Pie with dried apricots. Cooking recipe video

Pie with dried apricots. Cooking recipe video

As a dessert, you can make a pie with dried apricots. These wonderful dried fruits go well with yeast, shortcrust pastry and puff pastry. In each case, it turns out incredibly tasty.

Pie with dried apricots: recipe

Pie with dried apricots on yeast dough

You will need: – 1 kg of dried apricots; – 8 tbsp. flour; – 1 tbsp. water; – 1 tbsp. kefir; – 30 g of yeast; – 200 g of sugar; – salt; – 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

First you need to make a yeast dough. To do this, pour 1 cup of warm water and 1 cup of kefir into a deep container, mix and dilute the yeast, add vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. salt. Add flour and knead the dough. Lubricate its surface with vegetable oil, cover the container with a towel and put on a proofer in a warm place.

While the dough is rising, wash the dried apricots and boil until soft. Cool and mince. Mix the resulting mass with sugar. Take about 150 g, but focus on the acid of dried apricots.

When the dough rises, knead it, knead it a little and put it back in a warm place for 10-15 minutes. Sprinkle flour on the table or cutting board, put the dough, roll it out with a rolling pin into a layer 0,5–0,7 cm thick. Transfer the layer to a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Carefully place the dried apricot filling on top. Decorate the surface with a wire rack of dough and brush over with a beaten egg. Wait for the cake to rise. Cook in an oven at 180 degrees until golden brown. This will take approximately 20-25 minutes.

To make it easier to transfer a thin layer of dough to a baking sheet, wind it on a rolling pin. Just be sure to sprinkle well with flour so that it does not stick.

Pie with dried apricots on puff pastry

You will need: – puff pastry; – vegetable oil; – 400 g of dried apricots; – half a glass of sugar; – 2 tbsp. l. icing sugar.

Wash and cook dried apricots. When it becomes soft, drain the water through a colander, cool the dried apricots. Take ready-made puff pastry, you can buy it at the store. Spread the layer on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Cut along the edges of the strips in the form of ribbons 0,5 cm wide. In the middle of the layer, spread the dried apricots, sprinkle with sugar and bind the cake with overlapping strips of dough. You will have a nice grille. Grease the surface with an egg and bake in an oven with a temperature of 220 degrees for 10 minutes, then reduce to 180 degrees and bake for another 10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished cake with icing sugar.

Quick crumbly dried apricot pie

You will need: – 300 g of dried apricots; – 1,5 tbsp. flour; – 1 egg; – 150 g butter; – 2/3 st. Sahara.

Wash and boil dried apricots. Cool and mince or grind in a blender. Add sugar to taste and a little of the water in which it was cooked. You should get a thick creamy mass.

Beat the softened butter with sugar, add the egg and then flour until crumbled. Put baking paper in the mold, put two parts of the entire amount of dough, level the surface without crushing the crumbs. Arrange dried apricots and sprinkle with dough again.

Bake at 220 degrees for 20 minutes. Remove gently from the mold, let cool, cut into portions and serve.

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