Pickled pears for the winter: recipes

Few make soaked pears for the winter. The product is underestimated when preserving vegetables, other fruits, berries. Harvesting apples, tomatoes or cabbage is a common practice. Pears can rarely be found among conservation, only fresh or in the form of marmalade, jam. But urinating is also a good way to prepare fruit.

Pickled pears for the winter: recipes

Rules for choosing pears for urinating for the winter

Wetting pears at home involves a preliminary selection of products. Fruits are chosen according to the following rules:

  • the fruit should be of medium size, ripe;
  • if possible – without stony formations;
  • take dense fruits, soft ones are not suitable;
  • fruits must be of the same degree of maturity;
  • beaten, wrinkled, rotten, damaged pears are not suitable.

The variety of fruits is of secondary importance, the main thing is sweet or sour-sweet taste, density, integrity of the skin. Occasionally it is permissible to take sour varieties, then sweeten more strongly.

How to wet pears for the winter

There are few general recommendations for urinating fruit. The main requirement is purified or boiled water. Press and spices are used as needed.

How to soak pears at home in jars

The recipe for pickled pears in jars is universal. Would need:

  • 5 kg of fruit;
  • 2,5 L of water;
  • 125 grams of sugar;
  • 75 g flour.

Next, perform the following actions:

  1. The fruits are tightly laid out in jars.
  2. Flour, sugar are diluted with water.
  3. Fruit is poured into the solution.
  4. Withstand at a temperature of 18 degrees for up to two weeks.
  5. After the cessation of fermentation, they are removed for storage.

Add cinnamon, cloves, vanilla to the water. Then the dish acquires more flavors.

Important! Wheat flour is not recommended. It is believed that rye will work better. However, some put bread crusts in jars. It doesn’t matter if the bread was rye or wheat.

Pickled pears for the winter: recipes

How to soak pears for the winter in a barrel

Soaked pears in barrels in an apartment are not always convenient to cook, the area may not allow enough space to be allocated. To urinate in barrels you will need:

  • 10 kg of fruits (as many as the containers allow);
  • 5 L of water;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • 150 g flour;
  • rye straw.

The number of products is changed in accordance with the needs, proportionally adjusting the entire recipe. The dish is prepared like this:

  1. The barrel is lined with straw, previously washed and scalded.
  2. Fruits are laid in layers, straw is placed between each row.
  3. Sugar and flour are diluted with water. If the solution is hot, cool.
  4. Pour liquid over pears.
  5. Maintain the product at a temperature of 16 ° C for up to 16 days.

After 30 days, the dish is ready.

Pickled Pears Recipes

There are three main ways to prepare fruit:

  • with cranberries, it doesn’t matter what else will be put in the jar, the workpiece always has a sour taste;
  • with honey – the point is to replace sugar in the recipe, this is considered a healthier way;
  • with must – use malt instead of flour.

An ordinary recipe that does not require additional components is called a classic.

Important! Fruits for harvesting are taken of any variety; for sour ones, it is necessary to slightly increase the amount of sugar.

Pickled pears for the winter: recipes

Classic pickled pears for the winter

To prepare the workpiece, you should take:

  • 20 kg of fruit;
  • 1 kg of mustard;
  • 10 – 15 liters of cool boiled water.

Making is simple:

  1. The raw materials are washed with cold water, wiped with a woolen cloth.
  2. Placed in pre-washed jars. Mustard is poured on each layer.
  3. Withstand capacity for a day in a dark cool place.
  4. Fill with water.
  5. Cover jars with parchment, tie with twine.

After 1 month, the dish is ready.

Soaked wild pears

Soaked wild pears in jars are prepared according to a recipe for which you will need the following ingredients:

  • 10 kg of fruit;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • 150 g flour, preferably rye;
  • 5 L of water.

The preparation goes like this:

  1. Fruits are tightly packed in jars with a minimum volume of 5 liters. It is recommended to line the jars with straw, like barrels.
  2. Dilute the flour with water, add sugar, salt, stir.
  3. The solution is poured into the contents of the jar.
  4. The containers are kept for 7 days at 18 °C.
  5. Next, add liquid, remove the workpiece in the basement, refrigerator, canopy.

Soaked products are not stored in a warm room.

Pickled pears for the winter: recipes

Soaked pears at home with lingonberries

For the lingonberry recipe you will need:

  • 10 kg of fruit;
  • 0,5 kg of lingonberries;
  • 10 L of water;
  • 10 teaspoons of curdled milk;
  • currant leaves, spices to taste;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon mustard powder.

Prepare according to this scheme:

  1. In rows, fruits and lingonberries are laid out in an enameled bucket or pan, after one. Part of the rows is shifted with currant leaves.
  2. Mix water, salt, mustard, yogurt.
  3. Fill the container with the solution.
  4. Insist 10 days.
  5. Transfer for storage to the basement, canopy or other suitable place.

Soaked fruits prepared with this method may have a sour taste.

Important! Spices can be added to the fill, between the layers of fruit. The main thing is to avoid bitter tastes, otherwise the product will be inedible.

Recipe for pickled pears at home with honey

To prepare pickled pears with honey, you will need the following products:

  • 10 kg of pears;
  • 5 L of water;
  • 200 g of honey, it is permissible to replace it with 300 g of sugar;
  • 100 g salt;
  • 200 g flour, preferably rye.

It is advised to prepare 0,5 kg of straw to line the container with it. Preparation involves the following steps:

  1. Line the bottom and sides of the dishes with scalded washed straw.
  2. Place the pears carefully in rows in a pot, barrel, bucket or jar. Put oppression.
  3. Dissolve honey and salt in hot water. Mix with rye flour. Boil.
  4. Pour the cooled liquid over the pears. Leave for 1 week at a temperature of 20 degrees.
  5. Then for 9 days move to a room with a temperature of 15 degrees.
  6. Then put away for storage.
  7. After 5 weeks, the product is ready for use.

The best place to store barrels, buckets of pickled fruit is the basement.

Pickled pears for the winter: recipes

Soaked pears in jars in rye must

To prepare the blank, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5–10 kg of pear;
  • 10 L of water;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 150 g salt;
  • 100 g of rye malt.

Soaked pears are prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. Fruit washed with water is placed in barrels in layers. Between them it is desirable to place straw, or currant or cherry leaves.
  2. The barrel is closed with bottoms with holes.
  3. Cool water dilute malt, salt, sugar.
  4. The solution is boiled, cooled.
  5. They fill them with pears.
  6. Barrels are kept at a temperature of 18 degrees for a week, removing foam every day.
  7. The must is added as needed.
  8. Barrels clog, clean in the basement.

After 1 month, fermentation will end and the product will be ready for use.

Important! If necessary, it is permissible to eat a dish that has not fully matured. Store only fully fermented fruit.

Reviews of soaked pears

Ilyina Natalya Borisovna, 48 years old, Surgut
I’m bad at writing reviews, but I’m good at giving advice. Soaked pears taste better if you add cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, vanilla to the jar, even when the recipe does not provide for this. I always do this myself.
Romanov Sergey Viktorovich, 32 years old, St. Petersburg
This year I tried to buy and soak different fruits and berries. Prepared apples, pears, lingonberries, blueberries. Most of all I liked pears with honey. I’ll do it again next year.
Grigoriev Igor Konstantinovich, Moscow
There was a big harvest, the wife preserved the pears in different ways. Jam, jam, soaked whole fruits a little. Made with curdled milk. It turned out to be an unusual dish. But they ate it in less than a month. Next year I will collect all the pears so that not a single one is lost.

Pickled pears for the winter: recipes

Terms and conditions of storage

It is easy to save harvested fruits by following these rules:

  • a dark place is best for storage;
  • coolness will extend the shelf life of the product;
  • if a dish in jars can be put in the refrigerator, then barrels, tubs and buckets are not kept in the rooms;
  • in the presence of cellars, hallways, cold hallways, canned fruits are stored there.

The total shelf life of the finished product is 6 months. Sterilization and refrigeration increase shelf life.

Important! There is an opinion that a fully cured product will be preserved at room temperature. This is only possible within 1-2 weeks. Then sourness will begin, mold will appear.


Cooking soaked pears for the winter is quite simple. It is enough to show patience, stock up on the necessary products. Next is the matter of technology. First, about an hour of work, then a month of waiting and stocks were replenished with an interesting, tasty dish that delights the whole family.

pears for the winter recipe.

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