Pigeons monks: Moscow, German crusades

Pigeons Monks got their name because of the unusual color and crest in the form of a hood, reminiscent of the robes of monks. In addition, during the flight they move away from their flock and prefer to fly alone. Often these pigeons are called cross pigeons, since during the flight of the bird the tail and wings form a cross.

Pigeons monks: Moscow, German crusades

History of the breed

Monk pigeons first appeared in Germany in the XNUMXth century. They were bred by German pigeon breeders as a breed of racing pigeons. They were supposed to participate in the hunt, driving out hidden birds from the foliage. Pigeons quickly gained popularity in Europe, and at the beginning of the XNUMXth century they were appreciated by breeders in Our Country.

Flight characteristics

They are very emotional birds, flight properties are well developed. It is interesting to watch how the flock flies through the crowns of trees. Pigeons Monks require constant training. Then they are able to stay in the air for several hours. They do not fly at high altitude, but in flight they move quickly and maneuverably. Type of flight is circular.

Comment! Seeing a dove from a strange flock in the sky, they jump off the spot, fly up to the stranger and flap their wings, as if inviting him to visit. For this quality they are called horses.

Cross doves monks in flight are beautiful.

Cross monks

Breed signs and standards

The main distinguishing feature of the German cross-pigeon of a monk is a snow-white body, on the head there is a kind of cap. The color of the plumage of the bird is cruciform.

Bird appearance:

  • the presence of a comb;
  • on the back of the head there is a white crest-hood;
  • pigeon body length 36 cm;
  • the neck is short;
  • the body of the pigeon is slightly inclined forward;
  • physique of the correct elongated shape, proportional;
  • a small cere, fitting tightly;
  • the beak is small, neat, pointed, up to 16 mm;
  • the breast is wide, in girth it reaches 24 cm;
  • the wings are long, do not protrude beyond the tail;
  • the back smoothly passes into the tail, consisting of 12 tail feathers;
  • legs are short, pink.

The character traits of the German cross pigeon are friendliness, gullibility and devotion towards humans. Very good parents. The female pigeon is able to carefully hatch even other people’s chicks, which is actively used by breeders.

Signs indicating the lack of purebred:

  • dark claws;
  • short wings;
  • somewhat sunken breast;
  • beak less than 15 mm in size;
  • too short legs;
  • wide tail with light feathers.

There is also a more critical list of defects for culling pigeons: the tail is white, the absence of a tuft, there is plumage on the paws, white stripes on the head, a large beak, red or yellow eyes.


There are several main varieties of the Monk’s dove: German, Moscow, Altai. And also there are breeds bred as a result of crossing. This is how pigeons appeared: South German breed (there are cosmopod and bare-foot species), Saxon (striped, blue-lace dove), Ural, Tula.


There is no exact information about the receipt of the German Monk pigeon. They are classified more as decorative types of pigeons than flying ones. The main characteristic of the species:

  • dove feathers can be black, bluish, beige with a caramel sheen, gray, red;
  • white hood;
  • the beak is small, pointed (black in birds with dark plumage, light shades in bright birds);
  • on the body there are white feathers;
  • the shade of feathers on the tail and head is brown (may be colored);
  • the body length of the pigeon reaches 35 cm;
  • chest girth 25 cm;
  • the iris of the eye is light;
  • the tail is dense, medium in length. 

Pigeons monks: Moscow, German crusades

They differ in average flight qualities, but the flight is quite spectacular and swift.


The breed originated from the mating of Polish Turmans with racing pigeons in the XNUMXth century in Warsaw. The Moscow dove Monk is very similar in appearance to the German one, but there are significant differences:

  • feathers on the head and tip of the tail are dark shades, blue, yellow and red tones are also found;
  • the tuft is somewhat disheveled;
  • feathers on the forehead and under the eyes of other shades.

Pigeons monks: Moscow, German crusades

The color of the beak directly depends on the shade of the feathers on the cap. According to the observations of breeders, the temperament of this type of pigeon is more pugnacious.


Pigeons monks: Moscow, German crusades

It has another name – Barnaul Lop-winged (headed). Received as a result of selection work on the Ural Monks. Pigeons are endowed with more elegance than their ancestors. The species is classified as an ornamental species.

It differs from the German and Moscow Monk in the color of the plumage on the head (sometimes brown, beige, brick), the paws of the Altai Monk are slightly lowered.

Breeding monks’ cross pigeons

Monk pigeons have a fairly developed parental instinct. Under the right conditions of keeping, balanced feeding, they can produce 3-4 broods of chicks per season. In the dovecote, it is necessary to install several perches of a rounded shape so that the paws do not deform. Also in the dovecote should be nesting boxes. The breeding season is March-April. Pigeons form pairs based on their temperament – they are looking for their own kind in character. In nature, pairs form independently, in captivity they are formed by the breeder. But such partners care less for each other.

The clutch is incubated for no more than 19 days. They do it according to the schedule: the male during the day from 10 am to 16 pm, the female the rest of the time. Feeding with goiter milk occurs for about 20 days. They breed up to 10 years of age, but the best offspring are given at 3-5 years of age.


The diet must contain proteins for growth and development, fats as a supply of nutrients, carbohydrates for bird energy. Feed mixtures should consist of:

  • oats, barley (they contain fiber);
  • corn (source of energy);
  • lentils (contains vegetable proteins);
  • millet (a large amount of vitamins);
  • hemp, flax (amino acids).

It is also mandatory to add green fodder, chalk, shells, pebbles. Chicks after goiter milk are introduced into the diet of wheat soaked in water.

Care, maintenance of pigeons monks

Pigeons of this species are not picky in their diet, they have good resistance to infections. They are very clean, but pigeon breeders need to regularly clean the premises, disinfect once a month, change and clean feeders and drinkers every day.

For prevention purposes, pigeons should be examined for any signs of disease. For prevention, pigeon breeders drink a solution of potassium permanganate to the birds, and also administer vaccines. The causes of pigeon diseases are varied. These are improper conditions of keeping, care, beriberi, infection from other pigeons.

The appearance of a sick individual immediately arouses suspicion: the bird is hiding, the feathers are ruffled, the eyes are closed, and breathing is rapid. At the same time, the pigeon refuses food, water, flights. If signs of disease are found, the bird should be separated from the rest in a separate room.

Dovecote arrangement

Cross Monks are the most calm and friendly among other types of pigeons. Difficulties with breeding may arise due to non-compliance with the basic conditions for caring for them. With a properly equipped dovecote, a balanced diet, timely care, you can breed pigeons without effort.

Experienced breeders recommend equipping a spacious dovecote with a separate place for each pigeon. It is better not to put lattices inside the dovecote – the birds must have freedom of movement. In winter, the temperature in the dovecote should not fall below 10 degrees. It is recommended to install additional lighting sources to extend the daylight hours. In summer, during the heat, the dovecote must be shaded and do not forget about the establishment of bathing places for birds.

Pigeons should be made of wood or brick. It is better to make the entrance directed to the south or southeast, windows for the departure of pigeons up to 20 cm wide are also needed. For some thoroughbred pigeons, whose walking is controlled by the owner, it is necessary to equip an aviary for walking so that they can walk in the fresh air on their own.

Important! The main thing for the proper breeding of Monk pigeons is the presence of a bright, spacious dovecote and balanced feed.


Pigeon monks have a long history of development, so this has affected the breed – it is almost impossible to meet purebred monks today. Now they belong to the representatives of decorative breeds, although many years ago they were bred as racing pigeons.

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