Picture book

Perfectly published, elegant, weighty – both in terms of their mass and content – the albums are presented as a universal gift. They are conducive to leisurely reading and pamper almost all the senses. Especially the aesthetic taste.

Linda McCartney «Life in Photographs»

Linda McCartney is known primarily as the wife of the great Beatle, and later Sir Paul. And only a few people know that Linda was an excellent photographer. Meanwhile, her work has been exhibited all over the world, from the National Portrait Gallery in London to the International Center for Photography in New York. For someone, the album “Life in Photographs” will reveal Linda as a gifted photo artist. Others will be happy to meet idols – from Janis Joplin to Michael Jackson: portraits have always been especially successful for Linda. Still others will be attracted by the opportunity to touch the privacy of the McCartney family. In a word, it is difficult to imagine who this album can leave indifferent. Except perhaps hermits who managed to overlook the most striking phenomena of popular culture of the last 60 years.

BAGS, 288 с.

Nicoletta Misler “In the beginning was the body”

This unique book brings back from oblivion what seemed to have disappeared forever Atlantis – the Russian dance avant-garde of the 20s of the last century. The Russians were pioneers in the field of free plastic surgery. But all promising experiments – the synthesis of dance, acrobatics, sports, circus – ran counter to the ideology of Soviet art and were severely suppressed in the 30s. Having done a gigantic job in the archives, the Italian Slavist Nicoletta Misler rediscovers the treasures of our dance culture. The text is illustrated by hundreds of excellent drawings and photographs.


“Dior. Under the Sign of Art”

The great couturier, designer, perfumer was destined to renew the life of post-war Europe. Transform the ascetic everyday life of the 40s into extravaganza. To inspire women who have become accustomed to devastation and deprivation with the silhouettes of their elegant, light and daring outfits. But what and who inspired Dior himself to create the New Look style? Impressionist canvases, fragile elegance of flowers, airy toilettes of women of the “beautiful era”, one of which, Madeleine Dior, was the main muse of her son … This album is a catalog of the sensational exhibition of the Pushkin Museum “Dior. Under the sign of art”, presents fashion in dialogue with art – painting, architecture, photography… Tracing the thin threads of continuity between eras and styles is extraordinarily exciting even for a person far from the world of high fashion.


Richard Bertine’s Bread Business

The culinary courses of the Frenchman Richard Bertinet, the creator of the famous bakery company in England, attract students from all over Europe. But Bertinet also generously shares the secrets of baking with the readers of his book – how to bring out the sourdough, how to achieve an appetizing crispy crust, how the weather affects the dough … Recipes for bread of all types and varieties are complemented by delicious photographs, and the stages of the creative process are illustrated step by step … You can start with a simple recipe for gingerbread cookies – and hang it on the Christmas tree!

ASTREL, 160 p.

Marco Bussaglia “Museums of Rome”

It probably happened to everyone – to buy something for a gift, but keep it for yourself, because there is no strength to part with a beautiful object. That is exactly what will happen with this deluxe gift volume. The author and compiler, the famous Italian art critic Marco Bussaglia, built the album in chronological order – from Antiquity to the present day, it includes masterpieces of painting from museums and private collections, palaces of noble Roman citizens. The album, of course, will not replace a trip to Rome, but, perhaps, it will speed up your decision by all means, without intermediaries, to enjoy the beauty and harmony poured in the air of the Eternal City.

WORD, 448 p.

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