Pickled tomatoes: how to preserve tomatoes. Video

Pickled tomatoes: how to preserve tomatoes. Video

Harvesting tomatoes is quite simple, but it requires the necessary knowledge and experience. In the production of high-quality marinades, the recipe must be strictly observed, as well as the processing process itself. But do not forget that good pickled tomatoes can only be obtained if all stages of canning are followed.

Important points when pickling tomatoes.

Pickled tomatoes keep well at home. In addition, tomatoes are very useful. They contain a large amount of leukopin, which serves as an excellent prevention of cancer. It is possible to eat tomatoes even in winter and fill the body with the necessary microelements thanks to conservation and salting.

The main varieties of tomatoes ripen in July. Therefore, it is in this month that it is better to produce blanks. When preserving tomatoes, allspice, bay leaves and horseradish are traditionally used. For a more spicy taste, add garlic to the jars.

In the process of preserving tomatoes, use a container that does not get air from the outside during any closure. For homemade preparations for the winter, various glass containers are suitable. It must be sterilized over steam for ten minutes.

Homemade products are spoiled due to poor processing of raw materials, so be sure to wash the fruits with warm water. When pickling tomatoes, use acetic or citric acids, which inhibit the development of many microorganisms, which means that your harvest will be stored all winter without the risk of deterioration.

Citric acid is less harmful to the human body, therefore, it is preferable to use it in the process of pickling tomatoes

Spoiled canned food is identified by the following criteria: mold on the surface of the canned product, swelling or tearing of the lid on the can, an unpleasant sour smell. Mold and souring is caused by non-observance of cleanliness during canning or insufficient sterilization of cans.

Poor sealing of containers, resulting in the penetration of air and harmful microorganisms into the jar, can also cause damage to the workpiece

Take vegetables for canning fresh, without damage or spoilage, with dense pulp. You need to put tomatoes in jars carefully so that the skin of the fruit does not crack. Vegetables should not be cold, otherwise their skin may also be damaged during heat treatment.

Select small to medium-sized fruits with thick skin. Wash them with warm water. Remove the stalks from the fruit. Carefully put the tomatoes in jars, fill everything with marinade, cover with lids and sterilize.

When pickling tomatoes, it is not necessary to sterilize them in water at high temperatures, it will be enough to fill the jars with boiling water twice

When pickling green and blange tomatoes with dense pulp, they must be blanched in boiling water for two minutes. Pink and red fruits do not need to be blanched.

Whole canned tomatoes. For one liter jar, take 700 g of small tomatoes with a diameter of no more than 3 cm. At the bottom of the container, put 5 black allspice peas, one clove of garlic, dried dill and parsley. Put the sorted, peeled and washed fruits in a jar. Refill with hot saline solution. For a saline solution, dissolve 1 g of salt in 40 liter of water. Close the jars with lids and sterilize. The water temperature in containers with cans before sterilization should be 60 degrees. The sterilization time for a liter can is 20 minutes. After that, the jar must be sealed with lids and cooled in water at a temperature of 40 degrees.

Tomatoes in their own juice. Wash 2 kg of ripe medium-sized tomatoes, make a few punctures with a pointed object and put them tightly in jars. Cut 1 kg of large fruits and boil in an enamel bowl under a lid. Do not bring to a boil. Wipe the finished mass through a coarse sieve, dissolve 50 g of salt and sugar in it. Pour the prepared mixture into the tomatoes in the jars so that the tomato mass is 1 cm lower from the edge of the jar. Sterilize for about 10 minutes. Close the jars with lids.

Canned tomatoes with eggplants. Wash 2 kg of eggplants, remove the skin from them. Cover the fruits with salt and stand for 4 hours so that the bitterness comes out of the eggplants. Wash 1 kg of tomatoes. Finely chop 100 g of parsley and dill. Peel 50 g of garlic. Rinse the eggplants in cold water to remove salt and fill them with chopped herbs. Take a three-liter jar and put 2 bay leaves, 5 black and allspice peas, a few cloves of garlic on its bottom. Put the tomatoes very tightly to the middle of the jar, and put the stuffed eggplants on them. Prepare the marinade. To do this, dissolve 30 g of salt, 30 g of sugar in one liter of cold water, add 20 ml of acetic acid. Bring the finished marinade to a boil. Pour them over the tomatoes. Sterilize for 25 minutes. Seal the jars with lids.

Skinless tomatoes with pepper. Cut 2,5 kg of tomatoes and balance for 4 minutes. Then dip them in ice water and peel them off. Wash, peel and cut one bell pepper into strips. Wash the hot pepper pod, and cut the carrots into slices. Chop the parsley root and herbs coarsely. Place all cooked ingredients and tomatoes in jars and cover with boiling brine. To prepare brine, dissolve 20 g of salt and 40 g of sugar in two liters of cold water, add 4 teaspoons of vinegar essence. Place the jars in a pot of warm water, bring to a boil and sterilize for 20 minutes. Seal the jars with lids.

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