Pickling cabbage with chunks

Salting cabbage allows you to get a delicious snack for the main course in a short time. It is very convenient to cut the cabbage into several pieces without further chopping. There are various options for how to salt cabbage in chunks. They do not require a lot of time to prepare the components and the salting itself.

Basic principles

To get delicious pickles, it is recommended to follow certain rules:

  • medium and late varieties of cabbage are best suited for salting;
  • choose dense heads of cabbage without any damage;
  • salting is done in wooden, glass or enameled dishes;
  • you can cook vegetables in a separate container, and then transfer them to jars for permanent storage;
  • coarse salt is used to process vegetables;
  • salting time is from several hours to 3 days, which is determined by the recipe.

Pickling cabbage with chunks

Recipes for delicious salting

Salting cabbage pieces takes place in several stages. First, cabbage is cut, taking into account the recipe, carrots, beets and other vegetables are chopped. Prepared ingredients are poured with a marinade containing salt, sugar and spices.

A simple recipe

The easiest way to salt cabbage is to use carrots and brine. The cooking procedure consists of certain steps:

  1. A head of cabbage (2 kg) is cut into several parts, which are placed in a jar.
  2. Between the pieces make layers of grated carrots.
  3. The garlic head is cleaned, then chopped and added to the rest of the vegetables in a jar.
  4. Pickling marinade is prepared by dissolving 50 g of salt and 160 g of sugar in one liter of water. After boiling, 0,1 l of vinegar and sunflower oil are added to it.
  5. Pour vegetable slices with marinade and leave for 3 days until cooked.

Pickling cabbage with chunks

Quick recipe

You can get a ready-made dietary supplement in a few hours with the help of vinegar. It is most convenient to do all the preparations in the evening, then the vegetables will have time to marinate until morning.

The recipe for quick pickles consists of a number of steps:

  1. One head of cabbage is cut into pieces in the form of strips.
  2. Peel and chop carrots.
  3. Three garlic cloves finely chopped.
  4. A pan containing 0,3 liters of water is placed on the stove. For the brine, add sugar (40 g), salt (80 g), black pepper (3 pcs.) And vinegar (40 ml).
  5. Vegetables are placed in a common container, they should be slightly crushed by hand to form juice.
  6. The vegetable mixture is poured with hot marinade, then covered with a plate on top. Any heavy object is placed on top.
  7. After two hours, the load is removed, and the vegetables are mixed.
  8. The total cooking time for pickles is 8 hours.

Pickling cabbage with chunks

spicy salting

Garlic and hot peppers will help add spice to the dish. Spicy instant pickles are obtained according to the recipe:

  1. A head of cabbage (2 kg) is cut into several large pieces.
  2. Two carrots must be cut into circles.
  3. Three cloves of garlic are sent under the press.
  4. Hot peppers are freed from seeds and finely chopped.
  5. Vegetables are placed in a container for pickling, several bay leaves are placed between them.
  6. One liter of water requires 100 g of sugar, 60 g of salt and a couple of tablespoons of vinegar.
  7. Still not cooled marinade pour vegetable slices.
  8. The vegetables are kept at room temperature for two hours, then put them in the refrigerator.
  9. In a day, the appetizer will finally be ready.
  10.  Salted cabbage is used as a side dish or salad.

Pickling cabbage with chunks

Beetroot recipe

When beets are added, pickles acquire a sweetish taste and a bright red color.

You can pickle cabbage in this way by performing certain operations:

  1. First, a head of cabbage weighing 2 kg is taken. It must be coarsely cut into squares with sides of 4 cm.
  2. Beets are rubbed on a grater.
  3. Cloves from one garlic head are placed under the press.
  4. Cabbage should be thoroughly mashed with your hands, then put in a container with the addition of garlic and beets.
  5. You can get a brine by boiling 1 liter of water, into which 50 g of salt and sugar are placed. As a seasoning, use 2 bay leaves, one cloves and 4 pieces of black pepper.
  6. Marinade is poured into a container with cuttings, and any heavy object is placed on top.
  7. The vegetables are stirred every day. It will take 3 days to fully prepare the snack.

Pickling cabbage with chunks

Recipe with beets and horseradish

Another option for salting is to use not only beets, but also horseradish. This combination allows you to prepare a spicy addition to the main dishes.

The recipe for getting a snack is divided into a number of stages:

  1. A large head of cabbage weighing 3,5 kg is cut into large pieces.
  2. Then beetroot weighing 0,5 kg is taken. It needs to be cleaned, then cut into small bars.
  3. A container with 2 liters of water is placed on the stove, ½ cup of sugar and salt are dissolved in it. Be sure to add 5 bay leaves, 4 cloves, 7 peas of allspice.
  4. After adding spices, the brine should cool to room temperature.
  5. 4 garlic cloves are passed through the press.
  6. Two horseradish roots are passed through a meat grinder. A plastic bag should be fixed on it, into which the crushed ingredient will fall. In this way, you can avoid eye irritation, which causes horseradish.
  7. All vegetables are mixed in one container, then a heavy object is placed on top.
  8. For 2 days, the container is left in a cold place, after which you can serve vegetables to the table.
  9. Pickled vegetables should be placed in the refrigerator for the winter.

Pickling cabbage with chunks

Recipe with beets and carrots

In the process of salting, you can add carrots and beets to the cabbage. This is another quick recipe that includes a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Late ripening cabbage (2 kg) cut into large pieces.
  2. Two carrots need to be chopped into circles.
  3. Beets must be cut into cubes.
  4. Vegetables are placed in a glass jar in several layers. The container must first be sterilized.
  5. Pour one and a half liters of water into a separate pan, measure 2 tbsp. l. salt, ½ tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp. vinegar and sunflower oil.
  6. The brine must be boiled, and then filled with a container with vegetables.
  7. With this recipe, the salting process takes a day. For further storage choose any cool place.

Pickling cabbage with chunks

Salting with spices

When spices are added, the appetizer becomes especially fragrant. In this way, you can salt not only the cabbage itself, but also combine it with carrots and beets.

The recipe for delicious blanks consists of a number of steps:

  1. A two-kilogram head of cabbage is cut into several parts.
  2. Two carrots and one beet are rubbed on a coarse grater.
  3. Two garlic heads need to be peeled, then placed under a press.
  4. All ingredients are mixed and placed in an enamel basin.
  5. Per liter of water you need: 0,1 kg of salt, 150 g of sugar and 150 ml of sunflower oil. Bay leaf and allspice serve as a seasoning here, each of them is taken in 2 pieces.
  6. The brine is boiled, after which the pan is removed from the heat and the vegetables are poured with liquid.
  7. Put a plate and a heavy object on the vegetable slices.
  8. Pickled vegetables will be cooked in a day.

Pickling cabbage with chunks

Recipe with corn

Due to the corn, the appetizer becomes sweetish in taste. If you need to get tastier preparations, then this ingredient comes to the rescue.

This method of preparation includes several stages:

  1. One head (1 kg) is divided into parts.
  2. One carrot needs to be cut into bars.
  3. Grains are removed from two corn cobs.
  4. Pour half a liter of water into the pan, add 80 g of sugar and 60 g of salt. The marinade should boil, after which it can be removed from the heat.
  5. In the prepared container, all the necessary vegetables are placed in layers. Then they are poured with prepared marinade.
  6. The process of salting vegetables takes 2 days.

Recipe with herbs

A delicious snack is obtained by using celery, dill or other herbs. The process of obtaining it consists of several stages:

  1. Two small heads of cabbage weighing 1 kg are cut into four parts.
  2. As greens, 40 g of parsley and celery are used.

    Pickling cabbage with chunks

  3. One carrot needs to be grated.
  4. Boil 1 liter of water in a saucepan, add 80 g of sugar and 100 g of salt. For a more piquant taste, you can add 5 g of dill or caraway seeds.
  5. Vegetables are poured with hot marinade and left to pickle for 3 days.


After salting, cabbage and other vegetables retain vitamins, nutrients and great taste. Pickles have a long shelf life, so they can be included in the diet throughout the winter. Preparations containing beets, carrots, corn, various herbs and spices are distinguished by a special taste.

Pickled vegetables are served at the table as an independent appetizer or as an addition to a side dish or salad. They can be used to make fillings for pies, soups and other dishes.

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