Pickled Green Tomatoes with Garlic Recipe

Very often, tomatoes do not have time to ripen, and you have to quickly figure out how to process the harvested crop of green fruits. By themselves, green tomatoes have a bitter taste and not very pronounced taste. To emphasize it, strong aromatic and flavoring additives are often used. For example, you can cook wonderful pickled green tomatoes with garlic. Garlic taste will make the workpiece spicy and spicy. Let’s look at the possible options for preparing such tomatoes.

Pickled Green Tomatoes with Garlic Recipe

Recipe for Pickled Tomatoes with Garlic and Herbs

To make this savory appetizer, we need the following ingredients:

  • unripe tomatoes – two kilograms;
  • red hot pepper – five pods;
  • fresh parsley – one large bunch;
  • celery – one bunch;
  • sprigs of fresh dill – one bunch;
  • garlic – one medium head;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking pickled tomatoes with garlic is as follows:

  1. Tomatoes are washed and cut crosswise to the middle of the fruit.
  2. Greens are washed under running water, dried and finely chopped with a knife. Bitter pepper is cleaned of seeds, core is removed and cut into small pieces. Garlic is peeled and passed through a special press. Everything is combined in one container and mixed with salt.
  3. The tomatoes are stuffed with the resulting mixture. Vegetables are immediately laid out in a prepared jar or plastic container. The container is closed with a lid and left in a warm room. In such conditions, tomatoes should be at least two weeks.
  4. During this time, the tomatoes will release juice, and the fermentation process will begin. In two weeks, tomatoes can already be tasted.
  5. For storage, a ready-made tomato is suitable for any cold room or refrigerator.

Pickled Green Tomatoes with Garlic Recipe


Attention! The taste qualities of pickled tomatoes are preserved for a month. Further, the taste of the workpiece will become less pronounced. Therefore, it is advisable to consume tomatoes within 30.

Pickled tomatoes in a saucepan with garlic

Green pickled tomatoes are the perfect addition to any holiday table. Such a spicy-sour snack will surely please your loved ones. Fresh herbs, which are part of the recipe, will give the preparation a special flavor. Pickled tomatoes go well with almost any dish. Following the recipe below, you can cook this delicious appetizer very simply and quickly.

To prepare pickled green tomatoes in a saucepan, prepare the following components:

  • slightly whitened or brown tomatoes – 35 pieces;
  • fresh parsley and dill;
  • black and allspice peas;
  • Bay leaf.

Pickled Green Tomatoes with Garlic Recipe

Stuffing for stuffing tomatoes is prepared from:

  • red bell pepper – five pieces;
  • hot red pepper – whole or half;
  • garlic – one head;
  • fresh parsley – one bunch;
  • dill sprigs – one bunch.

To prepare the brine, you need to take:

  • clean water – two liters;
  • edible salt – half a glass;
  • table or apple cider vinegar – 250 milliliters;
  • granulated sugar – a glass.

Pickled Green Tomatoes with Garlic Recipe

The process of preparing a savory snack:

  1. The first step is to prepare the filling. To do this, wash and clean sweet and hot peppers. Garlic is also peeled, and parsley and dill are washed under running water. All this is placed in a blender bowl and rubbed well. Everything, the fragrant stuffing for tomatoes is ready. Such a spicy mixture goes well with sour green tomatoes.
  2. Tomatoes must be thoroughly washed and cut in half, but not completely. We will fill this cut with the stuffing prepared earlier.
  3. With a teaspoon, spread the spicy filling into the cut fruits. Remember that the composition contains hot peppers, and it can get on your hands. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap after preparation. You can also use rubber gloves.
  4. Stuffed tomatoes are tightly laid out in a clean prepared pan (enamelled). Between the rows of vegetables, you need to put a few sprigs of dill and parsley. Also add bay leaf and peppercorns (black and allspice).
  5. The marinade must be prepared in advance, as it must cool. To do this, all the necessary ingredients are combined in one saucepan and brought to a boil.
  6. The brine cooled to room temperature is poured over green fruits. The pan is covered with a lid of a smaller diameter and oppression is set. Any container filled with water is suitable for this.
  7. Store this snack in a cool place. Already after 7 days it will be possible to try the workpiece.

Pickled Green Tomatoes with Garlic Recipe

Advice! Pickled tomatoes with garlic go well with meat dishes and potatoes. Such an appetizer is suitable for both a festive and everyday table.


These are wonderful blanks that can be made from ordinary unripe fruits. We are sure that at least one of the recipes for pickled green tomatoes you liked. Be sure to cook delicious and fragrant tomatoes with pepper and garlic. Moreover, fermenting them is easy. In winter, such snacks scatter with a bang.

Spicy green tomatoes stuffed with herbs and garlic. Cooking with Oksana Valerievna.

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