Pierre Ducan: Diet Recipes: The Ducan Diet

Do you dream of losing the cherished 5-10 kilograms, but get tired of diets, forget what you can and cannot eat, and sometimes you break down? The new program of the French nutritionist “60 days with Dr. Dukan” will help. It is designed for those for whom it is important to have a detailed weight loss diary at hand. Woman’s Day publishes the instructions for the first three days of the diet.

This program will help those who do not suffer from obesity, but feel uncomfortable because of the gained 5-15 kilograms. First, you need to calculate your correct weight by answering 13 questions of the questionnaire on the website www.dukan.ru. For example, you must weigh 70 kg, but today the scale shows you 85 kg. It turns out that you need to lose 15 kg. In the following table, you will find out the duration of the first phase of the diet for you. 15 extra pounds will have 5 days of the first stage.

MEAT: veal, beef, horse meat, game, rabbit and offal. All grilled parts such as steak, sirloin, tenderloin and veal ribs are suitable. Preparation: grilled, in a skillet, in the oven, in papillotes, but not deep-fried.

A FISH: all types of fish without exception, including such fatty fish as salmon, fresh tuna and tuna in their own juice, mackerel, sardines. Cooking and frying are allowed without the use of vegetable oils. If you are frying fish in a pan, you can add 3 drops of oil by rubbing them with a paper towel over the surface of the pan. Smoked salmon and Baltic herring (Baltic herring) are also allowed.

SEAFOOD: crustaceans, shrimps, shells, mussels, oysters … Everything that the sea and rivers give you can eat without exception.

BIRD: all types of poultry, wild and farmed, including chicken, turkey. Exceptions are birds with flat beaks: duck and goose. Remember to remove the skin from the bird before eating.

EGGS: one or two eggs a day for those with normal cholesterol levels. For the rest, only one yolk – once or twice a week. Protein is allowed without restrictions.

HAM: Lean turkey or chicken ham, beef jerky, Italian bresaola, or Spanish cecina are ideal.

PLANT PROTEINS: hard and silk tofu cheese, wheat gluten (seitan), and processed soy proteins (tempeh).

SKIMMED DAIRY PRODUCTS (0% fat): yoghurts, curds, kefir, milk. Sugar-free flavored yoghurts are allowed without restriction. Be careful: all dairy products contain milk sugar – lactose, which is a fast carbohydrate. Try not to consume more than 700 grams of dairy products per day if you feel that weight loss is slowing down.

BEVERAGES: remember to drink 1,5–2 liters of liquid a day. Water, as well as tea, coffee, herbal infusions and sugar-free sodas are on this list.

GREENS AND SPICES: thyme, garlic, parsley, onions, gherkins, capers, etc. allowed, as well as all spices and herbs.

Starting today, you should consume 1,5 tbsp daily. l. oat bran is a key product of the technique. The soluble fiber found in oat bran has two properties that make them ideal allies. Their ability to swell allows them to grow 20 times their own volume. If you drink enough fluids at lunchtime, 1 tbsp. l. The bran (15 g) will turn into 300 g in your stomach and provide quick satiety. Having reached the intestines, thanks to the natural viscosity of their fibers, the bran slows down the absorption of sugar into the blood, carrying food particles with it into the large intestine. Saturation and slowing down the absorption of calories – these two properties make oat bran a powerful assistant in the fight against excess weight.

There are several ways to consume the daily amount of bran:

1. You can make bran porridge for breakfast. Simply combine the bran, skim milk, and sweetener and microwave;

2. in the form of an oat cake or pancake. To do this, mix the bran with an egg and a small amount of fat-free soft cottage cheese;

3. in the form of muffins, muffins or other dessert.

To avoid potential temptations and rejections, you must be well prepared and organized. It will be easy for you to follow the rules if you only have approved foods on hand. And there are not so few of them – as many as 72. This is enough not to succumb to the temptation and not to eat the forbidden. You can eat foods from this list without restrictions – in any form, in any quantity and at any time.

Violations and disruptions

No deviations from the course are allowed. You have one and only day when mistakes are forbidden – today. The slightest deviation on the first day of the diet – and you will lose confidence in yourself in the difficult path of losing extra pounds. Convince yourself that even the smallest violation of the rules today will have the effect of a needle piercing a balloon. If you still fell through at the first stage, start all over again!

Exercises of the day

Hiking for 20 minutes a day. If you forget about them, know that your efforts are doomed to failure. Even if you only lose weight through diet, you run the risk of going through a period of stagnant weight, reaching those pounds that are most difficult to lose. Plus, if you start to move, the diet will be less difficult.

If you are young and active enough: Start with 30 abs and 12 squats, increasing them day by day.

Are you over 50 and sedentary? Start your exercise routine with 10 abs and 5 squats.

Recipe of the Day – Oat Bran Cakes

You will need:

• 8 tbsp. l. oat bran

• 4 tbsp. l. wheat bran

• 8 tbsp. l. fat-free soft cottage cheese (0%)

• 4 eggs


1. Separate the whites from the yolks and mix all ingredients except the whites until smooth.

2. Whisk the egg whites to a froth.

3. Gently combine the mixture with the beaten egg whites.

4. Pour a quarter of the mixture into a preheated skillet and sauté over low heat for 5 minutes on each side.

By the way, you can add 1 tsp to the dough. fat-free cocoa powder for a chocolate-flavored tortilla, or try a salty version with a variety of spices.

There have been many changes in your body since yesterday. In the blood, the level of sugar, fats decreased and, most likely, cholesterol also decreased. Your blood pressure has dropped slightly. Hold on, this is just the beginning! Many more indicators will improve tomorrow morning. Stick to the list of allowed foods from the first day and increase your physical activity.

Exercises of the day

Do not forget about 20 minutes of daily walking, the need for movement is inherent in us at the level of physiology and subconsciousness.

You did 30 abs and 12 squats yesterday. Today you should increase them to 31 and 13 respectively. No big deal, you will gradually increase the number of repetitions each day.

If you are in your 50s and did 10 abs and 5 squats yesterday, today you should do 11 and 6, respectively.

Recipe of the Day – Yoghurt Pie

You will need:

• 2 whole eggs

• 2 egg whites

• 3 tbsp. l. oat bran

• 2 tbsp. l. wheat bran

• 20 g protein powder or soy isolate


• 100 g non-fat yogurt (0%) without sugar with a natural taste

• 5 g baking powder

• 3 tbsp. l. sweetener

• A couple of drops of your choice of flavor (eg Hazelnut, Bourbon Vanilla, Orange, Bitter Almond)


1. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.

2. Combine all ingredients in a bowl.

3. Pour the mixture into a silicone baking dish. Cook in oven at 25 ° C for 180 minutes. If you’re in a hurry, bake in the microwave for 8 minutes.

4. Check the pie for doneness by piercing it with a knife. If the blade comes out dry, the cake is ready.

If you strictly followed the instructions for the first two days of the diet, you have already experienced its benefits. You probably even gained one kilogram in the fight against excess weight. Clothes don’t feel tight as they used to, and arms and legs don’t look swollen. A small result, but this is enough to gain self-confidence. All your efforts will pay off, keep going. The food list remains the same as in the early days.

Exercise for the day

Walking is the most natural and correct physical activity for humans. No other vertebrate creature in the world moves on one pair of limbs. Whatever schedule you have today, set aside 20 minutes for the must-walk.

Today you have to pump 32 abs and do 14 squats. For older people, the recommendations are the same – we do each exercise one more time than yesterday.

Recipe of the Day – Shrimp Sashimi

You will need:

• 12 king prawns (or scallops, canned)

• 2 lemons or limes

• 2 feathers of green onions

• 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce without sugar

• 1 pea of ​​Japanese mustard wasabi


1. Peel the shell of the shrimp. Rinse under running water. Drain and dry the shrimp with a paper towel. Using a sharp knife with a thin blade, cut them into thin pieces.

2. Wash the limes. Cut the first into rings. Squeeze the juice from the second lime into a small bowl and add the wasabi and soy sauce. Stir and refrigerate.

3. Arrange the chopped shrimp on bowls and garnish with lime wedges. Cover each plate with cling film to keep the seafood from chapping and refrigerate.

4. Before serving, remove the cling film, garnish with chopped green onions and pour the prepared sauce for each guest into a small bowl in which you can dip the shrimp.

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