Pig tenderloin

Pork tenderloin is a part of an animal carcass, which is included in the group of dietary meat products and is even considered a delicacy. Pork is considered a “heavy” food, but this cannot be fully said about the pork tenderloin, since this part of the pig contains a small percentage of fatty layers.

Where is the tenderloin of a pig

The photo below shows where the pig’s tenderloin is located – this is a relatively small area in the back of the animal’s back. The tenderloin is located next to the lumbar vertebrae of the pig, just above the kidneys. To get this part of the carcass, first a large cut is removed – the butt. Only then the inside is carefully cut out of it.

Pig tenderloin

Pork tenderloin is naturally one of the most expensive parts of the carcass. This price is explained by the high palatability of the cut, the tenderness of the meat and its dietary properties. The fact is that the tenderloin of a pig is located in that area of ​​​​the body that is almost completely devoid of physical activity throughout the life of the animal.

To purchase a quality product, you must adhere to the following recommendations when choosing a pork tenderloin:

  1. Before buying, you should lightly press your finger on the meat. The muscle fibers of a fresh tenderloin will quickly return to their original position. If the hole remains in place, and liquid has flowed into it, this means that the meat was stuffed with food additives.
  2. If you attach a paper napkin to the tenderloin, the latter will remain dry.
  3. First-class pork tenderloin does not emit foreign odors.
  4. Pig tenderloin is moderately pink. Dark tones indicate the old age of the animal. Light – when growing pigs, hormonal supplements were used in large quantities.
Advice! When buying pork tenderloin, it is better to give preference to small cuts. The large size of this part of the carcass indicates that the meat belongs to an old animal.

Tenderloin value

The high nutritional value of pork tenderloin is due to its rich vitamin composition. The calorie content of this part of the carcass is at an average level, so moderate consumption of the product contributes to weight loss. In addition, pork tenderloin contains a large amount of protein, due to which almost all dishes from it are quickly digested. This, in turn, normalizes the functioning of the human digestive system.

Calorie content, kcal

Proteins, g

Fat, g

Carbohydrates, g





Pig tenderloin

The chemical composition of the product is represented by the following components:

  • vitamins of group B – normalize blood circulation, improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • iron – participates in the formation of blood cells;
  • zinc – accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues, stabilizes the digestive system and prevents the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses into the human body;
  • sulfur – participates in metabolic processes, improves the condition of hair, skin and nails;
  • calcium and phosphorus – the lack of these components weakens the human bone tissue and over time leads to increased fragility of the skeleton;
  • potassium and magnesium are elements that are essential for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • chlorine and sodium – normalize the water balance of the body and relieve swelling of the limbs.
Important! Pork tenderloin is advised to be introduced into the diet of nursing mothers, since the beneficial microelements contained in this part of the carcass stimulate milk production.

In order for the pork tenderloin to fully retain its beneficial properties, it must be kept in the refrigerator at a temperature of no more than 0 ° C, and it is important to ensure free access of air to the meat – it is kept in a container with a loose lid. The duration of storage is 3 days, no more. Re-freezing adversely affects the taste of the product.

What can be cooked from pork tenderloin

Pork tenderloin can be eaten in almost any form: boiled, fried, stewed, baked or grilled, but most often this part of the animal carcass is fried or baked in the oven. Cooking and stewing meat is irrational because of the high cost of the cut.

Important! Be sure to cut the pork tenderloin across the muscle fibers, and not along.

Schnitzels, chops, escalopes, etc. are prepared from this part of the carcass. Meat is also served as a roast with a side dish of cereals or vegetables: cabbage, legumes, potatoes. The combination of pork with fruits, dried fruits, mushrooms and honey has proven itself well.

In addition, the product is used for the preparation of minced meat and the creation of fillings for dumplings, pastries, etc. Finally, a very tender kebab is obtained from this part of the pig carcass, especially if the meat is soaked properly in the marinade.

Pig tenderloin

When preparing tenderloin dishes, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • frozen meat should never be thawed with boiling water – it should gradually thaw at room temperature;
  • so that the meat forms a beautiful crust with a piquant taste, it is rubbed with spices and herbs before heat treatment;
  • if you soak pork in marinade or brine, it will become juicy;
  • when the dish is ready, it is left to infuse for 8-10 minutes and then served to the table – a short exposure ensures an even distribution of juices in the meat fibers, making it especially tender;
Important! If the meat is cooked incorrectly, parasite larvae can remain in it. That is why all pork tenderloin dishes are cooked at a temperature of at least 70 ° C.


Pork tenderloin – part of the carcass, which can be attributed to lean products. The meat of this part of the animal contains a large amount of biologically active components that are not destroyed even after prolonged heat treatment. This product has no strict contraindications, however, people with diseases of the gallbladder and liver are advised to reduce the amount of meat consumed. It is also undesirable to include pork dishes in the diet for people with exacerbation of gastritis.

More about the properties of the product in the video below:

“Fresh Food” – How to buy tenderloin, not entrecote

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