Pike fishing in autumn

With a decrease in air temperature, the water also cools down, this is what serves as an impetus for the activation of ichthy inhabitants in all reservoirs. Fishing for pike in autumn in most cases is successful, because such weather conditions are the best for a toothy predator.

Features of the behavior of pike in the fall

As soon as the thermometer on the street drops to 20-23 degrees during the day, the water in the reservoirs also becomes cool, after the summer heat this has a positive effect on all residents, including the predator. Feeling the coolness, he begins to prepare for wintering, and for this he will definitely eat fat. Between anglers, this period is called autumn zhor, its features are as follows:

  • pike become less cautious;
  • prefers large prey to small fish;
  • does not stand in one place, scours the entire reservoir in search of prey.

Pike fishing in autumn

Based on this, they note that it is in autumn that trophy specimens of a toothy predator are most often on the hook, and both experienced anglers and beginners are lucky in catching. It is important to correctly assemble a strong tackle and pick up baits, otherwise you need to rely on intuition and have a little bit of fishing luck.

Pike may be less active in early autumn, but with further cooling, her instinct will lead her to hunt.

Just before freezing, the toothy inhabitant of the reservoir will follow the peaceful fish to the wintering pits, from there it will be possible to lure it out only with large baits. Before that, the pike will feel great among the algae and the reeds, where he will find food for himself and be able to hide from the threat.

Tackle for pike in autumn

Fishing for pike in the fall can take place using different gear. The spinning blank is considered the most effective for catching, in addition, circles are used, they are classified as a passive type of fishing. Pike are caught in late autumn on a live bait bottom, but this method is now used very rarely. Next, we will learn more about each of the methods.


Autumn pike of large size most often turns out to be a trophy of spinningists, with properly assembled gear and selected catchy baits, no one will be left without a catch. During this period, fishing in the selected water area can be carried out both from the coastline and from a boat, so the equipment will vary slightly. The best way to see this is in a table:

tackle componentscasting from the shorecast from a boattrolling
formplug with test 10-30 g and length from 2,4 mplug type up to 2 lengths with test values ​​10-30g or 15-40glength up to 2 m with test values ​​up to 150 g
coilinertialess type with spool in 2000-3000spinning with a metal spool size 3000 or throw multiplierspowerful reels made of spinless baitrunners or multis with good traction characteristics
basisfishing line with a diameter of 25-0,35 mm or braided cord 0,16-0,22 mmfishing line 0,25-0,3 mm thick or braid up to 0 mmbraided cord from 0,25 mm to 0,35 mm thick, for fishing line these figures are higher, they are used from 0,4 mm or more
leashestungsten, steel, titaniumgood quality with test loads from 7 kgstand, kevlar, titanium


This type of tackle has just begun to revive recently, just 25-30 years ago, just such an autumn fishing for pike in different reservoirs was very popular. Tackle is not difficult to assemble, its components are as follows:

  • hard rod 2-4 m long and test values ​​up to 200 g;
  • inertia or inertialess reel with a capacious spool;
  • monofilament fishing line is used as the basis, its thickness should be at least 0,4 mm;
  • leashes are mandatory, and they must have a tee at the end for live bait.

Pike fishing in autumn

Important components will be a weighty sinker, it is better to use a sliding option. For fishing in the current 100-150 g will be enough, for standing water and 40-grams it will be enough.


Autumn zhor is a great time for catching pike on circles, this tackle belongs to the passive types of fishing. Having exposed them, you can take a spinning rod and go looking for pike in a more active way.

For equipment you will need:

  • a circle of foam, buy it or make it yourself;
  • a fishing line is taken as the basis, its thickness should not be less than 0,4 mm;
  • the sinker is selected depending on the depths being fished and the size of the live bait;
  • leashes are required;
  • the tee is of good quality, and the size depends on the intended catch.

Small fittings are chosen carefully, because during this period a trophy-sized pike often appears on the hook of the mug.


To catch a predator for different types of equipment, different baits are also used, they must be able to choose. At the beginning of the season, you can be interested in medium-sized products, but pike fishing in late autumn is only for large options.

All baits for catching pike in autumn can be divided into two types:

  • artificial ones are used for fishing various types of water bodies with a spinning rod, both in casting and trolling. They use wobblers with success, silicone on a jig head and on an offset machine with cheburashka, spinners of large size, oscillators from 8 cm and weighing from 15 g. Colors are selected depending on the transparency of the water and weather conditions: in early autumn, natural colors work better, but in the middle and late acid.
  • Live bait is referred to natural baits, it is on it that they catch circles and on the bottom. It is desirable to use freshly caught fish from the same reservoir. The best options would be carp, roach, ruffs, minnows. It should be understood that in order to catch a large pike, the live bait must be of the appropriate size, and it is worth choosing from the most active ones.

In late autumn, it makes no sense to catch a toothy predator on turntables, and silicone up to 90 mm is useless. During this period, baits of 110-150 mm and more work perfectly.

Subtleties of fishing by months

Although autumn is the best time for catching pike, there are still some subtleties of catching reservoirs by months.


The beginning of autumn is characterized by catching a predator in different places; both a wobbler with a slight depth and silicone are used as bait. During this period, the turntable No. 3-4 will work perfectly, medium-sized oscillators are used.

Of the wobblers, you should choose options with a natural color, but the acid should also be in the arsenal. Popper fishing is possible.

It is better to take turntables from the classic Meps: longs for the river, aglia for stagnant water. Any spinners will do, even a castmaster will work well. Choose silver colors for cloudy weather and copper for fishing in the sun.


It is famous for zhor in all its glory, it is during this period that the pike fattens up for the winter, so it is not at all difficult to catch it. Fishing is carried out more at medium depths, at the end of the month they move to wintering pits. Use as bait:

  • large-sized wobbler, starting from 110 mm and more;
  • spinners from 18 g;
  • silicone of acidic and natural color from 10 cm.

In the third decade, you can already try the donk, but it all depends on the weather conditions. The circle can also bring good results during this period. It will be great to catch a predator in trolling.


If the weather is favorable and the reservoirs are not covered with ice, then the anglers continue to actively hunt for pike, and they use all possible types of capture.

Spinningists achieve excellent results, wobblers with a dive slightly less than the maximum depths of the reservoir will become indispensable. You can choose both acid colors and natural ones, no one canceled the experiments. Silicone will also work well, with both a large-sized twister and a vibrotail.

Spinners are in trend during this period, they catch the most trophies. The most catchy are:

  • atom;
  • lady;
  • pike.

It is worth paying attention to skimmers, that is, double spinners, during this period they will be very helpful in catching a toothy predator in any reservoir.

It makes no sense to recommend some kind of wiring of baits, in the fall you can experiment plenty. Any of the options used will bring success even to a beginner.

Fishing for pike in autumn in most cases is successful, with minimal effort, anyone can catch a trophy.

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