Pickled garlic, onion honey, or maybe tincture? Try home recipes to strengthen your immunity!
Pickled garlic, onion honey, or maybe tincture? Try home recipes to strengthen your immunity!

Our grandmothers willingly used proven recipes based on natural ingredients, which they prepared based on garlic or honey. Nowadays, despite a wide selection of preparations that strengthen the immune system, trusted recipes are experiencing a renaissance.

Homemade syrups, when used daily, not only contribute to an increase in immunity, but also support the fight against flu and colds when we get sick.

Syrups to increase immunity

  • garlic syrup

Squeeze the peeled 2 heads of garlic through the press, pour a glass of boiled, but lukewarm water. Then season with the juice of 2 lemons and 3 tablespoons of honey. stir up. After 2 hours, pour the strained liquid into a bottle or jar. Use XNUMX times a day.

  • Pickled garlic

Use the pickle of cucumbers to pour 40 grams of garlic cloves cut in half. Keep in a large jar for two weeks, then pour the contents into smaller jars, thanks to which the supply of syrup will not spoil. Store in the refrigerator. In order to avoid infection, use a little liquid with garlic once a day, and in case of colds, 3 times a day.

  • ginger syrup

To make this syrup, you need a rhizome the size of a tennis ball. Cut into thin slices, pour 3 tablespoons of boiled water and a teaspoon of wine vinegar. Sprinkle with 2 cups of sugar. Stir and heat, but do not bring to a boil. When a thick syrup forms, let it cool. Use a teaspoon 2 times a day.

  • Onion honey

Grate a glass of onion, combine in a 1:1 ratio with honey. Wait an hour and boil, strain, pour into a jar. Drink after spreading a teaspoon of the mixture in warm milk or water in the morning and evening.

Strengthening drinks

  • Raspberry and ginger juice

Cut the ginger root into small slices, add 1/2 liter of water, simmer for 20 minutes. Cool down, strain. Add raspberry juice to taste. Drink a warmed drink every evening.

  • Lemon with honey

In the evening, juice squeezed from half a lemon rich in vitamin C, pour a glass of lukewarm water, season with a tablespoon of honey. Drink on the second day before the first meal.

  • Milk potion

Add a little butter or garlic to milk sweetened with honey, drink before bedtime.

  • Strengthening tincture for adults

Prepare the tincture on the basis of ripe quince fruit. Crush the fruit, add sugar, and then store for several hours in a place where the mixture will not be exposed to direct light. After the indicated time, pour the juice, mix with water, add honey and lemon juice. Finally, combine with spirit in a ratio of 1:3.

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