “go bald”, then it’s time to plant it.
A photo of a pike will help you understand what this grass looks like. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing special about it. However, such a herb brings freshness to the garden, pleases the eye with its juicy green color.