Pigeon manure as a fertilizer has been used as a natural food for more than a dozen years. The fact is that it belongs to the category of complete, thus, it can be used to feed vegetable and horticultural crops. Depending on the goals, pigeon manure can be used as a fertilizer in the form of a dry top dressing or a liquid solution.
Pigeon excrement, as an organic fertilizer, is in great demand among growers due to its many positive properties. Useful macro- and microelements are quickly “delivered” to the plant and provide the necessary additional nutrition. Compared to horse manure, they contain 4 times more nitrogen and 8 times more phosphorus. Of course, today many farmers and owners of even small summer cottages resort to agrochemicals, as a result of which the fruits of plants cannot be called environmentally friendly. Bird guano is a natural component, therefore, by fertilizing a garden plot or vegetable garden in this way, you can be sure that you will have a high-quality healthy product on the table.
Preparing the solution
It is not recommended to use pure pigeon guano as a top dressing, as it is quite concentrated, which can lead to the death of the root system. In addition, it will take a long time for manure to become fertilizer, which can negatively affect the development of crops. You can prepare a nutrient mixture in two variations:
- dry and use as a dry substrate;
- make compost with straw, peat or sawdust.
Consider how to prepare a liquid top dressing based on pigeon guano. A liquid solution has a number of advantages over a dry one, as it reaches the plants faster and gives a positive effect. In the prepared container, water and litter are mixed at the rate of 10:1. To further “enrich” healthy plant nutrition, you can add a handful of wood ash or superphosphate to the solution. Further, within 14 days, the substance will “ferment”, therefore, it must be thoroughly mixed periodically. Once you see no more air bubbles coming out, the fertilizer can be used.
Only fermented liquid should be used, the sediment at the bottom does not mix, it must be discarded. You can also prepare a more concentrated liquid – one part guano to two parts water. Further, the substance simply needs to be further diluted with water before use. It is recommended to use top dressing from pigeon droppings in spring and autumn. Houseplants can also be fertilized with natural top dressing.
Video “About fertilizing the soil with bird excrement”
Informative video with useful tips on fertilizing the soil with manure.
Dry use
Pigeon excrement in dry form is most often used to feed the garden plot and fruit trees. The amount of fertilizer to be applied is determined by the size of the tree. For example, for an average tree, 4 kg of bird guano per season will be sufficient.
The dry agent is scattered evenly around the trunk, and then added dropwise to a depth of 10 cm.
It is recommended to do such top dressing in spring or autumn. If you are the owner of a bed with vegetables and root crops, then you can also use natural fertilizer as a top dressing. To do this, distribute it over the entire area of u1bu50bthe site and mix with a rake with the top layer of soil. The calculation of the use of dry means in this case is as follows – per XNUMX sq.m. plot XNUMX g of litter.
Application as a solution
Dovecote waste in the form of a solution is an effective top dressing for root crops, including potatoes, as well as crops with ground fruits. How much to use funds for individual crops:
- For potatoes – 10 kg of fertilizer is used for 1 liters of water. The resulting slurry fertilizes the soil before digging the site.
- Feeding strawberries with manure gives faster growth, fruit formation and more abundant fruiting. The solution will require 15 liters of water and 1 kg of pigeon droppings. It is not necessary to insist on the substance, you can immediately water it, but do not get on the berry leaf rosette. You need to water with a watering can in the aisles.
- For feeding currant and raspberry bushes, the same proportions and method of application are used.
Top dressing should be carried out no more than once every seven days in the evening, and it is imperative that after applying the diluted fertilizer, the plants are watered with clean water. Pigeon manure is a great, inexpensive natural fertilizer for your entire garden.
Video “Feeding the soil with a Molotov cocktail”
Video instruction on how to make a Molotov cocktail for soil using pigeon droppings.