Pigmented skin disorders – types, symptoms and treatment

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Pigmented skin disorders are a condition in which the skin color changes. They may be discoloration or discoloration, in both cases they are generalized or limited. The mainstay of treatment of this ailment is effective protection against radiation.

What are skin pigmentation disorders?

Pigmented skin disorders are an ailment closely related to changes in skin color. This condition can be generalized or limited, and the color of the skin depends, among other things, on the content of dyes. Melanin, which is a brown skin pigment produced by melanocytes, plays an important role here.

Melanocytes, in turn, are located in the basal layer of the epidermis. Thus, people with dark complexion have a greater number of active melanocytes. Discoloration and discoloration of the skin arise due to the disturbance of individual phases of melanin synthesis and transport.

In the prevention of skin discoloration, it is worth using proper care. The Oio Lab brand offers the Lunula night serum, which, thanks to the content of Sacha Inchi oil, helps counteract discoloration. To even out the skin tone and minimize its visibility, we recommend a natural foundation which, by matching the skin color, ensures an even finish. You can also try the BB cream with SPF 20 from Embryolisse, which evens out the skin color.

Types of skin pigmentation disorders

1. Generalized discoloration – their causes are most often hormonal disorders (hyperthyroidism or adrenal cortex) or congenital diseases in the course of which chemical compounds are deposited in the skin causing brown or black discoloration (protection, i.e. alkaptonuria, haemochromatosis, melanosis). The cause of the ailments may also be liver and kidney diseases and cancer. The diagnosis of these diseases requires additional specialist tests. Lesions are located in every area of ​​the body, and most often they affect the mucous membranes.

2. Limited discoloration

  1. Freckles.
  2. Shame.
  3. Lentil stains.
  4. Coffee and milk stains.

3. Generalized discoloration

  1. Congenital albinism (albinism)
  2. Vitiligo –

4. Post-inflammatory discoloration – appear as a consequence of skin inflammation. The inflammatory process causes the amount of melanin to decline, and hence, spots of a lighter color than other areas of the body appear on the skin. Post-inflammatory discoloration may result from the following diseases:

  1. hand eczema,
  2. white dandruff,
  3. sarcoidosis,
  4. mycosis fungoides,
  5. psoriasis,
  6. tuberculosis,
  7. pityriasis versicolor.

Pigmented skin disorders – symptoms

In skin pigment disorders, well-delimited light spots of various sizes and shapes as well as spots darker in color than the rest of the skin are formed. They become more visible in the summer, when healthy parts of the skin are tanned.

Initially, vitiligo spots are not inflammatory, but sometimes in the summer season, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, a reddening of the exanthema appears. The lesion of vitiligo located on the scalp leads to discoloration of the hair strand.

If you develop these symptoms, consult a dermatologist immediately. They will assess your symptoms and prescribe appropriate treatment. It is important that systemic diseases are ruled out.

How to treat skin pigmentation disorders?

In the treatment of pigmented skin disorders, it is primarily important to protect against radiation. People with any discoloration of the skin should not be exposed to long-term exposure to rays, both natural and available in the solarium. They should also remember to use sunscreen.

Local lesions are treated with preparations that brighten, exfoliate and inhibit melanogenesis. It happens that the skin lesions are located a bit deeper, then it is necessary to use chemical peels, laser treatment or cryosurgery.

In patients with discoloration as a consequence of other ailments, treatment of the underlying disease should be started. In order to discolor stains, drugs containing substances such as vitamin C, vitamin A (retinoids), arbutin, and hydroquinone are used.

In vitiligo at the beginning of treatment, external preparations are introduced, e.g. glucocorticosteroids or calcineurin inhibitors. In addition, various types of irradiation are used:

  1. photochemotherapy (it uses UVA radiation);
  2. UVB with a wavelength of 311 nm.

There may be a need for a surgical epidermal transplant. Then the epidermis from healthy skin is transplanted onto lesions. Although there are many treatments available, they often prove to be ineffective.

In the case of albinism, the most important thing is protection against UV radiation. For this purpose, it is recommended to use creams with high sunscreen and careful monitoring of the skin for possible malignant neoplasms.


When deeper pigmented lesions appear, you should always visit a dermatologist!

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